One Winter's Journey by Kitana Tsukino-hime

One Winter's Journey

Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Takahashi-san. I as the Authoress of OWJ make no claim to it. Nor do I make any claim to Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.

Dokuga Holiday Exchange, 2014

Title: One Winter's Journey

Author: Kitana Tsukino-hime

Recipient: Miss Katt

Prompt: "If you haven't got any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble." -Bob Hope

Dear Journal,

Today is December 8th, the Christmas season is in full swing. Even back home in modern day Tokyo. We are still on the hunt for the Arachnid Hanyou, Naraku. We dealt him a heavy blow during our last skirmish. So, he was forced to retreat and heal. As such, we, the Inu-tachi are currently in a peaceful lull. This time of year is bittersweet for me. For my father, the one I inherited my cobalt blue eyes from, an American businessman, who fell for my mother during their early years at Tokyo University, was killed in a head on collision twelve years ago, today...

It was there, Kagome paused in her nightly journal writing. As her heart twisted in painful recollection of that day. Though at the time she was only six, Kagome, if she let herself, could recall the day her family's life was torn asunder, with stark and vivid clarity. None of her friends from Sengoku Jidai knew that painful fact about Kagome's past, save Miroku & Sango. Kagome never feeling safe enough to reveal it to anyone else. Not even Inuyasha. And not wanting to hurt Shippo, the little Kitsune Youkai who'd become her son in all but blood. Knowing it would only trigger memories of the loss of her kit's own father.

Despite that, Kagome loved this time of year. Having grown up in a household that seamlessly blended the Japanese & American holiday traditions. Even after the death of Kagome's father, Micheal. With that thought in mind, as she settled down to sleep, Kagome decided she would try to bring back some pieces of those traditions to her friends here in the Feudal Era. On her next trip home the following day. Little did Kagome know, Fate had something even more shocking waiting for her...

The morning dawned bright, clear, crisp, and cold. Kagome, used to these Feudal winters after three years, had switched out her seifuku for jeans, turtle necks, thick sweaters, and winter boots after her first winter in Sengoku Jidai. In the spring and summer she had taken to wearing cheongsam dresses.

Something that was, “Far more fitting for her station as the Shikon no Miko.” Or so Sesshomaru had said. After a grudging alliance had been forged between their packs in the hunt for the Spider. Though the dresses still allowed for freedom of movement during their battles. It seemed to Kagome that Sesshomaru was still as cool and aloof as ever. The one bright spot being his young ward Rin. Kagome often wondered how such a sweet, innocent little girl came under the care of the Aristocratic Assassin, in the first place.

“But enough musing and laying about, I have things to do today.” Kagome said, quietly to herself.

Moving quietly behind the shoji screen, careful not to wake the others in Kaede's hut, Kagome quickly shed her warm, fluffy, winter pj’s. Slipping on some dark wash jeans, a white turtle neck, and a sweater the same shade as her eyes. As she pulled on winter socks and her boots, Kagome was glad to have bathed in the nearby hot spring the night before. Knowing it would be far too cold to risk a bath this morning. As she headed for the main room of Kaede's hut, Kagome got the strangest feeling. Unable to explain it, the Miko shook it off. Kagome found Kaede already awake, and calmly sipping her morning tea.

“Ohayou gozaimasu, Kaede-sama.” Kagome said, accepting a cup of tea from the elder Miko.

“Good morrow to ye as well, child.” Kaede said, smiling over her cup at the young woman.

“So, ye will be leaving us today?” Kaede mused.

“Hai, Kaede-sama, though only for a few days.” Kagome replied.

The elder Miko nodded in understanding. Having packed the evening before, Kagome slung her backpack over her shoulder. Then did the same with her quiver of arrows, before grabbing her bow.

“Pass my goodbyes to the others, Onegai, Kaede-sama.” Kagome finished.

As Kaede gave another nod, the younger Miko strode from the hut headed for the Bone-Eater's Well. Though she knew he wouldn't be there, Kagome looked to the roof of Kaede's hut for Inuyasha, anyway. As expected, he wasn't there. Though she had long since laid her girlish crush on him to rest, Kagome still often worried over her Hanyou friend. Though she knew Inuyasha would deem it ridiculous for her to worry over him...

She worried, anyway. Especially given his penchant for recklessness. In the three years since Kagome's journey into the past began, she had become a force to be reckoned with in her own right. Learning to harness and wield her reiki, expertly. Even without the use of her bow. Thanks surprisingly, to the help of her lecherous Houshi friend, Miroku.

Along with that refined skill and her mastery of archery, Kagome had taken to learning hand-to-hand combat and swordplay from her heart's sister, Sango. Though as yet, Kagome didn't have any weapons that were solely hers... Something she hoped to rectify upon her return to Sengoku Jidai.

