Our Life by SuWan

The Meaning of Life

I know...I should be finishing up the third chapter in my other story but. I just HAD  to release this one. I feel--perhaps this is the most complex of my ideas thus far. But, I needed to get it out whilst it was fresh and I had ideas to weave. This story I can assure you. I will not update as often as I usually do. A lot of thought and carefulness needs to go into this one. So I will take my time.
Please, Enjoy!

Dedication: For someone I wish to keep anonymous. Because of them and thinking of them I suddenly began weaving this tale. And to those whom encourage me.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This is a composition entirely fan-made with no monetary gain what-so-ever. Inuyasha is sole property of Rumiko Takashi, and all likeliness to another work is simply coincidental.

Chapter I
The Meaning of Life

"Surprise!" -Life

There he stood upon the cliffs edge, hair so long and white--silver to be exact, dressed in his regal clothing of white and red. Eyes so golden starred intently to his lands below, however-- he was lost in thought. He... Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western lands.


Painted lids lowered whilst silver brows furrowed. There it was again, that sound...

For as long as he could recall--yes, yes he could recall when it started, there was this incessant sound. This haunting and constant chime. Sporadic it came about yes-- but it was there, always.

Yes...the day this sound began haunting him was the day the world seemed to shift. The flow of air spiked with a scent of something so foreign and new, an energy displaced the harmony of everything as it did not belong. She, did not belong here, in his lands, and in this world.

Inhaling slowly the crisp evening wind, Sesshomaru took a moment to settle in peace and bathe in the silver light of the moon.

His entire life had changed. He had changed from the creature he was, to the man he was sure his father would be proud of and yet--still awaiting for more to occur. After-all, he had a human whom he was fond us as she was of him, Rin.

 This was a night of contemplation.

Exhaling the breathe he had held, the demon let his eyes come to a rest, though his senses remained high on alert.

Inuyasha, his brother whom continued to be a nuisance, yet despite everything--he could not find the ability to snuff out the half demon's life. Perhaps it was pity--No. There was no pity, to be cast aside with no world to accept you, human or demon... that was the best punishment for his ruined life. That was a punishment fit for him.

However, suffering a life long punishment, did not mean he had to constantly rule it with a hammer. No, Sesshomaru had honor and respect, and if it was a thorn in his side, he would help guide the child of a brother to adulthood. He had done already enough as it was, so even karma should acknowledge his efforts. And now his brother had his little group of friends. Nonetheless, everything worked out in his favor. The other horrible existence in this world, Onigumo--was rid of the tarnishing stain he left behind. Thanks to his own efforts combined with Inuyasha, his gang, and her.

Not even the woman she reincarnated from, Kikyo had her spirit. The once great priestess of the jewel was strong, yes. Her heart and intentions however-- were still selfish.

Of course he knew of what his brother had planned with the woman. He had ears everywhere. He would know and come to learn of the plan-- to have his brother become a disgusting human, all for the woman and to be accepted into her world.

She left an odd taste in his mouth. She was strong and someone he would respect but, she was someone he found himself weary of and uncomfortable.

The miko--Kagome, she was a human creature but her spirit was fiery and different. Her beauty he knew was not her looks, though that too was different. But, her spirit and power... He would never  come to feel for a human but Sesshomaru had to be honest and compliment the woman on being a very unique individual.

But, it was upon her arrival did that sound begin. Upon her arrival-- he grasped his arm gingerly with a narrowed stare; the sensations felt upon losing his limb from the sword he desired, yet only it desired to protect her. Did his world change, his heart slowly change, the air surrounding his realm, change...


She may have harbored many souls in her body but her spirit was her own. It was not the kindness from her soul that changed those whom lives she afflicted, it was simply--her.


No more would he let his mind wander. This was it for tonight-- his body felt heavy from perhaps replaying the past years prior to her  entering their world and existing in their world. All to the defeat of the spider and her sudden disappearance. Yes-- the world now was calm, but it felt empty. The spark of her energy that reached the ends of their land, faded and left nothing but a whispering caress behind of a returning promise...





