Time In A Bottle by Kitana Tsukino-hime

A Mother & Brother's Lesson

Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Takahashi-san. I as the Authoress of TIAB make no claim to it.

Proverbial Challenge, 2015

Prompt: Careless talk costs lives.

Word Count: 590

Week: January 30, 2015

Though there and just as quickly gone again, the young Miko had caught Sesshomaru's smile. And held the all too rare gesture to her. Thoroughly chastened, Shippo spent the rest of the day in quiet contemplation. Inuyasha though, spent the time pouting like a pup, when Kagome chose to completely ignore him. Sesshomaru could only inwardly smirk as Inuyasha sulked while the Miko chose to make her point by pretending he wasn't there.

He admired the kit's choice to truly take heed and absorb his adoptive mother's wisdom in silence. Though ningen, the Miko had done well in raising him. Turning to Sesshomaru himself, when it came to the things she couldn't teach. In regard to Shippo's Youkai nature. As such, the young Kitsune was well on his way to achieving his second of nine tails. It was only a matter of time.

Sesshomaru wasn't quite done with Inuyasha himself, though. His time would come later that evening. There were things to be said. Lessons the whelp would learn the hard way. Courtesy of his elder brother... Later that night as they made camp, Sesshomaru pulled Inuyasha aside and away.

Saying, “Come Inuyasha, we must speak.” though his words were quiet, they all knew it wasn't a request.

Still sulking, Inuyasha followed Sesshomaru's retreating back into the forest. Kagome had a feeling, but chose not to interfere. Knowing Sesshomaru wouldn't harm Inuyasha. Too badly anyway... Once they were far enough away, Sesshomaru spun to face Inuyasha. His clawed hand flashing out in a lethal slap. As his younger sibling's head snapped to the right, Sesshomaru began to speak. Inuyasha's raised voice cutting him off.

“Ow! What the fuck, bastard?” Inuyasha snarled.

Sesshomaru pinched the bridge of his nose, an outward sign of his mounting irritation. And prayed to the Kami for patience.

“Are you really such a fool, Inuyasha?” Sesshomaru questioned, instead.

“What the...” the confused hanyou began.

“Even your instincts, halved though they may be should still be paramount!” Sesshomaru exploded.

“While you were indulging foolish and pointless whims, the pack could have easily been attacked. Did you ever consider that?” the Daiyoukai continued on.

“It was the middle of the damn day!” Inuyasha shot back.

“One never knows when or where an enemy may strike next.” Sesshomaru countered.

“Listen bastard...” the hanyou seethed.

“No, you listen, whelp.” the Daiyoukai began.

“An Alpha's first and most sacred duty is to see to the health, welfare, and protection of his or her pack!” Sesshomaru snarled.

“A duty you seem to fail miserably at.” Sesshomaru went on.

“Too consumed with your childish fits and infighting.” the Daiyoukai paused for breath.

Pulling a tight rein on his flaring youki and his control.

“When will you finally realize its not all about you. Or about the things you want.” Sesshomaru began once more.

“And that careless actions, like careless talk... can cost lives!” the Daiyoukai finished, heatedly.

Inuyasha found himself stunned into an almost eerie silence. Never had he heard his brother, a Daiyoukai speak so passionately about anything... Never. Until now it seemed. While still attempting to process that. The hanyou received another shock as Sesshomaru spoke once more.

“Defend yourself, half-breed. I challenge you for the right of Alpha over the pack.” Sesshomaru said, his voice calm and almost cool once more.

Inuyasha sputtered, stunned once more. His brother had said pack. Not packs. He sought to claim Alpha status over a fully whole merged pack.