The Black Dog Demon by Inugirl294

So It Begins

Beta-ed by Ceysna :DDD

The A/N and B/N will be at the bottom


Quick notes This → Hello is thoughts

This → Bark! ← is the Beast talking to it's person.


Tsuki ~ Moon

Onna ~ Woman

Onee-chan ~ Older sister

Obi ~ a tie used to close a kimono

*later on you will see Male Obi, This is more thin than the wide obi used for women. think more like Sesshomaru's

Stupid, insensitive InuBaka!" Kagome grumbled in her mind.

She endured hell and high water, Satan coming to earth, the Mayan apocalypse, and Hell had literally frozen over, twice. Not to mention killer, jewel crazed demons and psycho undead mikos out for her blood. Think it couldn't get any worse, right? Wrong! Then she got the memo that Inuyasha, the boy whom she thought she loved and loved her back, didn't so much as care for her anymore!

Kagome remembered when Inuyasha told the group of his intentions to mate Kikyou after Kagome's test. So while in her era she took her time packing and relaxing. While at home she was mauling over how to deal with the stress when a silver haired man showed up and threw her over his shoulder. He drug her through the well kicking and screaming. She was furious with the way he expected her to just up and leave and drop everything in her life at home all for his precious jewel shards. Beating on his back at being treated like a sack of rice, Kagome raged inside He doesn't even respect me as a living being for Christ's sake! After screaming "SIT!" repeatedly, Kagome was finally freed, receiving an icy glare from Kikyou for her efforts.

Her routine consisted of: 1) hearing them in the wood 2) on the disgusting occasion accidentally bursting in on them in the middle of some intense physical intimacies 3) They would insult her mercilessly calling her useless 4) return to camp and attempt to sleep. This cycle repeated for three months, then she finally lost it. Her merciful soul was sent on a rampage at that very moment. Her miko abilities, even though they were not trained well, gained power in exponents to the point it where it could have rivaled Sesshomaru's strength.

On her way to Kaede's home, a boar demon attacked her. It was an ugly black demon with wiry hair and broken tusks. Kayome received multiple gashes on her arms before two arrows took the boar demon down. Hearing a rustling in the bushes, she searched to find the ones near by to find a very cold and scared Rin.

"Oba-san! Rin was so scared! Have you seen Sesshomaru-sama or Jaken-san? " the young girl asked, her bottom lip quivering

"Rin-chan, I'm glad I found you, but I haven't seen Sesshomaru-san."

Kagome and Rin had found a rock formation near a hot spring. Kagome decided that there was a enough cover for herself and the young girl. So the two set up camp by the spring. Kagome, lost in her rambling thoughts, 'Erg! I can't believe he is so disrespectful! Does he ever THINK about other people?!' She made a face at him just thinking about it. That baka was going to have to deal with her trick.

While Inuyasha and Kikyou were busy, Kagome had snuck over to Inuyasha's forgotten clothes. She had made a life changing decision at that point. She nimbly grabbed the Tetsusaiga. Then she ran to make sure the two didn't notice her, even though it was unlikely in their current state of mind.

Kagome stayed up all night watching what went on in her camp. For some reason the Tetsusaiga had formed a barrier around the camp. This both distressed and intrigued Kagome. 'This thing needs youkai energy to work.. so how is the sword producing a barrier?'

Outside the protective barrier, a pair of cold golden eyes softened unintentionally. His pup was safe.

'Mate is safe too.'

'Hush Beast! She is not powerful enough to take over the duties required of this Sesshomaru's Mate.'


Sesshomaru's beast had the last word. Sesshomaru could not bring himself to admit that the miko was strong enough just based on her large flowing aura. Especially since she was using her holy energy to subdue and power Tetsusaiga. He watched her slowly drift off to sleep cuddled next to his pup. He would stay and keep watch over the females as a good alpha should.


Kagome awoke as the first rays of the sun shone in the sky. The last fragments of a strange dream leaving her puzzled and more than a little wistful. 'A miko turned youkai, I think this era might be getting to me.' Still deep in thought she prepared a quick breakfast using items from her trusty backpack. She woke little Rin up and made sure she ate something. She decided that after cleaning up camp she would head to to Kaede's house to leave Rin in the old woman's care. That way she could go home and restock.

