Just a little drama by raindancer13

Just a little Drama

Kagome ran as fast as her human legs would take her knowing full well what she was doing was reckless. But she couldn't stop. Not now. Not when what she had to do was so important. She loved him. And she had to legt  him know before he went through with this. She blushed as a tear rolled down her cheek. How could she not love him? He had given her everything she had ever wanted from a man. And in return he had taken every part of her that she could give. Everything until there was nothing left but his voice in her head. He was the only one who ever saw her for who she truly was. Not a reincarnation of a dead lover. Not a jewel shard detector. Not a means to an end. Not a weak and feeble human woman. He had seen every part of her. She had put her life in his hands. Allowed herself to be defenseless around him and now... He was gone... Agreeing to be mated to someone she knew he didn't love. He had never shown her any affection outside their late night meetings but she knew that she meant something to him. She knew that some part of him loved her. He protected her in battle. Provided for her when he thought she was doing without, bring her little gifts when they met in the dead of night. Though she had never asked him for anything. Never begged him to save her. She knew... She knew in her heart that he came as close to loving her as was possible for him.

Sesshomaru. Now, it was her turn to save him.
Sesshomaru now stood before a beautiful demoness. He could tell her origins were the black inu clan from her long inky tresses that tumbled down her back. But unlike the miko's hair who shown blue in the sunlight, this woman's hair was flat black and unimpressive. He silently chastised himself. He should not be thinking of the miko during a time such as this. He was about to agree to mate the southern lords daughter in hopes of creating peace between his land and the south. He looked over the demoness' face again. Her eyes were brown with no depth to them at all. She looked at him as if he were a meal to be consumed greedily. His miko's eyes were like dark chocolate. And they held so much depth to them that he thought he might drown in her gaze. Always looking at him with kindness and love. Though this woman was a demoness he could not help but compare the miko to this woman. Even the miko's skin seemed softer than this demoness'. Where the miko's hands were caloussed from hard work and war, they were impossibly gentle. This demoness's hands were soft to the point of feeling like pudding in his hand. He was afraid to squeeze to hard for fear of breaking the woman's hand. She had probably never even held a weapon in her entire life.
"Lord Sesshomaru." The demoness cooed. Sesshomaru tried not to cringe. Even the miko's voice was far more appealing than hers. This demoness had a high pitched whiney tone to her voice, telling him that she was a spoiled rotten brat who always got her way. Kagome's voice was soft, gentle, careing. She was always careful not to speak too loudly around him for fear of hurting his sensitive ears. His lips quirked up in a smile at remembering the first time they had made love. She had bitten into his shoulder to silence her screams of pleasure and pain. It was her first time. How could she not be loud. But she had nearly driven him over the edge when she had bitten him, for she had unknowingly bitten him where a mating mark would be placed. He then frowned at the thought of this woman placing her mark where Kagome's should be.
Kagome. His Kagome. Realization dawned on him and his beast howled in delight that he had finally come to his conclusion. He, the great and terrible Lord Sesshmaru, the killing perfection, the Lord of the Western Lands, loved the miko. And now, he must go to her, peace with the south be damned.
Before he could say anything the doors to the great hall burst open and there stood the object of his affection. Kagome stood on shaky legs, panting hard as if she'd been running for hours. And little did he know, she had. Guards flocked around her and one came up behind her twisting her arm behind her and growling.
"Halt, human. How dare you interrupt this royal mating ceremony." Kagome showed no fear. This only served to anger the guard. Holding a sword to her throat, the blade biting into her skin. The smell her blood drove Sesshomaru mad.
"You will release her." He growled at the gaurds. His eyes bleeding red, he stepped forward. The demoness beside him caught his arm.
"Lord Sesshomaru," She whined. "The human has ruined our mating ceremony!"
"Silence, bitch!" He snarled turning on her. She let go of his arm for fear of losing her hand. "She is no mere human. She is the shikon miko. She is responsible for saving this land. She," He pointed to Kagome. "is the only reason you are here to mate this Sesshomaru." The Southern Lord who sat quietly, observing the whole scene stood. His gaze sweeping over the room and landing on the young miko.
"Release her." He said, waving his hand lazily in the air. The guard growled but did as he was told. Kagome dropped to her knees, exhaustion winning out. Sesshomaru's eyes reverted back to their natural golden stat but he still glared at the guard who had dared mark his beautiful Kagome. "You love this demon, miko." The southern wasn't asking. Kagome looked to him with determination in her eyes. She struggled to stand but mananged to do so. On tired legs, she walked forward, head held high, no fear in her eyes. Sesshomaru could only think of how she could have been a demoness in her past life, for how well she carried herself, despite that fact that she was surrounded by demons that could kill her at any moment. Her bravery only fueled his desire for her. Her voice broke his concentration.
"Yes." She said, her voice was clear, unshaking and full of conviction. "Yes, I do love him. And I cannot willingly let him mate another when I know that he too loves me." The room went still. Even Sesshomaru was shocked at her words. All eyes turned to see his reaction, but he kept his usual mask of indifference in place. "In his own way," Kagome continued. "He does love me." Silence. The Southern Lord thought on this for a moment.  Sesshomaru found himself feeling anxious for Kagome's safety. Boldly declaring her love for him in front of a demon court could have resulted in her death. And her claim that he shared in her affections could have been the last nail in her coffin.
"Sesshomaru." The Southern Lord tuned a lazy gaze to the eldest Taisho boy. "Do you indeed love this human girl as she so boldly claims?" Sesshomaru stepped away from his betrothed and towards the miko. His cold and unfeeling mask still in place. He glared down at the young miko. Slightly angry that she would put herself in such danger to proclaim her love for him. Why had she not told him sooner? Kagome wasn't entirely sure what to make of his glare. Knowing him the way she did, he was angry at her for blundering in here like the idiot she knew she could be and putting herself in danger. Again.  But then, his mask broke apart and the Sesshomaru she had come to know and love appreared right before her very eyes. Sesshomaru turned to the Southern lord who had a suprised but amuzed look on his face. Sesshomaru took the miko in his arms.
"I do." He then looked back to his miko. The woman who seemed so delicate but could fight as feircly as any demoness. "With all of my heart." The demoness behind  him began to get red with rage. The southern lord knew there would be hell to pay for his next words but...
"Then take your chosen mate and go, Lord Sesshomaru. For now, there will be truce between our lands until we can find something more stable." Sesshomaru nodded and began to lead Kagome out. The doors to the great hall closed behind them just as they heard the demoness scream loudly. Sesshomaru could almost hear the southern lord sigh but he continued on with his woman in his arms. He would never let her go again.


Just a little one shot to pass the time. lol Hope it was good, all the same. Thank you for reading. :)