Higher Education by SunsetMiko

Chapter 15

All prompts in this chapter are from Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2 unless otherwise noted.


Prompt: Donut (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2)

Kagome popped up and practically skipped to the door. She'd been waiting all morning for Sesshoumaru to show his face, and by ten o'clock, she wished they'd set a time instead of leaving it open. Now he was finally there and she was excited to see him. The miko threw the door open, a bright smile on her face.

"There you are. I was wondering when you'd show up." Kagome studied the taiyoukai standing in her doorway in slacks and a long sleeved button down shirt. He had both hands behind his back, which caused the miko to raise a brow. "What are you hiding?"

"I would have been here earlier but there was a line," he replied, bringing his right hand into view. He was holding a drink carrier with two large smoothies and Kagome's mouth started to water. "Mixed berry yogurt smoothie. I hope you like it."

"It's my favorite! You really are a good guesser. What else are you hiding?"

Sesshoumaru produced a pink bakery box, loving the look on her face as she first saw it. "I know donuts would have been more appropriate but I think you will enjoy these more. Now, you can only have them if you promise you won't sit on them," he joked. He held out the box and allowed her to open it to peek inside. He was unprepared for the squeal that escaped her.

"Gourmet cupcakes from the cafe? Oh, gods, they're so good. Have you tried them?"

"I have not," he said, swallowing hard as he took in her outfit. She was wearing very short shorts and a tight tank top that revealed a band of her tanned abdomen. It felt like she was prancing around the room in front of him in her underwear and he didn't mind the view a bit.

"Well, you're going to today. They have the most amazing frosting. It's heavenly. Oh, you wanna come in?" Kagome asked with a blush, realizing that he was still standing in her doorway. She took the drink carrier from his hand and set it down inside her room before claiming the bakery box as well. She opened it again to study the selection, breathing in the sweet scents. "You are such a sweetheart," she cooed, setting the box reverently on top of her microwave. "They'll be my reward for getting the presentation done."

Prompt: Coadjute (vb) To help or assist mutually or reciprocally; cooperate with. (Stella's Word Prompt Game) Words: 635

"How is it going?" he asked, glancing at her computer screen and seeing the slideshow program open.

"I've got all the slides planned out on index cards," she said. "So really, all I need to do is type them up, find the right pictures, and add the special effects. I haven't even picked out my background yet."

"It sounds as if you have this under control," he said, feeling out of place. He'd offered his assistance but it didn't really seem as if she needed it.

"Yeah, but I'm not comfortable with this version. I used to know where everything was but I upgraded to the new version and everything is different. It's really slowing me down," she grumbled. Searching for a momentary distraction, Kagome studied the taiyoukai. "Are you really comfortable like that?" she asked, closing the distance between them. She caught his wrist and began undoing the buttons on the cuff.

"I am used to it," Sesshoumaru replied.

"Used to it is not comfortable. There's all the time in the world to dress professionally. College is the time for you to experiment, try new things, and find out what you like." She folded up the long sleeve to just above his elbow before repeating the process on the other side, revealing the purple stripes on his wrists. "There, that's a little more casual. We definitely need to get you some more t-shirts. Ugh, and you're trying to strangle yourself again," she said with a sigh before unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt, loosening up the collar.

The taiyoukai felt rather like a child. He couldn't even dress himself properly to her liking. Still, she was touching him, something he saw as cause for celebration.

"All right, back to work," she said, plopping herself down in her desk chair. "Make yourself comfortable," Kagome continued, gesturing towards her bed. "You wanna look over my cards and make sure they flow nicely for me?"

Sesshoumaru nodded, accepting the index cards she offered. He flipped through them one by one, reading over the information as she clicked away at her computer, setting up the basics for her presentation. Soon she was typing her bullet points while he looked on, admiring the speed with which she typed. She was definitely skilled in that regard, as her fingers flew over the keyboard. The taiyoukai couldn't keep his eyes off of her and soon he saw a look of frustration take over her face.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"I can't find the damn effects, you know, how the words show up. All these new tabs are making me insane. Nothing is where it used to be."

"I can show you," he offered. "If I could..."

Kagome hopped to her feet and offered the chair to Sesshoumaru, who sat down and began clicking the mouse, moving quickly through the dialogue boxes. "Personally, I believe they did us a disservice by adding so many options. You could spend fifteen minutes just previewing your choices. Here they are," he said, pointing to the screen.

"Wait, I missed what you did. Hang on." Sesshoumaru leaned back in the chair to give her room to watch the screen, only to be surprised when Kagome sat in his lap, her legs dangling over the right arm of the chair. His left arm immediately came up to support her back. "Okay, do it again."

The taiyoukai swallowed hard and stretched his right arm across her bare thighs. When she'd sat down, her shorts had ridden higher on her legs and he couldn't keep his eyes off her tanned skin as his forearm slid along her warm flesh.

"It is under this tab," he said, his voice cracking slightly. "Then you click here and there are all of your options. There are more than necessary, in my opinion."

Prompt: Nearby Spectacle (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2)

"Oh, which one to use?" she mused to herself. "How do I preview them?"

Sesshoumaru showed her, expecting her to get up so that he could evacuate her chair before checking out the various effects, but she didn't. Kagome twisted in his lap, pressing her back against his muscled chest, so that he was looking over her shoulder as she previewed her options one by one.

