The Youkai Games by Siera Serenity Star

The Imperial City

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or hunger games.

Author Note: sorry it's taken so long for an update, don't worry I haven't forgotten about it just been on a long term writers block and busy work schedule.

Challenge and promos used within are:

*~*Missy*~*'s odd word prompts Aroma, and food.

Sunsetmikos once a week challenge, week 26 - Guilty,

As well as for GreyEcho's Ressirect Your Fanfict challenge



Chapter 4 : The Imperial Empire

Kagome awoke to rays of light that were shinning through the curtains of her bedroom cart. Yawning she stretched slowly sitting up, before a confused look passed over her face. How did she end up in bed? The last thing she remembered was talking to Sesshoumaru then everything going black. She rubbed the back of her neck, he must of put her to slip somehow then carried her to bed. Her face reddened at the thought of him carrying her.

Shaking her head to get rid of any impure thoughts that were staring to arise she slipped out of bed. Blinking she noticed a set of clothes sitting on a chair near the window. Walking over to them she picked them up, it was a pair of dark blue pants and a purple tank top and new undergarments.

After changing and slipping into her boots, she headed to the meeting cart. As she drew closure a delicious aroma drifted through the air, breathing it in she sighed in delight. Something smelled really, really, good, following the wonderful aroma she reached the meeting cart and slid the door open. Bankotsu and Jakotsu were already there as was Sesshoumaru. Across the table was a wonderfully elaborate spread of food.

"Ah sleeping beauty has awakened," Jakotsu clapped his gleefully. "Come come, come join us for breakfast."

Kagome walked over to the table eyes wide in shock, she had never seen so much food before. There were over easy eggs, scrambled eggs, toast, French toast, sausage, Hash browns, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, omelets, cereal, fruits, and even crepes. A rush of guilt went through her, back home her family was barely surviving yet here she was about to eat more food then they have ever dreamed of. Her hands rested on the head of her chair as she stood frozen staring at the table.

"Oh come come come, sit and eat," Jakotsu tried to coax her to sit down.

Sesshoumaru glanced out of the corner of his eye, he had an idea of what was going through her head, "You need nutrient to keep your human body strong for the games. Or would you rather they grieve for your death because you refuse to eat out of guilt."

Kagome stiffened angrily before sending a intense glare at Sesshoumaru, "I don't expect the son of a LORD to understand! To you this is nothing, but to my family this would mean everything! You know nothing of watching your kit try to give the very little food he has to try to keep you going! Or watching your grandfather die a little each day because you don't have enough to keep him healthy!"

Kagome was starting to shake angrily tears filling her eyes, When Sesshoumaru saw the pain in her eyes and immediately regretted his words. He remained silent because he could not take back the pain he had caused. Bankotsu quickly waved his hands to get their attention so he could try to defuse the situation.

"What I think Sesshoumaru was really trying to say," he sent a cold disapproving glare at Sesshoumaru, "is that I'm sure your family understand and forgive you. You are going to need plenty of nourishment to strengthen your body for the games. They would not hold something like this against you, I'm sure they would tell you so themselves if they could be here."

Kagome's shoulders dropped a little as she hesitantly sat down, but leaving two chairs between her and Sesshoumaru. She was still mad at him for the inconsiderate comment, whether he meant it that way or not. And the jerk didn't even have the nerve to drop his pride and apology. She gave him the cold shoulder as Jakotsu also tried to lighten the atmosphere by putting a deliciously looking sweet cheese crepe with strawberry topping on her plate.

"You are absolutely going to love this," Jakotsu said gleefully, "oh and you must try these as well." He piles sausage links, scrambled eggs and cheese, and bacon onto a plate.

Kagome paled, there was no way she could eat THAT much food, Bankotsu face palmed, "Jaks for the heaven's sake she's a girl, she can't eat that much food. You trying to kill her before the games even get started."

Jakotsu waved him off, "oh come now, it's not that much."

Kagome sweat-dropped before picking up a fork and trying the sweet cheese crepe, when the delectable taste touched her tongue her eyes lit up as she looked to be in heaven.

"See I told you, I just knew you'd love it," Jakotsu cheered clapping his hand. "Now eat up and finish every bite to get lots of nourishment."

An hour later Kagome set her fork complete stuffed, Jakotsu had continually tried to fill her plate up with food. Bankotsu was sitting with his chin leaning on his hand and elbow on the table with a raised eyebrow in amazement, "dang girl, where do you put it all. I really believed you wouldn't be able to eat all that good Jaks kept filling you up with."

Kagome laughed nervously, "my lithe brother would joke that I'm not human or something." She suddenly went quiet as guilt filled her again. No matter what they said and even if it was true she couldn't forget that her family was still suffering back home at the shrine.

Jakotsu quickly waved a hand in front of her waving his index finger, "oh no you don't, don't you dare go back to feeling guilty. That just simply will not do."

Before Kagome could reply bright light filled the cart as the train exited a tunnel into open area again. Bankotsu stood looking grim, "here we are the Imperial City."

Kagome stood and walked over to the window looking out as her eyes widened in awe. Surrounded by a beautiful and large country side sat a beautifully crystallized city. The buildings all looked to be large spacious mansions each on their own, towards the middle was what appeared to be a rather large and elaborate market. Then just behind a large set of marble walls sat what looked almost like a palace made out of a blueish white crystallized marble.