Upon reaching the Bone-Eater's Well, Kagome dove into the blue stream of magick that was the time-stream. That led five hundred years into the future, returning home. Unknowing that this return would be unlike any she had made, thus far. As the magick of the well set her gently down, once more in her own time, Kagome climbed lithely from the depths of the well, using the ladder her Jii-chan had newly built, so Kagome didn't have to rely on the vines within the well, anymore.

Upon pushing open the shoji door to the well house, Kagome's senses were brushed by a strangely very familiar aura. Not the first Youkai aura Kagome had sensed in even this time. Once she had actively begun harnessing her powers and knew what to look for. Youkai and Hanyou having integrated into human society by using a glamour to appear human. At least to the majority of people. Kagome had found she could see beneath the glamour when she focused on the individual, if she chose. A by-product of her Miko abilities Kagome was sure.

But of all her friends and allies in the past, Kagome never expected the first demon she actually knew, coming here to be him... She carefully swept her gaze over the shrine grounds. Kagome soon spotting him partially hidden in the shade of the Goshinboku. She easily saw beneath his glamour. But he was not alone, perched on his hip was the unmistakable form of a Kitsune hanyou. For a moment, Kagome stared in stunned silence. Then, his name slipped passed her lips before she could stop herself.

Sesshomaru-sama...” Kagome breathed.

Two pairs of eyes locked on her face. One, golden and sharp, yet somehow inexplicably warm as they regarded her. The other, the unmistakably emerald hue of her own kit's eyes. Yet, Kagome knew it couldn't possibly be Shippo. Her adopted son, a full-blooded Kitsune Youkai. Kagome approached the pair carefully as though she were in a trance.

“How is it you of all people are here, Sesshomaru-sama?” Kagome began.

Why are you here?” She continued, still floored by what or should she say, who she was standing mere inches away from, outside her own home.

Before the Daiyoukai could reply to the obviously perplexed Miko, the kit at his hip voiced a question that nearly made Kagome's jaw go slack. Not due to the question itself, but rather the honorific the child gave Sesshomaru.

“Ojii-sama, is that her?” the kit asked.

“Hai, Raiden, it is she.” Sesshomaru said, affection Kagome could actually hear, when Sesshomaru said the kit's name in the Daiyoukai's voice. Her gaze jumped to Sesshomaru's face. As it did, Kagome noted the unmistakeable shape of a waning crescent on the little hanyou's forehead, but it was the color that gave her pause. It was the same hue as Kagome's own reiki. Until that moment, Kagome had assumed that only noble Youkai bore such markings of their heritage.

“Ojii-sama?” Kagome questioned, this whole moment seeming very surreal to the Miko.

“Hai, Kagome-sama,” Sesshomaru began.

“As I am sure you are aware I cannot reveal all, except to say that upon your return to Sengoku Jidai, your skills, open heart, and strength shall be sorely needed.” Sesshomaru continued.

“I am only here to ensure the past melds to ensure the future as it stands now.” He went on.

“In your own ojii-san's study you shall find a scroll that will hold the answer to the question you have been pondering.” Sesshomaru finished.

“Nani?” “How did you...” Kagome began.

“Trust me, Miko.” the Daiyoukai said.

With those final words, Sesshomaru calmly walked off her family's property, the little kit looking back over his shoulder to smile at Kagome.

And strangely, though it made no sense, Kagome found she did trust Sesshomaru. Both his past and his seemingly gentler modern self. Having no real explanation as yet for the odd encounter, Kagome chose to put it out of her mind for the time being. Fate obviously would have it's way, in any case. With that thought in mind, Kagome walked toward the house.

Sliding open the back door, she called out, “Tadaima, okaa-san.” she said.

“In the living room, Kagome-chan.” her mother called back. Kagome found her mother placing fresh flowers near the small family shrine. A wistful, bittersweet smile gracing Aiko's face as she stared at a picture of Kagome's father. Walking toward her, Kagome pressed her face against her mother's back, hugging her tightly. Turning, Aiko embraced her daughter, speaking into Kagome's hair.

“Your otou-san would be so proud of the woman you have become, Kagome-chan.” Aiko said.

“I would hope so, mama.” Kagome replied with a small smile.

The young Miko glad to be home again. And with those words, Kagome headed upstairs to grab her coat and purse before heading back downstairs and to the kitchen, finding her mother at the sink washing dishes. As her mother washed, Kagome began to dry and put them away. As they worked, Kagome spoke.

“Mama, I want to bring some of our Christmas traditions, back to my friends in the Feudal Era.” she began.

“That sounds like a wonderful idea, Kagome.” Aiko replied.

Now the question was, how exactly did she begin to do that...?

The simplest way, Kagome figured, was to get her Feudal family presents.

As she finished putting away the last of the dishes, Kagome went on.

“I think I'll start by doing some gift shopping.” She said.

With a heartfelt goodbye for Aiko, Kagome borrowed her mother's car, headed for the mall in Shibuya.

