The Miko and the Taiyokai by thesesskagrevivalproject

Rin, Light

Curse those wolves! Causing trouble again…. Curse father!


Sesshomaru, proud and elegant, lay against a tree, deep inside the forest. He probably should’ve known better than to challenge those mangy beings, being as he was, but there was no way he was going to let his… predicament hinder the way he ruled his lands. At least his father had left him with his more technical senses. He scented the air, finding nothing but his own blood. This was fine, for now. Curse his father! Leaving him at half strength and with a sword that was completely useless! He glared down at the sword at his hip. Why did he even carry the thing around? He should’ve left it as the western palace!

He sighed indignantly, at himself, and his situation. The healing process in this form was going to take forever…

Soft humming alerted him to his surroundings, and he cursed himself again for the lack of control. He scented the air, finding the scent of a human approaching and soon enough, the bushes on the other side of the clearing rustled. Sesshomaru closed his eyes feigning sleep, hoping the human would see him and run or just pass through.

But the human did neither of these things. She neared him and he mentally sighed. Just as she reached her hand out to touch him, Sesshomaru’s eyes flew open and his head snapped in her direction, his fangs bared. To his great disappointment, the child seemed unaffected by such an action at all. She blinked and lowered her hand, well at least she got the message he was not to be touched. The girl looked him over and then scampered out of the clearing.

Sesshomaru sighed and closed his eyes again, falling into a light slumber, against his better judgement.


He jolted awake when humming entered his hearing again. The girl was sitting near him, running something soft and wet against his skin. He hissed as the object ran over a particularly deep gash on his arm. That’s when he realized something amiss. His eyes opened slowly and he stared at his left shoulder. His sleeve was gone and the rest of it was stained red. He wrinkled his nose in concentration, willing his hand or arm to come into view.


His arm was gone! Curse Inuyasha and his recklessness!

Feeling rather defeated with himself, he looked to the girl again. She was causing him no harm… and seemed to be trying to help (she was tending to a gash on his leg now), he sighed and let his eyes fall close again. Sleep would let him heal faster - though it was still going to take days.

He supposed he slept for two or three days, because when he surfaced to consciousness again, his throat was dry. The human girl seemed to sense this and pressed something against his lips and he smelt water. Against his will he allowed the girl to tip the water into his mouth, and he drank - he drank until the container was empty. Feeling energised by the fresh water he opened his eyes to lock with brown eyes - full of concern. He was taken aback slightly.


The little girl smiled and shrugged.

Sesshomaru blinked, “can you not speak?”

She frowned and held her throat, shaking her head. He sighed. “You will heal.”

Another smile and nod. He wondered vaguely what had happened when he noticed the various cuts and bruises on her body. His brow furrowed, “you care for me before yourself?”

Again she nodded.

‘Strange girl’, he sighed again, pushed himself further up the tree until he was in a more comfortable sitting position.

“Girl,” he said, and she looked towards him, at attention. “Can you write?”

She nodded, and seemingly guessing his next question she wrote one word in the dirt.
