Under the Sun and Dark Night by Kessa

Chapter Two. Prompt: Night

For BelovedStranger’s Vampire Challenge. 

Chapter Two.

Prompt: Night


Japan, 1677

All was quiet.  For now.

Resisting the urge to shift restlessly, keen eyes of a remarkable golden hue once more looked over the landscape before him as he waited patiently.   It didn’t matter that it was one of the darkest nights to witness, despite the cloudless sky showing off the millions of stars and waning moon, he could see perfectly, every shadow that fell upon dips and hallows in the land.   It was why he chose this particular spot as his lookout.

A breeze lifted, and he automatically inhaled, gathering the scents upon its passing and filtered through the many nuances.   Immediately a frown touched his brow, furrowing and darkening the masculine features.  Once more he could smell something different in the air, the taste of something unknown, but known teasing his senses.   It irked him to be unable to pinpoint exactly what it was.

So lost in his thoughts, he nearly missed the approach of his pack, although it would have been impossible considering the amount of noise they made.  Torn between amusement and exasperation, he turned fractionally as the bickering pups came up to his position sniping at one another.

Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.  He greeted, taking in their features with pride.

Father, his eldest, and heir inclined his head respectfully, while the younger grunted his greeting with a cocky smirk.

So different from one another, and not because of different mothers he mused, turning away lest they caught his building smile of affection.   You have news?

Dead end, Inuyasha muttered.  The scent was fading, even Sess couldnt track them.

He could almost feel the icy glare his heir gave his brother.  That had to grate on his pups nerves, both took pride in their tracking abilities.  He inwardly chuckled before growing serious.   

The village?

There was a pause.   The humans were unharmed.  Sesshomaru spoke at last. 

Turning, he levelled them with a look.  One that spoke he demanded an explanation to such vague words.

Inuyasha folded his arms into the sleeves of his haori.  Keh.  There was a couple of em that were weak and pale.  His brows furrowed together.  The village miko was concerned, both are young and healthy.  Seemed a bit odd to suddenly collapse.

You sensed nothing amiss?

Both pups glanced to one another.   Interest perked, their father mentally arched  a brow.  Well now, what brought this on?  He wondered. 

Inuyasha’s puppy ears, a testament of his hanyou status flicked uneasily.  “I didn’t sense anything wrong…just…off.”

Sesshomaru nodded in agreement. “When questioned, the two males spoke of a woman’s voice but cannot discern any other details to her appearance or actions.”

“It was like they had dreamed or something when half awake.” Inuyasha added, scowling.  “That’s how they described it.”

Interesting.  It was similar to his and Izayoi’s experiences, two and some centuries previous when Inuyasha had been born.    He vaguely recalled a voice, soft but confident but no remembrance of features or even scent as to this creature that had saved he and his former wife and son. 

“Nothing else of interest?”  He inquired casually, turning back to sweep his gaze over the darkened land.

Inuyasha glanced to Sesshomaru in question.  The elder met his gaze and calmly related the other piece of information they had gained.  “This is not the first occurrence.”  He informed their sire.  “The miko we spoke to has had similar happenings.  Always male.  Always at night.”

“Curious.”  Their father murmured.  He could sense his pups curiosity, but he said nothing more.  He had his suspicions, but would say nothing on the matter to them until he was utterly sure.  Rumours and old tales had always surfaced…but in a world where youkai roamed and ruled, he could do nothing until he had solid evidence. 

“So…what now?”  Inuyasha grunted after a prolonged silence, shifting restlessly.

“Return to the western palace.”  They were informed.  “We can do nothing more for now.  And,” here he glanced over his shoulder, amusement in his eyes.  “I do believe that there are negotiations to be taken care of with the trades in Edo.”

A flat stare and inaudible groan from his two pups caused a smirk to rise up on his lips.  Thought he had forgotten about that, did they? 


I'll admit I'm writing this in a rush, kidlets are napping!  Please tell me what you think :)

You might notice I've put different years, there is a reason for it, it helps with the vague plot I've got circling in my head and since the majority of this story is placed in the future, I want to build towards it and offer hints of whats to come.  Hopefully it works out, its bound to change a dozen times in my head, haha.

PS:  I love writing Inu-Papa, I can just see him being both a father and a taskmaster to Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.