While Rin ate breakfast Kagome could not get that weird dream out of her head and it brought to mind some interesting ideas. The Feudal Era, a time of war unlike anything Japan's recorded history had seen before, never failed to remind one's self just how easily you could die. Something Kagome could never forget. Having to watch battle after battle, and knowing another could break out at any given time. Being left on the side lines while watching her friends fight for not just their lives, but for her own as well. Being the guardian of the Jewel but not skilled enough to protect herself and her friends always left a bitter taste in her mouth. Being the least skilled fighter of the group, not able to survive on her own in battle or outside of camp made her feel weak and useless. And she was tired of it.

It seemed that more and more not a day went by that Kagome wasn't asking herself 'what if's. Like 'what if I had been trained?' or 'What if I didn't need InuYasha's "protection"'. And now, after this recent dream, of being a youkai, able to fight her own battles and win. Feeling the power, strength and speed a youkai possessed left a new sort of 'what if' for her to ponder. 'What if I was a youkai? How would it feel to be free of mortal danger?'

Dealing with youkais and humans day in and day out, made comparing them quite easy. It wasn't exactly difficult to see how much stronger youkais were than humans, or how much harder it was to kill one. youkais could take one heck of a beating, stand up and go right back to the fight. They never got sick, the elements didn't seem to affect them the way it did humans, and things that would kill a human in this era, like losing a limb or an eye, barely seems to faze them. Biting her lip, she couldn't help but to ask herself, 'What would it be like to be a youkai?'

A sweet, bell like voice broke through Kagome's thoughts, "Kagome nee-chan? Are you okay? Rin thinks you look sad, when Rin is sad Sesshomaru-sama tells Jaken-sama to take Rin to a hot spring. Can we take a bath Kagome nee-chan?" Rin asked.

Smiling at the child, the miko conceded "Hai, Rin we will take a bath before we get going." After breakfast was finished and the dishes washed and packed away, Kagome and Rin took a nice long soak in the hot spring. While they washed Rin told her tales of Her Sesshomaru-sama, and how he always took care of her and protected her. Bringing to Kagome's attention just how much she really did not know of him. Effectively starting Kagome's thoughts on how very capable and honorable the Daiyoukai was. He had so much overwhelming power and strength but still he took care of the little human girl without hesitation.

She pondered Sesshomaru's strength. 'At least he can take care of himself and his followers... Inuyasha can't even take care of himself without someone holding his hand through it.' Kagome thought to herself, a small voice in her head piped up 'Inuyasha is a bad leader' Kagome shook her head. She wasn't going to continue thinking about that idiot, she had a little girl to take care of for the time being. Getting herself out of the spring, Kagome dried off and got dressed. Finished, she turned around and helped the little girl to do the same.

After putting her bathing stuff away, Kagome dug out her brush to take care of her hair before it dried. The miko from the future brushed her hair to a shine. Humming a sweet tune all the while running her fingers through it a couple more times to make sure their were no more knots. Smiling to herself Kagome turned to regard the little girl and her mop of still damp hair. "Rin may I brush your hair?" Kagome asked, giggling to herself.

"HAI!" came the enthusiastic reply from an obviously excited Rin.

After brushing all of the tangles out Kagome put the girl's hair in long braid down her back and secured it with a hair ribbon.

Giving the bow one final tug, Kagome stood and grabbed her bag. Turning to Rin, Kagome exclaimed "Alrighty! Let's go!"

The two thankfully only had a short trip to Kaede's village. It took them the remainder of the day to return to Edo. They had taken a lengthy stop for lunch and that may have been their downfall. They finally made it to Edo right as dusk fell upon the village.

The pair walked through the village heading for the old miko's hut. Kaede's was on the other side of the village. The pair passed under the hanging mat that acted as the hut's door. It was nice and toasty warm despite the fall chill that had settled outside.

"Hello Kaede-baa-chan!" Kagome said to the old woman. Even though Kaede had her back turned to the door she knew it was Kagome the minute she felt her aura close to the village.

"Well who is this?" Kaede said turning the face the pair that stood just inside her door.

"This is Rin. She got separated from Sesshomaru-sama." Kagome said nonchalantly ruffling the top of Rin's hair.