He opened his eyes
slowly, flinching with a soft hiss as the sunlight in his room poured in.

Groaning his world was a bit hazy, he could not see well. Am I this exhausted? he contemplated with a roll of his head. Eyes falling shut to focus on gathering his bearings Sesshomaru inhaled deeply. Arms trembling he felt so heavy but he would not show weakness, even if it was he himself, alone. So pushing himself up further, he sat up in bed raising his right hand to comb his fingers through his hair.

Eyes opening again, this time he found himself--stunned.

Walls, different than his own, sculptures of metal lit the room. Most of these--'sculptures' were  beside him in his bed?


That sound was still here. Turning his head slowly, Sesshomaru observed a odd box of sorts that was a lit with various bulbs and colours and amongst that was a screen that rose and fell with sharp lines making a 'beep' at random intervals.

Where am I, he calmed himself as best he could, the beeping matching his growing heart rate. Reaching to rest his hand swiftly on the box, he glared at the contraption that dared to annoy him, his fingers curling as he called forth his--What magic is this?

Confusion grew on him further-- his markings on his wrist were gone and his nails no longer sharp, were dull.

"Oh! H-He's awake!" the voice of a woman cried.

Brows furrowing, he frowned. What was happening and where was he? What world was this?

Soon--too soon, his as peaceful as he could be silence mixed with panic was interrupted.

"Good afternoon my Lord!" chimed a rather cheery and masculine voice. He, was not cheery, so why was this man so joyful. What joy was there in having someone as their prisoner of sorts. "And my, what do we have here? Your eyes-- I see that they are golden! Perhaps fro--"

"Where am I human." Sesshomaru interrupted, this was no jovial occurrence.

"Why, in the Western lands of course," the man in white with dark hair and violet yes replied in a grin, "...to be more exact, joking aside. Sesshomaru you are in the West Wing of the Edo Hospital. You have been in a coma for almost a month now." the odd man continued skimming through papers on a clip board rather nonchalantly.

A coma? When--how? Frustration was building in him, not from sheer anger to this revelation, but from the utter feeling of helplessness.

He could see the doctor observing him, his name tag reading 'Dr. Miroku K. Houshi, MD', his lips curling into a small frown before settling the clip board down upon his lap once again. "Do you remember who you are?"

Taken aback from the question, Sesshomaru sat up slowly pursing his lips before furrowing his brows. Was he Sesshomaru? Yes...yes--he was. But here is where the frustration stemmed. For after the point of knowing who he was, name wise. He could not remember anything else. Just memories of his comatose life as a demon lord in the Feudal era of Japan.


"Good, you remember your name." notes were taken.

"Do you remember your family?"

Eyes resting in a blink of thoughtfulness, Sesshomaru frowned quickly struggling to remember hard whom he was here.

"I--am not sure.", hands curled into the blankets that rested over his lower torso. He did not want to see the man frown anymore or write his little notes down.

Tearing his eyes away, he noticed a small vase with a single sunflower and a picture frame of silver with a photo.

Heart beating against his chest firmly, he reached for the frame gingerly taking the cool metal into his hands whilst starring at the smiling face of a little girl and the content but impassive smile of a woman. Fingertips caressing the smooth glass he exhaled a soft, "Rin."

"Ah! So you do remember family," a warm smile lighting the mans features once again, he jotted notes onto his clipboard. Family? "you remembered your daughter, Rin. Do you know how old she is?"

Rin, was his--daughter?

Eyes falling shut and bowing his head, Sesshomaru once more struggled. Yes, Rin was something akin to a daughter in his dream world; he was quickly coming to realize that world of demons was just a dream, sadly. "No, I do not."

"Do you recognize the woman in the photo with her?"

Sighing, he opened his eyes from his concentration, trying to pull his mind from that world.

Gaze wandering to the picture in his hands again he studied the face of the woman whom seemed lost in her world thought content. She looked almost like that human miko that caused such wonder and grief for him but he knew better--she looked like his brothe--'brothers' dead lover whom betrayed them to...Onigumo.