For Miroku she found a calligraphy set with an Old World quill pen. For her heart's sister Sango, Kagome found a cashmere scarf the same shade of rose pink as the Tyja's slayer uniform. For Inuyasha, the Miko found a Swiss army knife to make his skinning and deboning easier. When the group had to hunt meals on their travels. For Shippo, Kagome found a sketchbook and a set of artist quality colored pencils. Her kit's talent improving day by day.

For the now preteen Rin, Kagome found two winter furisode. The first the shade of Sakura blossoms, stitched with pale rose colored flowers at the edge of the sleeves and hem. And around the collar, with a matching pale pink obi. The second, the same Prussian indigo of her noble guardian's crest, stitched with silver crescent moons across the left shoulder and down to the hem. As well as around the edges of the sleeves. With a matching silver obi. Then Kagome struck gold, finding a pair of black boots much like Sesshomaru's, except for a girl. Insulated with soft black faux fur.

Knowing she wouldn't find the last gift she sought at a mall, Kagome loaded her purchases in the trunk and left Shibuya, heading back toward home. As she drove, Kagome found herself drawn to a small out-of-the-way antique shop. Pulling into the parking lot, she put the car in park. Climbing out of the car, she locked the door. And put the keys in her purse. Stepping into the dimly lit interior, the bell above the door chimed softly.

“I'll be with you in a moment, dear.” The voice of an elderly woman called from the back of the shop. While she waited, Kagome let her cobalt gaze drift over the displays in the shop. Not knowing precisely what she was searching for. But knowing she would know it once she saw it.

“How may I help you, child?” Keiko asked as she came back to the front of her shop.

“I'd like to just look around, if that's alright?” Kagome replied.

“Of course, let me know if I can help you find anything.” Keiko said.

With that, Kagome began drifting through the shop. Following an inexplicable pull. It was tucked away beneath a sheet in a small back corner. With a gentle tug the sheet fell away. To reveal a lovely oil painting. The subjects of which pulled a gasp from the young Miko.

It was a young Sesshomaru with Touga-sama and a Kijo-hime with the same Prussian moon crest.

She must be Sesshomaru's mother...” Kagome thought, stunned.

It had to be priceless, and yet, somehow it ended up here in this small antique shop.

“Excuse me, but how much for this painting?” Kagome asked, quietly.

“I wondered who would eventually take this particular piece home.” Keiko mused.

“Its a gift for someone I know.” Kagome said.

With a nod Keiko called her husband.

“Kin, come help me with the painting, please.” Keiko said.

“Coming, my koi.”An elderly man said as he came down a flight of stairs, Kagome just noticed.

Kin carefully lifted the painting taking it to the front counter, where his wife began painstakingly wrapping it to protect it during transport.

Watching the couple, Kagome couldn't fail to notice the love that shone between them. As strong, she imagined, as when they first met many years ago.

“How much, ma'am?” Kagome asked once more.

“Five thousand nine hundred and thirty three yen, child.” Keiko replied.

Kagome was shocked, and it showed when she next spoke.

“Surely, it must be worth far more than that.” Kagome mused.

The couple just smiled mysteriously at the young Miko.

“It is, of course.” Keiko began.

“But I have a feeling it is finally going where it belongs.” Keiko finished.

Though confused, Kagome paid the requested amount. Following Kin out to her car. As the gentleman carefully carried the portrait for her. Unlocking the car, Kagome had Kin lay the painting gently in the back seat.

“Thank you, sir.” “May the Kami bless you both.” Kagome said to Kin as she climbed into the driver's seat.

“And you, child.” Kin replied, before walking back to the shop.

As she drove home, Kagome couldn't believe her luck. Now she just had to hope Sesshomaru would accept her gift.

After she pulled in the drive and cut the engine, Kagome called out to her mother.

“Mama, can you come help me with something, please?”

Hearing Kagome's voice, Aiko came out front just as her daughter was unlocking the door to the driver's side back seat.

With her mother's help Kagome carefully brought the painting inside and upstairs to her room.

While she had been gone, Kagome's mother had brought down and laid out the family's Christmas gift wrap, boxes, bows, labels, and trusty Scotch tape.

“Thanks, mom.” Kagome said, upon seeing it all.

“No problem, dear.” Aiko said as Kagome headed back downstairs and out front for the rest.

Unlocking the trunk, Kagome quickly brought everything else inside and upstairs, before locking the trunk and the car and handing the keys back to her mother.

As Kagome began heading back up to her room, Aiko spoke.

“When your done, sweetheart, I have a few things for you, myself.” Her mother said.

“Okay.” Kagome replied, before sequestering herself in her room for the next two hours.

Carefully wrapping and labeling each present. Once finished, Kagome headed back downstairs. Finding her mother in the living room. With several presents stacked on the coffee table.

“Mom...?” Kagome ventured, confused.

“Most of these will help you on your journey in the past.” Aiko began.

“Which is why I'm giving them to you now.” She finished.