"Rin are you hungry dear?" Kaede asked kindly.

"Hai!" The little girl said quickly. She didn't get cooked food very often. Only what she could find in the woods or what her Lord brought back from hunts.

Kaede got out two more bowls to feed the girls. She handed them each a bowl with stew and chopsticks. The three chatted merrily whilst eating. When the food was gone, they each did their part to clean up and prepare the hut for sleeping.

Kagome got out one of her sleeping bags and set it on one side the fire pit. She laid out a small pillow and one of Kaede's extra winter yukatas. Then she set out her own sleeping bag.

"Rin-chan is there anything else you need before bed-time?"

"Ne, Nee-chan? Could you tell me a story?" Rin asked using her best puppydog eyes.

"Hai, Rin. I will tell you a story of the poor beautiful woman. It was been passed down from mother to daughter in my family." She giggled "Well father to daughter in my case." Clearing her throat, she began the story.

"Once back in the times of princesses, a beautiful onna came to the house of our many times over great grandmother. She came to great grandmother, who had just married into a some what wealthy family, The Kogai clan. Though the onna was beautiful she seemed very old, for her hair was silver and so long it almost touched the ground. Yet her eyes were the most intriguing, they were light brown color, so light that they were almost a honey gold. When great grandmother looked closely she could see they were tear stained.

The onna said in despair "Newly married girl, I will pay you to take these silks and things from me, they only remind me of my cheating and whoring husband. Please I will give you a great deal to take them off of my hands!" Sadness, heartache and misery rolling off the onna in great waves.

The great grandmother refused to be paid, but instead gave the onna a place to stay for the night. When she went to wake to onna the next morning she was gone. Only the silk kimonos and lavish jewelry left behind in a neat and tidy pile. Great grandmother looked for many years for the silver haired onna, but died without repaying her for her gifts. Thus the story and silks have been passed down for many generations in hope that one day the woman could be repaid."

Rin gathered enough energy to give one comment before falling asleep "Nee-chan can I help find the pretty lady too?"

"Hai Rin, we can be on the look out for her together, now you must sleep." Kagome answered patting her head.

When Kagome was sure the little one was asleep, she left for her mother's house.

Kagome felt anxious for some reason, ran to the well, being only a short walk from Kaede's hut. After jumping down the magic portal to her time, the time traveler made quick work of the rope ladder to the wellhouse that hide the bone eater's well from view. Kagome slipped out of the well house and into her home, using ninja skills Sango had taught her. She thought she was in the clear but just as Kagome was about to start raiding the fridge for goodies her mother flipped on the lights. Mrs. Higurashi had come downstairs because she had heard her daughter enter the house, rather noisily in her opinion. Her eldest's face was in the biggest pout.

"Kagome, what's wrong?" Mrs. Higurashi asked, not understanding why her daughter seemed so upset to see her.

"Mooooommmm! Now I can't take any of Souta's goodies." Kagome whined, still pouting. She really wanted something sweet. Tilting her head, she asked "Mom how did you hear me anyway?" Kagome was bewildered, she thought she had been silent.

" Silly dear, I've always known when you were coming home. Even if it was a little later than usual." Mrs. Higurashi said brushing it off.

Kagome sighed knowing she wasn't going to get more of an answer from her mother. "I wish I could be a youkai." Kagome mumbled. 'At least they would be able to get to momma's cookies without being caught.'

"Kagome! Why would you say that?" Mrs. Higurashi inquired, feeling panic start to set in.

Kagome sighed " Everyone has sharper senses than me. Heck even you Momma. Even though I've been training really hard. Because my senses are dull, everyone has been trying to pull stuff over me! I mean, I have been finding Inuyasha with Kikyou for three months now. They think they are so slick! I have got to move on. I need to be stronger and more alert. And I definitely have to be able to take care of myself" she paused her angry rant, having an epiphany, she had come to a revelation "...kinda like Sesshomaru," she ended with a murmur.

"Kagome! Please, why won't you just leave those people and stay home?" Mrs. Higurashi entreated, worried for her only daughter.

Shoulders sagging with the weight of her responsibilities, Kagome shook her head and said quietly "But Momma, I still have to find the rest of the jewel and help defeat Naraku."

