Raising a Glass by Nightshadowv

A Drunken One Night Stand

                                                I own nothing but don't let that stop you from enjoying this one-shot.

 A Drunken One Night Stand

Kagome gazed down at the bottle in her hand before rising to her lips. Knocking back a healthy swallow she let the burn slowly take her anywhere but to her memories. Which at the moment was impossible as the image scathed her like fire licking at her skin. After yet another health knock back of the clear smooth liquor she found the bow that had been sitting discarded next to her.

Wobbly she stood on her feet before taking out an arrow from the stand. Holy energy consumed the arrow as a whole than with a shake aim let it loose on the target. An audible bang came from projectile as it hit the mark. Kagome smiled at her improved skills that had been nonexistent when she had first fallen into the well. The smile faded to a frown as she dropped the bow once more. Her hand clenched tightly till small beads of blood had been drawn. Dropping back down onto the ground she went back to the bottle next to her.

Time moved like a fish, swishy at best since Kagome had no idea how long she had been there. Drinking away the awful memory of “Them” together in an embrace she never wanted to see Inuyasha in again. Once had been enough with it loving scaring effects that would haunt her throughout the rest of her life. But that wasn’t the worst part about seeing the thing as a whole from a spot that left her in perfect view. Other memories had been pounding her with the feeling of love and devotion that was them, Kikyo and Inuyasha. No room for herself to interfere upon because she was the interloper.

At that thought she pulled the now almost empty bottle up to her lips taking an even larger swig of the potent liquid. Which she had secured from a yokai that ran a liquor store that only catered to other yokai’s needs. The clerk had told her that after drinking it she would forget everything she thought of while drinking the liquor. Yet nothing had changed at all as yet another painful memory caught her off guard.

Kikyo gazing at her through thick long lashes as she frowned at Kagome. ‘Weak…ugly…small…’ The list went on and on as all those thoughts ran through Kagome’s head as Kikyo just stared her down. Just knowing that never in her dark gaze would she ever be good enough in her eyes. Kagome felt helpless in front of the elder miko who had once loved Inuyasha with all her heart and soul. She reached out to Inuyasha but he pushed her away as went to her the long dead clay doll that held only hate in her bones.

Tears pricked at the back of her eyes as she gripped the bow once but instead of notching another arrow, she dropped it instead. Her power now unstable swirled around her cutting at her delicate skin to draw small thin lines of blood.

The night had been quite for the first time in three weeks and Sesshomaru was in the middle of enjoyed his peace. Since it never lasted more than an hour anyway it always seemed to be. As time passed many of the older clans had finally been able to settle peacefully. This just left the rouges that popped up every now and again.

Taking a delicate tasting of the blood red wine he had opened to settle in for the night with. After that one taste his cellphone buzzed like an annoying fly he couldn’t swat away. Taking it out of his jacket pocket he hit talk.

Before holding it to his ear as the distressed sound of Jaken lit up the other end. “Milord I am sorry to disturb you rest at such a late hour but I was informed by Null-sama that he needs your help in dealing with a miko.” Jaken said breathlessly.

Sesshomaru ever the vocalist gave a one word reply. “Hn.” Before he ended the phone call to leave and deal with the threat.

Moving like a shadow hanging over the brightly lit up city he made his way to Null’s territory. Near a school that taught archery and other such skills that were almost gone thanks to the progression of civilization trying to modernize worldwide. Sesshomaru landed lightly on his feet as he released the light in which he used to travel quickly.

He noticed from his position in the wooded area around the school that there was a miko using her power. From his distance he also noted that the spiral of power looked out of control. He knew that it would not end well for the miko if her power reached the final bang. That had the high probability of exposing his kind to the prying eyes of humanity.

As Sesshomaru grew closer to the source he noticed that the miko in question was in fact Inuyasha’s miko. Suddenly realization dawned on him as he put together that the girl was really from the future. Her choice of dress and the way she tended to act all made sense to him now as he moved ever closer to the out of control power.

Kagome stood frozen in a squat as her hands stuck firmly to the sides of her head. Eyes shut tight as a look of pure pain held it’s self on her down turned mouth. The smell of liquor coated her scent strongly as he tried to think of a way to stop her from possibly killing herself from exerting her power and more than a dozen yokai living in the area from just the shock wave alone from the power she was putting off.

In a strong voice that held nothing but ice he spoke. “Miko I command that you stop this at once.” From just the power of his voice alone snapped Kagome out of the dark spiral she had fallen into.