Understanding now, Kagome went to sit on the couch next to her mother. Settling down to begin opening her presents.

The first, a large, yet lightweight black leather messenger bag with several snap closure pockets at the sides and on the front. The second, a medium matching black leather backpack. Then, a rawhide leather pull cord satchel. With matching pull cord herb bags. Stitched in silver with the name of their contents on the front. A mix of dried as well as fresh healing medicinal herbs. Rolls of gauze, and natural healing ointments and poultices in various pottery jars and boxes. The names etched into the side of each jar or box.

Smiling, Aiko spoke. Shocking Kagome once more.

“The messenger bag, backpack, satchel, herb bags, jars, and boxes each have a spell on them to keep them protected from damage. The three bags also have a spell on them to keep them lightweight, regardless of what you need to carry.” Aiko began.

“The satchel, herb bags, pottery jars, and boxes also carry a spell to keep their contents fresh.”

Kagome turned to her mother, stunned.

“Mama, how did you...?” Kagome started.

With a laugh, Aiko interjected, before Kagome could finish voicing the question.

“You didn't honestly think you got your Miko abilities solely from being Kikyo's reincarnation or your silly jii-chan, did you?” Aiko finished, with a smile.

Kagome could only shake her head, bemused. She should stop being surprised by anything her mother does or can do to help her and Souta. Its who her mother was, plain and simple.

“We can finally put your poor yellow backpack out of it's misery.” Her mother quipped.

That pulled a giggle from Kagome.

The last two presents were much smaller. Making Kagome wonder what they must be.

“These are just for you, Kagome.” “But I hope you like them.” Aiko said, with a smile.

Opening the first, Kagome found an antique silver hair comb inlaid with sapphires. The second, held a matching silver sapphire tear drop pendant necklace. With happy tears in her eyes, Kagome reached across the couch to hug her mother.

“Mama, their beautiful...” She began.

“Thank you, so much.” Kagome said, with a happy sigh.

Kagome carefully put the hair comb back in it's box as Aiko helped her daughter slip on the pendant.

With one more hug for her mother, Kagome took all her new presents carefully upstairs.

Then, she set about packing up the presents for her Feudal family in her messenger bag. Fresh clothes, her brush, and her natural soap, and shampoo & conditioner in her new backpack. Having learned to make her own in order to save some money. Along with a few books, hair scrunchies, the box with her new lovely hair comb, and feminine essentials. Once that was done, Kagome packed up the herbs and such in what she now termed her Miko's satchel. Leaving it all neatly stacked at the foot of her bed.

Kagome then headed back downstairs to the kitchen. Knowing her mother would have replenished her stock of what Inuyasha termed, her “ninja food”. Along with those things, Kagome found a small bag of chocolate pocky, for Shippo, And a brand new cat nip mouse toy for Kirara. Seeing them, Kagome smiled to herself. Her mother never left anyone out.

Bringing it all upstairs to her room, Kagome carefully repacked her messenger bag. Remembering what the modern Sesshomaru had told her, Kagome then headed across the hall to her jii-chan's study. Finding the Daiyoukai's unique youki signature on a particular scroll, Kagome gently took it from the shelf and back to her own room. Deciding she would ponder exactly 'how & when”, Sesshomaru got into her house, much less her jii-chan's study later.

Settling comfortably on her bed, Kagome slowly unrolled the scroll. Reading over it carefully. Not wanting to make any mistakes and risk harming Shippo. You see, Kagome had been searching for a way to tie herself and her son together by blood, if it was possible. Shippo was already the son of Kagome's heart. But she knew the little kit wanted a stronger tie to her. The woman he had seen as his mother since the first day they met. When Kagome & Inuyasha had helped Shippo avenge his father and saved him from the Thunder Brothers.

And here in this single scroll were the answers Kagome had long sought. Not only was it, in fact, possible. The process itself seemed fairly simple. Once Kagome was sure she understood what needed to be done, she carefully rerolled the scroll taking it back to her jii-chan's study. Putting it back where she found it. As Kagome settled in with a new book for a leisurely hour of reading, She was glad that high school was now firmly behind her. Despite, her sojourns into the past, Kagome had made it through with excellent marks. Meaning, when she was ready, college was something fairly attainable. As long as she studied hard. Something Kagome would happily do.

After several lengthy discussions with her mom and jii-chan, Kagome had decided to wait until her quest in the past was complete to attend university. So that she wouldn't have to try and split her focus between both goals. About a quarter through her book, Kagome heard the backdoor downstairs slide open. Meaning her brother was home from middle school. Not having been home for awhile Kagome went downstairs to meet Souta.

He was just getting a plate of cookies and a glass of milk from their mother, when he spotted her. Setting them down on the counter, Souta made a beeline for Kagome.

“Onee-chan!” he shouted.

Gripping her tightly he nuzzled her. Kagome couldn't help but to smile. Souta had grown so much. He now reached her chest in height. Where had the time gone...? Fighting a lump in her throat, Kagome ruffled her brother's hair.