"Kagome, I understand your need to finish you duty, but please only go back if that is what you really truly want. You are no longer a child of 16, but a woman of 20. Tell me at least you have thought about how you will take care of yourself? It sounds like you won't have a protector anymore." The Higurashi matriarch questioned gently.

" Momma, you are right. I need to find a better way to protect myself without InuYasha. There has to be a way for me to survive without anyone else's help." She said, growing thoughtful. Thinking over every possible option open to her, 'I can't ask for Sango's help, training with her will take too long plus I'll still be traveling with Idiot-Yasha. And I can't ask for help from Miroku or Kaede, again it'll take too long and I'd still have to deal with InuYasha.' Muttering to herself, Kagome frowned in thought. 'Kouga is out of the question and Sesshomaru would probably kill me for daring to ask for his help.' Kagome sighed in frustration, 'Heck asking for Naraku's help is looking like the easiest and safest thing.' Kagome stopped, thinking of Naraku reminded her of her dream and her being a youkai. 'Hey, now there's a thought! If I became youkai I wouldn't need anyone else's help. I'd be powerful enough to protect myself! If Onigumo, a half dead laim human, could become such a powerful half youkai, maybe a miko with as much power as I do could become a full youkai!'

Mind made up, she turned to her mother,a new fire burning in her eyes "If I could become a youkai I wouldn't need anyone to guard me. I could protect myself and everyone dear to me." Nodding to herself firmly, "I will find away to become a Youkai!" Kagome said determinedly, punching her left fist forcefully into her right palm.

"Kagome, if that is the way you want to go, you should think it through. Do you even know what type of Youkai you would consider becoming? Perhaps, you should be a youkai that is loyal, loving, honest, and confident. One that is closest to your personality. What kind of youkai does that sound like?" Mrs. Higurashi asked, a twinkle in her eyes.

Touching her bottom lip in thought while looking toward the ceiling, Kagome answered "Umm, it sounds canine."

Tilting her head, Mrs. Higurashi smiled "I think of an Inu, don't you?"

Shrugging Kagome said "Eh, I guess. That way it'll be sort of familiar at least. But I need to be extra strong. Maybe I should be connected to the tsuki some how, then I could protect the ones I love!" Kagome was excited now, she was practically jumping up and down.

"That sounds wonderful dear." 'If only you knew the half of your true heritage my little one' Mrs. Higurashi thought before asking her last question for her daughter. "But will you come back to us soon?"

"Oh, Momma, I don't know if I will be able to. The well may not let me, but who knows! If my plan works maybe I'll live to see the future." Kagome's brow furrowed in thought.

Pursing her lips in worry, Mrs. Higurashi said "Well just in case, allow me to give you your birthright. Perhaps in the past you'll be able to find the woman who gave them up." She went into the living room closet closely followed by Kagome. From the coat closet her mom pulled a plain box.

"These are the silks from the bed time story your father told you every night." Mrs. Higurashi explained, setting it down on the kitchen table.

It was a plain white tote, inside there was a reversible black kimono with purple lotus flowers, when reversed, the kimono is purple with black lotus flowers. There were also a couple pairs of hakama, one in black and the other a deep violet. And lastly a dark purple obi, and a silver male obi with two large boxes beneath.

Pulling out the kimono and laying it gently to the side Mrs. Higurashi informed her daughter of its purpose "The Kimono is for formal events or traveling at night, there are three sets of accessories, pull them out and I will explain them and their meanings."

Nodding, Kagome pulled out one of the boxes and open the lid, only gasp at what lay inside. Within the large old fashioned jewelry box there were three necklaces, three earing sets and three hairpieces.

Picking up one of the necklaces, it was a black studded choker, almost collar like in appearance. At the center lay a white jewel cut into the shape of a crescent moon. Mrs. Higurashi brought it up into the light for a better view, "This goes with the black Kimono to wear for at night. The earrings," she pointed to a pair of beautiful earrings with four black stones on a delicate silver chain with a white crescent moon at the end, "and lastly the hair piece is a clip with a white crescent moon two inches wide complete this set." Kagome pulled out each piece to examine the jewelry. The stones glint and winked at her seeming almost alive.