Blue eyes gazed up to find a half dressed and very pissed looking Sesshomaru. Her eyes went wide as he calmly brushed past the holy power she was still exerting. A clawed hand touched her with a firm grip that had her letting go of whatever had been pulling her down. Like a light switch that hand been flipped off her power left her.

And with that so did her energy. “Sesshomaru?” She asked hazily before shutting her eyes as sleep took her.

The Daiyokai gave a sigh as he lift the human girl up into his arms and carried her off to his residence. A high-rise apartment building that over looked most of the smaller buildings in the area. Landing on the balcony with a practiced ease he made his way into the spacious living area. Dropping the miko none to gently onto the couch he made his way over to his chair where his bottle had sat undisturbed.

Finishing two glasses of the stuff he was finally able to lean back and relax. It had been a trying day filled with the usual bull of ‘I didn’t mean to kill the human it just sort of happened.’ That many yokai tried to use and fail at as many had a motive behind it.

Hot was the word that sung through Kagome’s body as she sat up. Feeling disorientated by her surroundings she spotted Sesshomaru’s third glass of wine that was still full. Thirsty she got up on shaky legs and stumbled over to the ruby liquid. Kagome picked up the stem wear without any thought or hesitation before she consumed the fiery liquid that sent a trail of fire down her throat. Her powers flared mutely it ebbed the pain away as the alcohol hit her system adding to her already diluted senses.

Her body felt strange as a burning need hit her. New to this sudden sensation she stumbled right onto Sesshomaru’s lap. Kagome flushed as she noticed where she was for the first time. A part of her brain screamed for her to get up. But the strong more dulled part of her that burned with an ever growing need like it right where she was. Having no power to move she stayed right where she had landed and snuggled closer to the cold lord of the west.

Her nose found itself buried in his neck taking in the strong masculine pheromones he gave off. Kagome’s arms moved like they belong to another as they wrapped themselves around his neck. After nipping him playfully he came away still drunk off the poisons that were mixed into the blood wine he drank. He growled irritated to be woken from his drug induced sleep.

Sesshomaru moved with the grace and power of one of his kind. To pin the small female body down into the chair he had just been sitting in. Kagome giggled at the whooshing of her body being moved without any effort on his part.

His golden gaze bore into her blue one. “Miko…” He growled low.

With all her caution thrown to the wind and a need that was shadowing her need to survive Kagome took her chance. One that Sesshomaru seemed not to mind as he recaptured her lips with his own. Kagome gasped a little surprised at him returning her affection. She noticed in her haze the feeling of his hand on her hip while the other sat on the arm rest.

He released her lips to move down lower along her jawline, neck, collar bone, and the moan of his name changed instantly into a gasp. As Kagome laced her fingers into Sesshomaru’s sliver locks while a clawed hand lifted the fabric of her shirt up. Lips traveled down the soft skin of her stomach before reaching her skirt’s waist.

In a swift movement Sesshomaru had removed the obstruction of her panties. Moving closer to the slick heat that begged for his attention using both hands he lifted Kagome’s legs up and apart for better access as he dipped his tongue into her sensitive fold. A strangled sound came from her throat as pleasure washed over her.

After that everything became unclear.

Blurry blue eye opened slowly to the light of the glaring sun. A faint dread washed over her as she felt a weight pressed against her. Kagome with all the grace of a hung over teenager, turned over to see the chest of Sesshomaru. Before the panic set in she appraised it finding it to be a very nice one. ‘It’s too bad he always covered it up with a chest plate in the past.’ She thought vaguely before her face went white.

Without grace at all she managed to slip out of the steel band like arms of the Daiyokai lord. Naked and having no clue were her clothing was she moved about the room hoping to find something to wear. As she searched the floor a piece of green fabric caught her eye as a deep red blush crossed her features. There lying innocently on the bed room floor of one of the most power creatures she had ever laid eyes on. A piece of her skirt ripped in such a way that implied that the rest of her clothing lay in similar disrepair.

Not letting her-self think of the reason behind her sore aching body. Or the obvious reason why her clothing would be ripped to shreds on the floor. Not to mention waking up in bed to the most ruthless male she had ever met. No, Kagome didn’t dwell on this as she made her escape from his residence wearing the smallest pair of pants she could find and a shirt that she hoped he wouldn’t be missing.

Leaving no note Kagome shut the door hoping not to wake the sleeping beast beyond. The next hour was spent walking home in disgrace. Kagome felt the red in her face slowly wither away as she climbed the shrine stairs. Sliding past her mother and grandfather without being seen she made her way up to the bath.

