Higher Education by SunsetMiko

Chapter 45

Each prompt is labeled with the challenge it goes to.


Prompt: Squall (Stella's Word Prompt Game)

Inuyasha sighed in relief as his home came into sight. It had been a hellish trip. His father had selected the worst travel plan possible for him, which included coach seats on four different flights. He had to change planes three times, and twice there had been long layovers. The third time, there was barely enough time for him to rush across the airport to make it to the right gate before the plane left without him. At one point, the plane had hit turbulence flying through a sudden, violent squall and sent his stomach swirling. He'd barely managed to pull out the air sickness bag before he lost his lunch. No, he hadn't enjoyed any part of the flight home.

As if that wasn't enough, he looked as if he'd lost a boxing match with a heavy weight champion and all along the way, people stared and whispered. His final flight landed, only for him to discover that his father hadn't even thought to send a car for him, so he had to collect his own luggage, something he'd never done before, and then hail a cab for the long ride home.

It was finally over, though. He was going to go up those stairs, head inside, and make his way directly to his bed. Inuyasha forced his tired body to climb the few stairs to the front door and grabbed the handle, only to find it locked. He cursed, searching his pockets for his keys before realizing that he'd left the damn things at home when he'd left to visit Sesshoumaru's campus. He snarled in frustration and began ringing the bell. It was barely dawn, but someone would let him in. They had to because he was ready to pass out from exhaustion. If they didn't hurry, they might just find him asleep on the doorstep like a homeless person. He certainly looked the part.

He pushed the button for the doorbell insistently, over and over, refusing to allow someone the time to reach the door. He wanted in and he wanted in now. It was his damn house and they knew he was coming home! Why would they lock him out? This was the cherry on top of the crappiest sundae he'd ever been served and he swore loudly, cursing the door, the airlines, the taxi that clearly needed new shocks and an air freshener, and everything else that had gone wrong for him today.

"What language," he heard in a familiar voice before the locks began clicking as his father opened the door.

"It's about time. Why didn't you send a car for me?" the hanyou demanded.

The old dog stopped as his son stepped into the light, frozen at the sight of him. After a moment, his shock wore off and he frowned. "You tangled with him again, didn't you? What were you trying to accomplish, going back there?"

"I was trying to break the fucker and his bitch up," Inuyasha exclaimed, forgetting that his father had forbidden him from doing just that. The growl that seemed to vibrate right through him sent his blood running cold, but he still wasn't prepared for it when his father's hand connected with his already injured face, slapping him full force.

"I told you not to interfere in their relationship," he growled angrily. "That girl is the reason your brother is finally maturing into a real inu and we have to keep her with him, no matter the cost. Until he gains enough confidence to stand without her, he will need her by his side. I will not have all of his progress undone by a selfish, jealous child. I will finally have my full-blooded heir, a son I can be proud of, that I can trust to take over for me someday."

Inuyasha's eyes widened. His father had never given him the impression that he was somehow lesser than Sesshoumaru because of his mixed blood, but his comment had done just that. It cut deep into the hanyou's heart and mind. The old dog would have never chosen him as his heir. He was just a half-breed. No, he needed a full-blooded inu for that. He was simply a backup plan, just in case Sesshoumaru had remained as he had been, an embarrassment. He'd never seen himself that way before, had always believed himself to be their father's favorite, and it was a shock to his system.

Without a word, Inuyasha grabbed his bag from the top step and brushed past the old inu, desperate to get to his room. His visit to Sesshoumaru was supposed to have been fun, an opportunity for him to torment the family punching bag for a while, a way to pass the time, but it had turned out as anything but fun. He wished he could snap Kagome's pretty little neck. If it wasn't for her, he would still be the favorite and Sesshoumaru would still be a loser. That girl was more trouble than she was worth.

She'd changed everything in his life, permanently altered the family dynamic, all by selecting a worthless lump of nothing and molding him into her perfect man. Why did she have to be so successful? Why did her attention have to wake his brother's beast? The thing had never made itself known, not for his entire life, but the miko could draw it out, so easily as well. It just didn't seem right. All he could do now was hope that Kagome would change her mind about the taiyoukai, but he doubted that would happen. He'd seen love in her eyes, true devotion when she looked at Sesshoumaru. No, she wasn't going to give him up. He was permanently screwed.

Prompt: Day of Tears (Soundtrack Challenge 2)

Kagome awoke with a groan, rolling over and pulling the pillow over her head in the hopes of drowning out the insistent knocking. The person on the other side of the door, however, was determined to force her out of bed. The miko sat up with a growl, only then realizing that she was alone in her bed. She glanced at the clock, discovering that it was only eight-thirty, and she grumbled louder. If Sesshoumaru was her knocker, she was going to be pissed. He could have taken her keys with him! He knew where they were.

The miko stumbled around her room for a moment before opening a drawer and tugging on an oversized shirt while yelling that she was coming. The irritating knocking finally ended and she checked herself in the mirror, raising a brow at the mess that was her hair. She tried to flatten it down but was making no headway, and eventually she gave up.

