Writer's Block by Mathematical Concepts


Hi guys! I’m trying my hand at writing again, and what better way than to do some challenges? This is written for Sunset Miko’s ‘Once a Week Challenge’. Yes, I’m starting wayyyy late in the game, but hey, you can’t say I’m not determined. This is week one, 'Beginnings'.


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, or anything else for that matter. *cries*


Week One: Beginnings

Word Count: 250

One upon a time –

Scratch. Rip. Crackle.

There once was a –

Scratch. Rip. Crackle.

Once in a faraway land–

Scratch. Rip. Rip. Crackle.

Hi, my name is –

Riiiiiiiiip. Crackle.

Sango glanced up from her laptop, watching with a raised brow as her roommate furiously crushed a piece of paper into a ball. “Kagome, you okay over there?”

Huffing, Kagome swept the balls of paper off of her desk, watching in irritation as they all fell into the metal wire basket next to her. “I can’t figure out how I want to start this stupid story!”

“Have you made an outline for it?”

“Yes, see?” She spun around in her office chair, holding up a separate notebook next to her other one, the pages worn and wrinkled with various colorful sticky notes sticking out from random pages. “Every single page is covered on both sides with ideas, but I still can’t figure out how to get it going!”

Sango cocked her head to the side slightly in contemplation. “Have you tried starting from the end and working your way back to the beginning?”

Kagome raised a brow at her roommate, “Stories don’t start at the end, Sango. You have to have a beginning in order to go the rest of the way.”

“Sure, that’s how you read a story, but how do you think they do it in the movies? They don’t shoot it from beginning to end. They start wherever they want, and piece it together later.”

“Huh. Good point.”