Smiling at her daughter's appreciation for these gifts, the Higurashi matriarch continued "When your are wearing the kimono for combat, you wear the kimono with the hakama and the male obi. The jewelry for it are the black diamond studs, the string of black pearls and the hair clip. The hair clip is enchanted to hide long hair. It will undoubtedly come in handy." Mrs. Higurashi gave an odd laugh, almost like she as remembering something.

Clearing her throat, She finished "The last and final way to wear the kimono is inside out for day time traveling or for a large formal party. The jewelry to go with it are the earrings with a chain of four amethysts, and a couple ponytail holders with silver crescents attached to look like clips." As she described each piece, Mrs. Higurashi pulled them out and laid them on top of the table for Kagome to see.

While her daughter was admiring her many gifts, with tears streaming down her cheeks, Mrs. Higurashi retrieved the last box. Inside there were a pair of pointed toe boots and a pair of traditional Japanese sandals.

"Oh, Daddy," Kagome cried quietly " I wish you were here." Seeing the items from her father's story awoke memories of her father. Memories of being a small child and curled up, safe and warm as her father told her of the amazing gifts her ancestor received from the strange, sad woman.

When Kagome finally looked up again her eyes were dry once more, all tears having been shed. Glancing over her mother's shoulder the time caught her eye, it was two o'clock in the morning.

Rushing to pack her new gifts into her yellow monster of a backpack, Kagome said distractedly "Oh Kami! I have got to go Momma! I'm so sorry I have to leave so soon! Love you, Momma! I'll try and come back, but if I don't Momma, I swear I'll find you, okay?" Giving her mother a quick hug on the way by.

Now it was time for Mrs. Higurashi to cry, "I love you too, Sweetie! Follow your heart always. Remember your father and I are always with you in your heart, we love you very much."

Kagome didn't really pay much attention to last part her mother said. She was racing around gathering everything in her pack and double checking she had the things she would need. "Goodbye Momma!" the time traveling miko shout as she raced to the well house.

"Goodbye my little one." called back Mrs. Higurashi, waving even though she knew Kagome wouldn't see.

But Kagome was already back down the well. She didn't see the shadow enter the house after she left. Back in the feudal era Kagome made the slow trek to Kaede's hut from the well. She changed into her favorite pajamas and promptly fell asleep on top of her sleeping bag.

Outside the village, Sesshomaru was resting in a tree with his aura suppressed. He had watched the miko get in the well and stay for several hours, and then climb out with seemingly double her load. Only raising his brow at the miko's continued oddities, he mentally shook his head, wiping her from his thoughts. Looking to the moon as it started to make it's descent in the early morning hours he decided he would collect Rin in the morning. 'No sense in waking the pup up at this hour, it would only serve to leave her severally grumpy the next day.'

'No doubt she would use that infernal screechy whine that she uses when she is really upset.' His beast chimed in.

And with that last thought Sesshomaru closed his eyes for rest, just enjoying the night's silence. When the sun had come up and he heard signs of life from the hut, he made his way there. the Western Lord didn't bother to knock, he simply brushed passed the mat door and stepped inside the hut.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Rin yelled excitedly, running to her 'adopted father' hugging his legs.

Sesshomaru's face was stoic as he turned to Kagome and said "This Sesshomaru will repay this debt, Miko." After seeing the miko's nod he turned on his heel, a quiet "Come, Rin." And he left the hut once more, the small girl trailing behind him.

"Goodbye Kagome-neechan! Goodbye Kaede-baachan!" The little girl said waving happily. She turned and ran after her Sesshomaru-sama.

A/N:This is four hours plus of revision! I hope you enjoyed it! This is really the beginning of making this story, the story I dreamed it could be. Thank you so much for reading it. I apologize in advance, the current chapter three may not exactly match up with this one for a little bit, however I will make sure chapter three gets the attention it deserves! Thanks so much to Miss Ceysna who also dedicated a large chunk of her day (nearly six hours!) I can't wait to see your reviews! Uploading to Dokuga will be a little slower than my updates, I promise you all the good stuff will end up here. 

B/N: Holy Space Cow, THIS CHAPTER IS HUGE! Nearly 9 pages! I hope you guys like it, this seemed to take forever! Was pretty fun though, gotta say.