"There on the other side of the city on your left is the Chosen's Hall," came Bankotsu's voice from behind her. She's looked to find both Bankotsu and Jakotsu behind her and standing next to her was Sesshoumaru. She instantly stiffened, she was still mad at him, but at the same time wondered he she had angered him as well when she yelled at him. She knew from Inuyasha that he didn't take kindly to being yelled at by inferior mortals. When his eyes looked towards her she quickly looked back out the window.

The train pulled into a large tunnel, when the walls cleared it opened up into a large oval build. A oval stained crystal glass ceiling made up the roof of the station. There were people everywhere dressed in fancy and some even unusual clothing walking through security checkpoints.

"Here's our stop, come on you too follow us," Bankotsu said turning and heading out.

Kagome looked around in wonder as they passed through the security point, she stiffened when she walked part the enforcer. A big burly one snickered and made a kissing noise towards her. She shivered feeling very uncomfortable and wishing she wasn't wearing the tank top, a growling noise came from behind her as she was pulled back into a strong chest. She looked up over her shoulder see Sesshoumaru sending a imitating glare at the enforce while a growl rumbled in his throat.

The enforcer straightened immediately before waving with his sword, "move along, move along."

Bankotsu and Jakotsu were chuckling behind them as the exited the security point into the city. Kagome's eyes took a moment to adjust to the brightness as her gaze took in a closer look of the city. The city looked even more wondrous then it did from the train, on closer inspection she could see that there was many stores within the market area. Hundreds of people dressed in fancy and unique clothes going about their day looking to not have a care in the world.

"Ok, stay close it's easy to get lost around here," Bankotsu said as he took the lead. Kagome followed with Sesshoumaru right behind her occasionally sending a glare at anyone who drew to close to them. Jakotsu took up the rear following with a highly amused expression.

They soon came to another building made out of tan crystallized marble, it looked to be ten stories high with large marble pillars. Outside the building was two large statues holding a sword in front of their faces in a warriors salute, both in ancient armor. One was a female with long hair the other was a male with long hair.

"At first only males fought in the games," Bankotsu said nodding his head to the statues. "Only around the 70th game or so was females also brought into the games."

"Yes they were very rude back then, females weren't allowed to leave the home let alone carry a sword," Jakotsu whined dramatically.

"...uh you're male why would that bother you?" Kagome asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh come now I'm a girl, just call me Jaks-chan," Jakotsu giggled waving a hand.

Bankotsu face palmed again before grabbing Jakotsu by the ear, "come on 'SISTER' we have to finish the tour in time for preparations."

Kagome giggled shaking her head at their antics, she blinked looking up to find Sesshoumaru watching her. Blushing she darted after Bankotsu and Jakotsu. As she entered the building Kagome crashed right into Jakotsu and Bankoutsu.

Bankotsu looked over his shoulder at her, "and here is the Chosen's Hall, where statues of every single winner from each Youkai Games are situated throughout the building."

Then he proceeded to lead them through each room, the first floor consisted of a wide open hall upon entering the building. A grand staircase led into the first room straight ahead that led to a Banquet hall. A hallway to the left of the front door followed around the left side of the building to the training hall. To the right another hall leading around the right side of the building led to the gardens. Then the left and right side of the grand staircase led to the second floor where the northern lands chosen would reside. The third floor was southern lands floor, the fourth was the eastern lands and the fifth was the western lands.

Kagome was out of breath by the time they had reached the fifth floor, "why...couldn'"

"Oh, there's a elevator just around the corner," Jakotsu said waving it off.

Kagome stared at them with a 'Are you kidding me?!' Look. Bankotsu sweat dropped rubbing the back of his head, "sorry bout that forgot you were a human for a moment there."

Jakotsu clapped his hands gleefully, "oh don't worry a trip to the hot springs will make it all better."

Kagome's eyes lit up, "hot springs?"

Bankotsu opened the large door in front of them as they stepped in. The room was extraordinary, the middle of the room consisted of family looking room. A large fireplace to the left and a couple couches and chairs on a large royal purple rug. Just behind the room with a slight step-up step was a large rectangle dinning table. Behind it was a wall of glass over looking the Imperial City.

"Ok, this way," Bankotsu led then to a hall way on the right side of the room. Following the hallway they passed several rooms, "Jaks and I have rooms here, then there's the bathrooms and then at the far end of the hall on the left will be Sesshoumaru and Kagome yours is on the right. And this door," he opened the door that was on the wall where the hall ended and opened it.

It opened onto a small staircase that curved upward. The stairs led to a large open indoor hot springs, being at the top of the building it was surrounded by glass walls. A statue of a long haired female pouring a gourd from which the water came from was situated on each of the four corners of the spring.

"Alright," Bankotsu crossed his arms turning them, "let's get started on the preparations."

Jakotsu rubbed his hands joyously as a glint sparked in his eye leaning towards Kagome, "hehe let the fun begin."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Next Chapter : The Party *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Siera: Well there's Chapter 4, sorry it took soooooooo long and sorry it was a bit boring, I wanted to get all the details of the Chosen hall out now so the rest of the chapters can include more action.