“Hey, Souta.” Kagome said with a smile.

“How long will you be home, Kagome?” Souta asked.

“Just one more day.” His sister replied.

At that, Souta's face fell. Though he understood the responsibility Kagome carried.

“In that case, how about I make your favorite tonight and we bake Christmas cookies tomorrow...?” Aiko asked.

“Oden & gingerbread cookies...?” Kagome questioned.

Aiko nodded her head.

“Yay!” Kagome said, doing a small happy dance.

Souta just shook his head. Some things about his sister would never change. And for that, Souta was grateful. He knew Kagome could always be counted on.

That night, after a delicious dinner and a nice warm bath, Kagome drifted into a peaceful sleep. Happy to be in her own bed. She woke early, spending the day in the yard carving and stringing wooden ornaments. Thanks to lessons from Shippo. Kagome also made popcorn strings. Coating the popcorn pieces in clear coat to keep them from breaking and to keep them fresh. Once finished, Kagome brought her decorations inside. Carefully packing them in her messenger bag. Aiko also gave her daughter two dozen battery operated LED candles for the tree Kagome hoped to find upon her return to Sengoku Jidai.

Later that afternoon Kagome helped Aiko bake and ice three dozen gingerbread cookies. Saving the final dozen for her Feudal family. Placing the cookies in a woven basket, Kagome wrapped them in red cellophane, adding a pretty matching bow. Before packing it gently in her messenger bag.

Kagome then spent the rest of the evening before dinner practicing her archery and meditating. After another lovely home cooked meal and a good night's rest, Kagome woke early the next morning. Ready to get back to her quest. Gathering her things, and with one final hug for her mother, Kagome dove into the well. Heading back to the past. Just before the time-stream swept her up, Kagome thought she heard the words, “Be safe, my Miko.” Like a whisper upon the wind.

As the magick set her down once more, Kagome made quick work of climbing out of well. Despite all that she carried. She found Inuyasha pacing as he waited for her, his expression etched with worry.

“Kagome, thank Kami.” Inuyasha exclaimed.

“We have to hurry.” “An illness has struck the village and Kaede-baa-chan needs your help.” the hanyou rushed on.

Taking Inuyasha at his word, Kagome channeled reiki to her feet. Easily keeping pace with the hanyou as they raced back to Edo together. Setting down everything but her Miko's satchel, quiver of arrows, and her bow, Kagome got right to work helping Kaede-sama. Kagome worked tirelessly for the next five days to heal the people of the village alongside Kaede. Thankfully, the younger Miko had arrived just in time. So, no lives were lost. Though several villagers would be weak for awhile yet.

The next day, as she rested and relaxed Kagome explained to Shippo what she had learned. As well as explaining the traditions of Christmas to her friends. Wrangling Inuyasha into helping her find and cut down the “perfect” tree. Which she, Sango, Shippo, and Miroku then proceeded to decorate. Before Kagome placed all the gifts she'd brought beneath it. Once done, Kagome asked Shippo if he wanted to try what the scroll had spoken of. The little Kitsune nodded his head.

Surrounded by their family, Kagome pricked her finger, making a small cut where Shippo's right shoulder met his neck. As their blood blended, Kagome's reiki and Shippo's youki rose uniting and brightening. So much, the group had to shield their eyes. When the light faded, a rosy purple teardrop rested between Shippo's brows. And in the place where the cut had been was a matching teardrop at the heart of which was a forest green oak leaf. It had worked. Shippo was now Kagome's son in all ways.

They were all happily shocked. None more so than Inuyasha. For he knew, to have a crest like that Shippo's bloodline must be of Daiyoukai strength. Only they ever bore such crests upon their brows.

“Hahaue...” Shippo breathed, nuzzling happily into Kagome's lap.

“Mai, musuko.” Kagome said, stroking her son's hair.

Sango and Miroku looked on with smiles upon their faces.

Then, Inuyasha spoke.

“Well, I'll be damned, runt...” he began.

“One day, you'll be a Daiyoukai, just like my bastard half-brother.” Inuyasha finished.

The hanyou realizing far too late what he had said. As his ears fell back against his head.

“Inuyasha...” Kagome's voice trailed off for a moment.

“Sit!” the Miko said, sharply.

The group laughing good naturedly as hanyou met dirt. But it was the next day, December 17th. That would irrevocably change all their lives forever. Shortly before dawn, a pain-filled, desperate howl rent the once calm pre-dawn hours. They all knew without question who voiced that desperate call for aid.

The only question now was, why...? For once, Inuyasha let his heart instead of his ego lead as he howled a response. Letting Sesshomaru know both he and Kagome were on their way with due haste. The bond between the brothers having improved markedly in the time of their alliance.

