Heart of a Shadow by Black Phoenix

Chapter 1

My dearest,

You may not know from whom this comes and in the event that you don't, I wouldn't be surprised. It is, afterall, understandable for I have remained out of your sight, in the shadows, for kami knows how long. I have watched you grow and prosper into the beautiful woman that you are now. Always watching over you, protecting you, helping you, but never directly. I am but a mere shadow of whom and what I once was, yet the sight of you never fails to rid such thoughts from my mind. 

Kagome. To utter this one word destroys me from the very seams. My heart has and will always be yours my sweet and shall always be ice to others for only you are worthy Kagome, my Kagome.

Forgive me if none of this makes sense, words escape me when I think of you my love. It is hard my sweet, so hard to love you when I should not and desire you when I cannot, have you that is. If only you knew the depths of my passion, of my need for you. The incessant hunger to taste you, to have your body writhe beneath me as lust over takes you. To hear your cries of passion as you ride wave after wave of pleasure, pleasure that I have given you. My greatest wish though, Kagome, is to hear you say my name, just once, with love and passion. Unfortunately, that can and never will be. I am but a shadow to you. Always to be looked at, but never seen, but oh how I would love for you to look upon and see me. It wasn't meant to be it seems and this is a fact that I must accept.

To be able to gaze upon you is enough for me. To see you smile brightly, to watch your eyes twinkle, and your face blush. To hear your tinkling laugh and smell your almond scent. Yes, it is enough for me. Perhaps in another lifetime we shall be with another, if only in wishful thinking. Until then, my sweet, I shall remain in the shadows as I have always have, seen yet not seen. An entity of your dreams for you shall forever plague mine Kagome. Fate is a cruel mistress is she not?  And so it goes my sweet. I love you and shall, for eternity, do so for it is limitless.


-Forever yours

Never shall I let you go Kagome.