Experience, She Taught by Kessa

Chapter One.

For Silence-Midnight’s The Lesson in Sex Challenge.


Not again.

Not again!

Inwardly panicking, even though he kept a stoic outward appearance, Sesshomaru flicked his gaze around the room swiftly in hopes to find an exit.  This was not the time, he mentally swore.  Why now?

Of course, no one knew of his predicament.  And why would they?  He was known as the aloof, ice prince of the university he attended.  Many did not like him due to his cold nature towards others, what they didn’t know was he was very, very shy and did not know how to express himself.

Especially with the opposite gender.


Why?  He thought with an inward whimper.  Why her?

“Hn?”  He grunted, glancing over quickly.

Vivid blue eyes with subtle hints of grey gazed at him with concern.  “Are you alright?”  She asked slowly.

“I am fine,” he muttered curtly.  Go away!  He needed distance between them, before she found out that no, he truly was not alright, and that she, Higurashi Kagome was the cause of his problem.

Still, she lingered.  “Well, if you need any help…” she trailed off waiting for a reply.

Help?  His mind went blank for several seconds from the offer, before he got a hold of himself.  He couldn’t give a reply, he wasn’t able to, he got so tongue tied around her; she was the prettiest girl on campus and one of the most popular too.  And yet she would come and talk to him, for no apparent reason that he could see.  But as always, as soon as he saw her, smelt the mouth watering delicious aroma of her scent, he had a problem.

A rather hard, throbbing one at that, that would not go away for hours after!

He heard a soft sigh, filled with disappointment, and it pained him, but he refused to look over and expose himself. 

“Okay, I’ll see you later,” she murmured, and to his astonishment, patted his arm.  Rigidly he stood for several moments after, before he took a gulp of air, and nearly groaned as her scent assaulted him.   Feeling a twitch in his lower nether region, he slanted a glare down before he stalked stiffly out of the room.

He had a problem to deal with.


Yes, a new story.  I really can't help myself though!  Please tell me what you think, I love to hear from you, readers :)
