Asphyxiate by Lace

Chapter 26

She imagines grey shocks on her hairline are appearing by the time her grandfather and the priestess finish their leisurely repartee. Shizuka-san blinks at Kagome when she trips from her hurried gait, but guides them with a tilted head at her flushed apology.

Wooden crates line the hall of the traditional home. Only the small and medium boxes are ones they need to take to make room, Shizuka-san explains. The dim storeroom beside them is already packed. Ojii-chan’s old friend, Sato-san, is trapped in a bastille of stacked ancient chests and a mahogany wardrobe, his hakama seized by splintering timber.


100 words.

Stella's Word Prompt Game: bastille

A/N: Apologies for chapter spam; I didn't realise how spread apart the word prompts were while I was writing and the deadline is tonight. D: 

Thank you everyone for your reviews, feedback, and thoughts on Asphyxiate.