As Kagome and Inuyasha raced to intercept his brother, Kagome prayed to every Kami she knew that what she feared would prove untrue. There was only one reason Kagome knew that Sesshomaru would seek them out like this. Something was terribly wrong with Rin. And they were the Daiyoukai's last resort. Kagome could only hope she was wrong.

Hopes that were dashed the minute she and Inuyasha came upon the pair. Sesshomaru stood in his true form, the little girl pale and limp upon her guardian's back. The Daiyoukai shifted back to his humanoid form, but one look at his crimson eyes let Kagome know Sesshomaru's beast was still in control. Even before he spoke.

Pup is ill and dying...” “Miko, alpha bitch must save her.

The same illness that had struck Edo had found sweet little Rin. She was so still in Sesshomaru's arms, she seemed far gone already. Kagome could only pray they weren't too late. The trio raced back toward Edo. Kagome couldn't help but wonder why Sesshomaru had waited so long to come to them.

As though reading her thoughts, Sesshomaru's beast spoke again.

Because pup's chichiue is Daiyoukai, no human help.” Sesshomaru's beast said.

His words tore a new wound in Kagome's heart.

Famous American, Bob Hope once said, “If you haven't got any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.”

In this moment, Kagome couldn't help but think the man had been right.

Watching Sesshomaru as they crested the hill into Edo, Kagome spoke.

“I swear, I'll do all I can to give your musume back to you.” the young Miko vowed.

Knowing Sesshomaru's instincts were at the fore, Kagome had everyone, but Shippo and the sleeping Kaede clear out. Seeing his little playmate so sick, Shippo's own protective instincts rose. He stayed close, but well out of Kagome's way, so she was free to work.

As soon as her reiki entered the little girl to begin her healing, Kagome knew she had been right. Rin was so far gone, her spirit was barely a flicker inside her. Kagome refused to let her shock show. Working meticulously from the inside out. She reached out with her own spirit. Calling Rin back from the brink. Though knowing a high price would be paid for cheating death.

The pain tore through Kagome. Stealing her breath, her eyes going wide and blind as she cried out. But she had done it. As Rin's eyes fluttered open, Kagome collapsed, unconscious. Sesshomaru's beast pillowing the Miko's head on his thigh. Before reluctantly ceding control back to his rational side.

Coming back to himself, Sesshomaru stared down at the Miko in his lap, stunned speechless for the first time in his very long life. This small slip of a ningen woman with more compassion than good sense had given his daughter back to him. Despite the risk and high cost to herself.

Seeing the crest upon the kit's forehead, Sesshomaru knew the Miko had claimed him in the way of Youkai. The same as he knew he would claim Rin, once she was strong enough. A crest that would become a waning crescent while retaining the shade of his mother's power. If the Miko became his mate.

They are ours.” his beast said, inside Sesshomaru's head. For once, both he and his beast were in perfect accord. That is, if the Miko accepted his offer of courtship. Both his daughter and Kagome would indeed be his.

As Sesshomaru spoke, Rin silently traced the stripes on his right wrist.

“Your hahaue is very strong, kit.” He began.

“With a noble and giving heart.” Sesshomaru went on.

As he spoke, Sesshomaru finally understood what his father had meant about having someone to protect.

Watching Sesshomaru gently stroke his mother's hair with his left hand, Shippo replied, “She is that and so much more, Sesshomaru-sama.”

Having heard Kagome scream, then silence, her family converged on Kaede's hut. Stopping dead in their tracks at the scene before them. Each knowing their lives were forever changed as Sesshomaru continued stroking their friend's hair. Unperturbed by their arrival. Kagome remained unconscious right up until the morning of the winter solstice. In that time, not once did Sesshomaru, Shippo, or Rin leave the Miko's side.

At her first cat-like stretch, Sesshomaru smiled. Pleased Kagome was finally waking up. After remaining still and pale as death for the past three days. Upon opening her eyes Kagome was so shocked by who she was staring up at, from his lap... That she panicked, scrambling to try to get out of the Daiyoukai's personal space. His smooth baritone voice stopping Kagome in her tracks.

“Be calm, Miko.” Sesshomaru began.

“You are exactly where your supposed to be, as long as you wish to be there.” He finished.

Kagome saw Shippo and Rin smiling at her a short distance away.

She settled back down, her head once more in Sesshomaru's lap. Confused but also strangely content.

“Our pack wanted to let their alpha female rest in peace, but they haven't gone far.” Sesshomaru said.

As he spoke, Sango poked her head in with a small wave. Kagome didn't fail to notice how Sesshomaru had said, “our” and not “your” pack.

“Tell me, Kagome...” He began.

“How did you learn of the Blood Claim Ceremony?” Sesshomaru finished.

She stared up at the Daiyoukai, stunned.

“You know my name...?” Kagome mused.

“Of course.” Sesshomaru said.

As though it was the most natural thing in the world. And maybe, just perhaps, it was. Sesshomaru never failed to notice things or people he deemed important.