She opened the door with a cranky, "What?" only to regret it as she recognized the Resident Advisor for her floor. "Oh, is there something wrong?"

The R.A. shot her a look that said 'you know exactly what's wrong,' but launched into her speech anyway. "A male has been seen entering and leaving your room at all times of the day and night. I've identified him as a Sesshoumaru, from the fifth floor. Has he been sleeping in your room?"

Kagome turned wide, innocent eyes to the older girl. "Only because his brother was visiting and took over his bed. I didn't want him to have to sleep on the floor. Is that a problem?" she asked innocently, as if she didn't already know that what they were doing was against dorm rules.

"Yes, it's a problem. Sleepovers are expressly forbidden by the dormitory's code of conduct, be they coed or not. Your room is meant for you and you alone. This cannot happen again, do you understand me? If I catch you breaking the rules again, I will have to cite you for the infraction and that will go in your records. If you have too many citations, you may lose the privilege of living in the dorms on campus."

The miko nodded sadly. "I understand."

"And don't think that you can simply go and stay in his room now that you've been caught in yours. I alerted the R.A. on his floor to keep an eye out for this sort of thing, especially concerning Sesshoumaru."

Kagome held back a sigh of frustration, nodding again. "We won't. I really didn't think it would be such a big deal."

"Well, it is," the older girl snapped. "We can't have students shacking up with each other. The dorms are assigned the way they are for a reason, with only single occupancy rooms in this building. I'll be watching you," she told the miko before turning and walking away without another word.

Kagome closed the door and sighed heavily, fighting down the tears that were threatening to rise. She'd known it would happen eventually, but that didn't ease the sting of being told that she couldn't sleep in his arms any longer. She wished that he was there, because she really could use a cuddle. Only then did she wonder where he'd gone, why he'd snuck out of her room so early without a word. She glanced around for a note but found none. She checked the bowl and her keys were still there. Why had he left her?

Now worried and miserable, the miko climbed back into bed, burying her head under the covers. As if that wasn't enough, she was suffering from a mild hangover as well. Her head was pounding and all the knocking hadn't helped things. Her stomach churned, displeased with her actions the evening prior, and was only aggravated by her nerves, her worries over where her boyfriend had snuck off to.

She knew she needed to eat something, but there was no way she was dragging herself down to the cafeteria for breakfast. No, food could wait. She wasn't sure if she could keep anything down anyway. Feeling sorry for herself, Kagome did her best to think about nothing until sleep claimed her again. Hopefully he would be there when she woke up, even if it did mean more knocking.

Prompt: Ozone (Stella's Word Prompt Game)

Sesshoumaru walked quickly across campus, the keys to his new apartment clutched tightly in his hand. He was heading back to collect Kagome so he could finally show her his surprise, though he expected her to still be asleep. He'd rushed out of her room so quickly that morning, having to go upstairs to change his clothes in his own room, that he'd forgotten all about picking up her keys so he could let himself back in. Now, he was going to have to wake her up, and after the late night they'd had, he had a feeling she wouldn't be too happy about it.

He was completely on edge, his nerves getting the best of him, and no matter how deeply he pulled the fresh morning air into his lungs, it did nothing to calm him. He'd done all of this behind her back, had lied to her to get it done, and now it was time for the big reveal. What if she didn't like it? What if she thought that he was moving too quickly? What if she refused to stay the nights in his apartment because it was too far from the dorms? There was one guaranteed upside, however. It was closer to the cafe than their current residence, something he knew she would like, and so would he when he was running there most mornings to collect coffees and breakfast.

What if he'd chosen the wrong apartment? What if she absolutely hated how this one was decorated? If he hadn't hid everything from her, she would have been able to pick her favorite herself instead of him guessing. He was questioning everything, every decision, and his steps slowed as he approached the dorms. What he was about to do might just change everything about their relationship. He would be confessing his lies and explaining his reasoning, all the while hoping that she approved. If she didn't, he would be in serious trouble.

Sesshoumaru climbed the steps slowly, his stomach twisting up in knots thanks to his anxiety. Finally, he reached her floor and headed to her room. He knocked and waited, assuming that she was still asleep, and when he didn't hear any movement inside, he knocked again. After the third try, he heard her sleepy grumbling, a small smile pulling at his lips. She was so not a morning person and he found it adorable, endearing and just like everything else about her, he loved it.

Kagome opened the door a crack and peeked out before swinging it open. She threw herself at his chest, wrapping her arms round his neck, and for a moment, he was thankful he hadn't brought coffee and donuts, because they would both be wearing them. He heard her sniffle and all errant thoughts disappeared. Something was wrong. His arms wound around her, holding her close, and after a short while, he picked her up and carried her inside, closing the door behind them.

"Kagome?" he said softly. "What's wrong?"

The miko pulled back, tears shimmering in her eyes, and his heart broke at the sight. Whoever had upset her would pay for it. He just hoped that someone wasn't him.

"Sesshoumaru, I have bad news."