"I kind of like this one. What do you think? I'm only going to use one for the whole thing. I think it looks tacky when you use every effect possible."

"Yes, it looks a great deal more professional if you choose only one," he agreed. "It is not a bad choice," Sesshoumaru said, his nose brushing along the bare skin of her shoulder, her shirt held up by thin straps. Unable to help himself, the taiyoukai pressed his lips to her upper back, breathing her scent in deeply.

Kagome giggled at the feel of his breath on her skin, fighting down the desire to moan as he kissed his way along her shoulder and up her throat. She tilted her head, allowing him more access, and Sesshoumaru purred in pleasure at her markedly inu gesture.

"You know, if we keep this up, I'll never finish this presentation," she said, disappointment in her tone. Regretfully, she stood and Sesshoumaru rose from the chair, moving back to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I am sorry," he murmured. "You are just so..." He trailed off, unsure of what to say or how to say it. If he kept distracting her, he would have to leave, and that was the last thing he wanted. He pulled his laptop out of his bag and opened it on his lap. "I can start looking for images for you while you type," he offered. "Just tell me what you have in mind."

Kagome turned to him with a blush staining her cheeks. "I was looking a little earlier. You'll have to turn off the adult content filter if you want to find anything, but then you'll be seeing a lot of very graphic images."

"I... can handle that," Sesshoumaru assured both Kagome and himself at the same time. Soon the taiyoukai was skimming through screens and screens full of nudity and sex in search of an image of food crushing that was not too graphic for her presentation. After several long minutes, he located something he thought might work and turned his screen for her to see.

"That's perfect!" Kagome exclaimed. "Now I need a guy's face being stepped on."

"Stepped on?" Sesshoumaru repeated.

"Heels or barefoot, doesn't matter."

"You have selected some very interesting topics for your presentation," he said with a small smile. "Are you sure the professor will allow this?"

"Yeah, I ran my topic past him and told him what I intended to do. He doesn't think I'll have the nerve to present it, but I will, and with a straight face too."

Prompt: Marble (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2)

With Kagome doing the typing and formatting and Sesshoumaru on the hunt for appropriate images, the presentation came together quickly and easily and less than two hours later, the miko pronounced it done.

"Now, to run through the whole thing to make sure it all works," she said with a smirk. "Without you, I'd be working on this for hours more. Thank you so much. It can't have been fun, digging through all that smut."

"It was enlightening," he replied with a small smile. "I had no idea of the depths of depravity on the internet until today."

Kagome couldn't help but giggle. "Are you telling me that you've never watched internet porn before? Really?"

It was Sesshoumaru's turn to blush. Yes, most males had sex on their minds around the clock, but he'd always done his best to keep his mind off the topic as much as possible. He'd never gone digging for porn, though he'd stumbled upon it accidently a few times while doing research. What would she think of him, knowing that he wasn't like most males? Would she think that he was a freak for suppressing any and all urges he might have? In all honesty, he'd never been that interested in sex, until she stepped into his life. Now he thought about it a great deal, as if it had infected his mind and was slowly taking over.

"I have seen some graphic images that came up during unrelated research, but other than that, no, I have not viewed pornography on the internet or elsewhere."

"You have got to be the first guy ever to say that and it be the truth."

"You believe me then?"

Kagome laughed softly. "I believe you. So you really got an eyeful today, huh? Well, I think you've earned a cupcake."

"But I bought them for you," Sesshoumaru replied, not wanting to take away her special treats.

"I know how much those cupcakes cost, big guy, so you're going to at least try one."

"You are far too concerned about how much money I spend on you," he said with a small frown. "I told you I would spoil you if I desired to do so."

"And I said you're trying a cupcake," she shot back at him. The miko rose from her desk chair and collected the bakery box, studying the cupcakes for a long moment before selecting one. "Marble cake, the best of both worlds, with cream cheese frosting. Here, take a bite."

Kagome held out the cupcake towards his mouth and Sesshoumaru obediently leaned forward to take a bite. The miko smirked to herself as she tipped the cupcake up, dipping his nose into the frosting.

"Oops," she managed to get out amidst her musical laughter. He looked so funny with frosting on his nose, though he didn't appear to be nearly as amused as she was.

"I believe you did that on purpose," he said while wiping the white frosting from his nose with one finger. He went to put said finger in his mouth only for the miko to catch his wrist and pull his hand towards her mouth instead. He watched in awe as her tongue flicked out and ran across his digit in a wholly sensual way that instantly had him aching for her. His mind was so kind as to transfer the sensation of her sucking on his finger to another part of his body and he groaned aloud.

"It's good, isn't it?" she asked playfully.

"Do I get to lick frosting off of you now?" he inquired, feeling a spike of confidence caused by her actions. She wouldn't possibly behave so erotically if she didn't have an interest in him at least physically, right? She was teasing him at every turn and while he enjoyed every second of it, he wanted more than teasing. He wanted to taste her sweet lips again. He wanted to learn how to kiss using tongues. He wanted to run his hands over her body as he'd done in the pool, with her express permission of course.

"That depends," she replied flirtatiously. "What'd you have in mind?"