Mokomoko-sama by Wren Lee

Solitary Blanket

In the future they had fuzzy blankets, soft pillows, and cushiony beds. Sadly for Kagome, it would have been a real pain trying to trek all that through the well only to end up traveling and camping constantly. It really wouldn’t be worth the effort, but there was one thing that might have been able to make up for it. It was fluffy, white, warm, and HUGE! However, its owner was the last person… ahem, demon that would even consider letting her get near it. Enviously the miko watched from her own insufficient sleeping bag as the taiyoukai of their group wrapped Rin in his mokomoko. It was one of those things that gave you the urge to bury your face in it and hug it like there was no tomorrow.

Being the more solitary demon that he was, she knew that Sesshomaru would never even consider letting her get close enough to touch his mokomoko. She contemplated possible ways to sneak a touch. Maybe she could do it while Rin was asleep but he would probably shred her to pieces before he even realized who she was. As she continued thinking of possible scenarios, she realized one thing. Kagome was up against a taiyoukai who would not tolerate intimacy and was most definitely armed and dangerous.


Word Count: 217

A/N: Written for the WANTED! Challange (

Prompt: Armed and Dangerous