“Its just so surreal, you've only ever addressed me by my title before.” Kagome went on.

“Things are much different now, if you will allow them to be.” Sesshomaru countered.

Sesshomaru then tapped Kagome's nose with a claw tipped finger.

“And you, my Miko, are avoiding the question.” He went on.

And there it was, the shift that had occurred between them. Kagome sat up slowly, Sesshomaru not allowing her to retreat too far from him. By retaining gentle possession of her hand.

“I doubt you would believe me, even if I told you.” She began

“And just what are you saying, Sesshomaru?” Kagome asked.

The Daiyoukai found himself pleased she had dropped his title.

“On the contrary, Kagome. When it comes to you, there is much I would believe.” the Daiyoukai quipped.

“I have watched you grow and blossom into a Miko and a warrior worthy of your predecessor, Midoriko. My brother may be your pack's physical strength, but it is to you they turn for love, care, and guidance.” Sesshomaru began.

“Your loving compassion knows no bounds, you judge others by their actions, not their bloodlines. When I had nearly lost all sense and hope you gave my daughter back to me. She is yours as much as mine now. I would gladly claim your kit in turn. Knowing you've raised him in the same noble way.” He went on.

“Who better to rule the West at my side. As my Lady, my mate, the mother of my pups. Higurashi Kagome, Shikon no Miko, will you accept my offer of courtship?” Sesshomaru finished.

By the end of his speech, Kagome couldn't stop smiling. Seen at last, in whole for who and what she was. Not who she had been. And by the most surprising individual of all. Though once Kagome let herself truly think about it, perhaps it did in fact make the most sense that it was Sesshomaru who truly saw her.

In answer, Kagome turned her hand, palm up, twining her fingers with Sesshomaru's as she spoke.

“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama, Tentei no Nishi, I, Higurashi Kagome accept your offer of courtship.” Kagome replied.

“I just hope you know what your getting into.” She went on.

“Yeah, don't go blaming me when imouto-chan drives you insane.” Inuyasha quipped, from outside the hut.

“Sit.” Kagome whispered with an impish smile as Inuyasha crashed into the ground.

“Alright, everybody, but Kaede and Rin out. This Miko wants a bath, and its too cold to go to the hot spring.” the Miko said.

Though reluctant to leave Kagome so soon, Sesshomaru stepped out with her son at his heels.

With the help of Kaede and a now fully healed Rin, Kagome was soon in a nice hot bath, quickly scrubbing clean before bundling into a plush winter robe and socks. While she debated what to wear.

Receiving a pleasant surprise when she opened her new backpack. At the top sat a new winter furisode. Much like the ones Kagome had bought for Rin. But it was pale white with a crimson honeycomb pattern at the shoulder and a Prussian blue obi. Letting Kagome know her mother had help acquiring this gift. As well as just how that scroll had ended up in her jii-chan's study.

Once more with the help of Kaede and Rin, Kagome was soon wearing her new furisode. Before brushing out her onyx tresses and sliding her new hair comb into place. Kagome then put on some pale silver eyeshadow, a light coat of mascara, black kohl eyeliner, and some pale pink lip gloss. Then, Kagome slid her feet into her winter boots. She was as ready as she would ever be to face her Feudal family and Sesshomaru, her mate-to-be.

“Kagome-sama looks so pretty.” little Rin gushed.

The child's innocent compliment settling Kagome's nerves.

“Let's hope your chichiue thinks so too.” Kagome whispered, taking Rin's small hand in hers.

With a deep breath, the young Miko stepped out of the hut with the little girl. Into the pale sunlight of a lovely December day.

Sesshomaru swept toward Kagome, the warmth, pride, and approval shining in his eyes warmed the young Miko down to her toes. As he tucked her gently beneath his shoulder, she settled Rin at her hip.

“Kirei, my Miko.” Sesshomaru said, stroking her cheek as they settled around the fire pit with the rest of the pack.

A contented purring growl vibrated through Sesshomaru's chest as he settled an adorably flustered Miko into his lap. Relaxing into his warmth, Kagome nuzzled the Daiyoukai's chest. As Rin and Shippo settled into her lap.

Looking around her, Kagome saw smiles on the faces of all of her family. Though shaking his head, even Inuyasha was smiling at them. Once he spoke the Miko knew why.

“Only you, Kagome, could manage to tame my brother.” the Hanyou mused.

“I am hardly tame, little brother.” Sesshomaru quipped, causing everyone to laugh.

A short time later, Kagome went to stand up, wanting to pass out the first of her Christmas goodies. A certain Daiyoukai wouldn't release the Miko.

“Sesshomaru, let me up.” Kagome began.

“I'm not going far, I just have some special treats to give everyone, that's all.” the Miko finished, softly.

Understanding, Sesshomaru released her.

“Before you begin that, my koi, there are some things I wish to do first.” Sesshomaru began.

Kagome turned a curious cobalt gaze on him. Rising with her, Sesshomaru tugged Kagome to the center of the circle near the fire.

