With the Tide by Sesshysgirl-08

With the Tide

Hey guys! It’s been a while since I’ve sat down and done some writing—this idea just wouldn’t leave me alone so I had to go for it. I’m not sure how long this will be, I just know that I’ve been wanting to write this for a while, soooo, here it is haha! This first installation is kinda short, but depending on whether or not this is liked, I’ll add more chapters later which will be much longer. I hope you all enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I was close to owning all things Inuyasha once!!....and then I woke up =[



Quiet so intense, so complete, that the only semblance of sound was the ringing, background vibration inherently found in nothing. This pseudo-sound was all around her, floating through space in the same way that the bubbles leisurely rose above her head. She watched the inky fingers of her hair sway in the watery breeze, the current moving her farther from shore as the weight of her body dragged her further and further down, into the gaping greedy maw of darkness below. The battle was over, her holy light drained by the purification of Naraku, but with his end came the end of many others- others she held so very, very dear. Inuyasha was gone, Shippou too, and Miroku and Sango had died from their wounds in each other’s arms. There had been so much blood, the sounds of war ringing through the air along with his laughter and their pain. It had all been too much! She had ended it, put an end to him. He had used his last stores of energy to catapult her into the ocean, into the waves so near their battle. It seemed that these images, the floating mirages of friends so newly gone, would not leave her mind. Maybe that was why she only felt numbness and a small semblance of warmth when she thought of the fact that she, too, would die soon; peacefully…surrounded by the quiet and the deep, soothing blue. Had she known then what was coming, what the future held for people like her, holy people, she truly would have found solace in her previous thoughts.

And then, like lightning, a streak of pure power, pure perfection, sped through the depths. A phantom painted in shades of mercury and weakening crimson wound an arm like steel around her waist. The eyes that slanted her way were twin blazing suns in this blue world, they were bright and achingly beautiful, but didn’t hold the warmth the sun promised in their depths. Within seconds they breached the surface and, his hold never loosening, they ascended into the sky. A proud inu and a broken priestess.


It had been a little over two years since that day, since Sesshoumaru had saved her. She had hated him at first, she had wanted to die with her friends. But slowly, as she threw herself into training and allowed herself to grieve, she had become thankful. Had she not been with Sesshoumaru she might never have recovered from the strange ailment others like herself had been struck with...that other holy people had died from. It was a grim thought that Kagome shoved quickly from her mind, it was not something she wanted to linger on. What was done was done and, for once, all she could do, both then and now, was focus on herself and the developement of her own strength. Over the years her training had progressed and her power had exploded. She had never thought that she would be capable of housing such enormous power inside of her, she’d always thought Kikyou was the better version and her power was something to strive for. A small, silly smile graced Kagome’s lips at the thought, if only Kikyou could see her now! The only miko who could have rivaled her strength was Midoriko, and even she was not her equal now. So much credit needed to be given to Sesshoumaru, she still didn’t know why he’d saved her, but he had been her rock ever since that day.

“…Even if he isn’t the nicest guy I’ve ever met…” She mumbled under her breath with a tiny giggle.

She liked to think that they were friends, even though she’d bet the Shikon that Sesshoumaru would never admit it! A mutual respect had developed between them, after all she was powerful and, if Sesshoumaru respected anything at all, it was power. Sneaking a glance at the stoic lord sitting beneath the cherry tree a few yards from her, she couldn’t help but smile.

As if feeling her gaze on his face, Sesshoumaru’s gilded orbs slid open, connecting with her aqua gems. Although his face remained still as stone, one perfect, silvery brow raised in silent question. He refrained from rolling his eyes at the exasperating miko and her chosen response. All she gave in reply was a loud raspberry and a crooked smile before returning to collecting herbs. Slanting his eyes to the horizon and the setting sun, Sesshoumaru decided that it was time to return home. Rising with enviable grace and turning toward his shiro, Sesshoumaru began his short return journey, stopping only to call over his shoulder,


His ears caught the quieting of her hands and the rustle of hair and fabric as she looked toward him.


Knowing that she would do as he said, Sesshoumaru did not wait to listen for the footsteps that he knew would be close behind. Surely enough, within seconds she was trotting after him. A smug smile only he would ever know of crossed his lips at the sound. He had indeed saved her, initially out of instinct and grudging respect, but reflecting on the current circumstances he could not approve more of his previous decision to do so. She was the priestess of his court, an invaluable asset and a deterrent like none other in today’s world. She was the Shikon Miko, she had been given heightened senses, by the jewel no doubt, and she did not seem to be aging. Another small, humorless smirk passed Sesshoumaru’s lips, one that would stop hearts- all sharp teeth and danger, purely predator- at his last thought, the most glorious aspect of all.

She was all of these things, yes, but most importantly, she was the last known priestess in Japan.


That’s it for now! If you guys like this I’ll keep it going and get some explaining done in the next few chapters. I’ll fill you guys in on what happened to all the miko and houshi because, as the summary states, Kagome’s the last holy person, priestess specifically, left. Sooo..if you liked it please leave me a little love! Hopefully I’ll get the next chapter out soon!