"Good! Kikyo is your Fiancee."

He frowned. That woman in his dream left an uncomfortable feeling in him. Why, in this realm--world, would he ever want to be engaged to her? Even her image in the picture seemed to make him feel a bit unsteady.

Placing the photo back onto the stand next to his bed, Sesshomaru glanced once more at their faces in the photo. Their looks eerily matched those of the dream world. Eyes wandering up with a lull of his head, he once more became fixated on the single sunflower.

Somehow, that tiny little flower lit up the room on its own as if it were the sun itself. The doctor, Miroku noticed this--"a young woman brought that for you. She said it would make the rooms here feel lighter and less dreary." continued the doctor with a smile and laugh.

"Who is she?" commanded Sesshomaru not caring to see the mans face as he seemed to speak fondly of the woman.

"Ah, she is-er was, a patient of mine." So she was not family.

"What happened to her." Never asking but always demanding.

"She recovered and was released. " not wishing to divulge too much information, Miroku adjusted his coat and stethoscope whilst shifting in his seat. "I will go and contact your family. I am sure they will be excited to know you have awoken."

With a curt smile and respectful nod of his head, Miroku rose from his seat and exited Sesshomaru's room.

This was just too much, and so sudden...

Releasing a quivering breath, he leaned back into his bed. His eyes once again looking towards the picture of the who females, one his daughter-- and the other his fiancee. And again, he looked to the lone sunflower in the vase.

Time had passed he was not sure but there was just him, silence, and his loud thoughts.

Knock knock!

Not caring or bothering to look at whom now invaded his room--he assumed the doctor once again with more news. Sesshomaru kept his eyes glued to the picture frame and flower.

"H-Hello?" Tensed, he remained still--the air in the room seemed to change, it felt...familiar; the voice was female and nervous from what he could tell. "They told me that you woke up and, I was on my way to leave a new flower for you but--"

"Stop rambling human." That...was what he called  her, right? Human--miko. Turning to look at if his assumption was correct--he fought control. Control to make no expressions, to act awkwardly, or to speak so abruptly.

There, with a single sunflower in her dainty hands was her. She was nothing like he remembered her to be in his dream. And looked nothing akin to the woman in the photo beside his bed maybe they could be sister, but not the same. She was not a young teenager but a young woman-- her hair was raven and her eyes so blue with curiosity and faint defiance being squashed quickly to which he assumed she wanted to be respectful despite his rude name for her.

"Welcome back to the world of the living." was all she seemed to muster for him with a warm and happy smile before shifting her feet nervously upon the tile floor.

"You may enter."

Turning away disinterested, or he hoped to look outwardly, Sesshomaru watched from his perspective as the woman removed the older--yet lively sunflower, and exchanged it for the current. "I apologize if this is all weird and awkward for you. When you were in a coma, I found you by accident and from then on have visited you-- you have really beautiful eyes y'know. I've never seen that golden colour before." she smiled.


"Hn..." Her smile--he surmised, was even more radiant than the sunflower and just as familiar as it was in his world.

"My name is--"


"...N-No hahah, though, I used to live in a shrine! I never thought I would look so obvious to be like one." Laughing the woman shook her head before resting a hand over her heart at her own humor that only she seemed to find much smiles in.

"My name is K--"


She frowned, squinting her eyes with her brows raising. Her fingers twirled the sunflower in her hand before she pursed her lips to moisten, shifting her weight onto one leg. Her lips them quivered as she could not find the ability to speak, he noticed. "Y-yes... That's correct. How did you know?"

Pride swelled in his chest, and his lips twitched with the faintest smirk. How could he ever tell anyone that he saw versions of themselves in his comatose induced dreams. All he could do was just keep a cryptic smirk and let silence do all the talking.

"By chance, did you actually listen to all that I had spoken to you before?" Looking aside, her cheeks flushed in faint embarrassment.  She had visited him on multiple occasions? And even spoke to him?

Now he was again left stupefied in curiosity to what exactly happened around him in such a defenseless comatose state.