He locked gazes with Inuyasha first, then Shippo, and each of her friends in turn.

“Before you, those my intended calls family, I Sesshomaru, declare my intent to court the Shikon no Miko, Higurashi Kagome.” The Daiyoukai intoned.

With a firm nod, it was Inuyasha who replied, “You have our blessing, my brother, Tentei no Nishi.”

Though confused, Kagome decided to let it go. And ask Sango about it later. Once that was done Sesshomaru gently brought Rin forward. Settling across from her, in much the same way, Kagome had previously done with Shippo. Taking the little girl's hand, the Daiyoukai spoke.

“Rin-chan, from our first days you showed no fear of this Sesshomaru. “ “Giving him caring even when he deliberately tried to frighten you away.” He began.

And there, the Daiyoukai paused to smile at Kagome.

“Much in the same way as a certain Miko we all know has often done.” Sesshomaru went on.

“Nothing would make me prouder than for you to bear the blood of the West and become my musume in truth, if that is your wish.” The Daiyoukai finished.

Happy tears made silent tracks down Rin's face, before the little girl took a deep breath and spoke.

“Chichiue, that has been my deepest heartfelt wish.” Rin said, with a watery smile.

At her words, Sesshomaru pricked one of his fingers with a claw, before making a small cut where Rin's right shoulder met her neck. Sesshomaru's youki rising as their blood mixed. Surprising them all, pale blue reiki rose from Rin to meet Sesshomaru's power. The light brightening sharply, before fading away.

Rin, now bearing a Prussian blue crescent moon identical to Sesshomaru's upon her brow. And where the cut had been, a smaller crescent in the same shade with a pale blue teardrop at it's heart. It seemed, that like Kagome, Sesshomaru's daughter was in fact, a Miko.

“Will wonders never cease.” Sesshomaru mused, watching Rin skip back to her place next to Shippo.

As he and Kagome followed their daughter at a more sedate pace. His Miko quickly disappearing into the elder Miko's hut. When she returned, Kagome carried a basket filled with sweets of some sort. A bag of chocolate, two canteens, and a small toy.

She gave the toy to a now happily purring Kirara. And the Daiyoukai deduced it must contain catnip. The chocolate she gave to Shippo. The Daiyoukai pleased, when the young kit happily shared the treat his mother gave him with Rin. Then, Kagome settled happily in Sesshomaru's lap with the canteens as she carefully unwrapped the basket.

“Their my mom's gingerbread cookies.” Kagome said, as she passed them around. Pouring each of her friends some nice cold milk to go with them.

His Miko even tried to tempt him into taking one.

“C'mon, Sesshomaru. No one can say no to my mama's Christmas cookies.” Kagome quipped.

To please her, the Daiyoukai took one. Thinking he would take a bite and be done with it.

At the first taste, Sesshomaru was lost. Kagome pouring him milk too. Her smile said, “told you so.”

But she wisely said nothing, merely enjoy the quiet, and her own milk and cookie.

Inuyasha was far less tactful. Cracking up at his brother's hedonistic expression. Until Sesshomaru flung a pebble at his head, shutting him up.

Later that night after dinner, Kagome asked Sango what all that seeming formality had been about earlier that day.

“Inu & Ookami youkai are pack creatures as you know.” Sango began.

“When they are serious about courting a female, they declare their intent to her pack after asking her. To seek the blessing of their chosen female's family.” The Tyja finished.

“So then Kouga...” the Miko began.

“Is a tactless, boorish, uncouth ookami no baka.” Sango quipped.

Kagome just shook her head, jumping at the sound of Sesshomaru's voice.

“I hope you ladies aren't referring to the Eastern Wolf Prince.” the Daiyoukai mused.

And something in his voice made the hair at the back of their necks stand on end.

“Sadly, the very same.” Kagome replied.

Knowing it would be useless to try and lie to Sesshomaru, even if she wanted to.

“It seems, the wolf pup needs a refresher course in manners.” the Daiyoukai said.

“Ha! For once, you and I agree on something, brother.” Inuyasha quipped.

Shortly thereafter, Kagome explained the traditions of Christmas to Sesshomaru and a now very excited Rin.

Two days later, on Christmas Eve, Kagome proceeded to pass out the presents she had bought. Saving Sesshomaru's for last. Everyone else had loved their gifts. Especially, the young Rin. Happy to have a pair of boots, “just like her, chichiue.”

She gently handed over the box, nervous once again.

“I hope you'll like it, Sesshomaru.” Kagome said softly.

The Daiyoukai carefully pulled the lid from the box. His gaze transfixed upon the painting within. When he looked up at Kagome, she felt like she could drown in the emotions swimming within his golden eyes.

Koishii, thank you.” Sesshomaru breathed.

Seeing the happiness reflected on the faces of their family, Rin and Shippo spoke in unison.

“Kami bless us, everyone...”