Feeling refreshed after scrubbing her skin till it was red. She made sure to hide the clothing she had barrowed and never planned to return to the back of her closet. Pulling back out of the closet Kagome found Inuyasha ever the observant one sitting in her window. Frowning at this she got up and went over to him.

She stared at him with a hard look. “Inuyasha what are you doing here?” Kagome noted that he managed to look offended by this.

“Oi wench the jewel shards aren’t going to come to us now let’s go.” Inuyasha said looking irritated for some unknown reason to her.

He grabbed her not caring what she had been through in the past twelve hours. Screaming at his abrupt jump out her window and hop across the court yard right to the well house. Then right down the rabbit hole they went as a very angry lord woke to an empty bed.

Sesshomaru fisted the comforter in his clawed fingertips as her scent dominated the room. He just sat there in bed watching her roll over eyeing him and his chest. She frowned next making her escape out of his arm than her search for her missing clothing. Still his grip didn’t lessen as his golden gaze made its way to his closet. Sesshomaru knew for a fact that every last shirt he had hanging up now smelled like her. Turning his head a growl rip through him as he watched the ghostly version of her finger a pair of his underwear. After that she slowly made her way through the draws till she found a pair of his pajama pants.

Then he watched as the ghostly version of her made it right out the door. Dress in nothing more than his shirt and pants with no money not even a way to get home other than for her to walk home. Another silent growl ripped through him at this displeasing thought as a ripping sound accompanied it.

Getting out of bed he made it to the shower without damaging anything more than the comforter on the bed. After soaking in the steaming hot water he emerged from the steamy bathroom. Right as his cellphone went off. Frowning he walked to the living room no mind to the fact that if annoy female saw him they might just die from a bloody nose. While water beaded and ran down his unmarked skin.

Finding the cured object he answered it. “Yes?” There never was a friendly hello only a question.

A soft voice crept over the wireless line. “My you sound angry lover could it be you’re missing me already?” The female purred sounding happy with herself.

Frowning at the owner of the voice he spoke in a tight manner. “I would never miss the touch as one such as you Henderson. Now tell me why you have called.” He commanded.

An audible sigh escaped the one on the other end. “You have caught me I was just checking into see how you handled the rouge miko problem since you never did report back into me.” A now more male like voice said which didn’t shock the Daiyokai lord in the least.

From his words Sesshomaru realized that the Miko had made him forget about his work. “The miko will be gone for some time yet Henderson. As such there is no need for you to interfere in person.” The strangle sound of what could only be called laughter met his ear.

Finally the fit ended. “Oh Lover if I didn’t know you so well I might think you never wanted to see my luscious hide again in the throes of passion.” Sesshomaru slightly choked as a memory hit him.

Coughing to ease the thought away he spoke with more ice in his voice. “Yes well sorry to bust you disillusions but I have other more pressing matters to attend to.” As he hung up Henderson noticed that he still didn’t know what Sesshomaru did to the miko.

Tracking her home had been a breeze that was a nice subtle change in the rut that had become his life. Dealing with wayward yokai had never been one of his likes even when his father was still breathing. Telling him how he should do things in an ever change world that had been thrown into chaos. Now though those same teaching had become ever present as he dealt with the modern era yokai. Arriving at the Sunset Shrine he didn’t notice the smile that was present on his face as he made quick work of the stairs.

He stood at the front door of the house that sat on the shrine’s property. He had already scented the air to know that Kagome had already left. Sesshomaru let lose some of his power letting those around him know of his bad mood. When out of nowhere the front door shot open and a white tag had been placed on his skin.

Ripping the paper away he looked down at the one responsible. An old priest that smelled of odd items that he recognized simple because of his father’s strange eating habits. Glaring at the elder human he took it that this was the miko’s ever famous grandfather.

He held back the urge to break the finger pointed at him. “You’re a demon.” He accused of with such a hot passion that he almost, as in not really thought the man had some form of spiritual power.

A bit of shuffling inside and a woman with a stressed look on her face came to the door. She pushed the old man back inside giving him a good tongue lashing before turning back to him. “I am sorry about father-in-law he is a bit obsessed with demons. Now how may I help you?” In a way Sesshomaru felt a fear he only ever got around his mother.

Giving a not so bored look he spoke eloquently to the mother of the miko. “I am no ordinary yokai though Mrs. Higurashi. My name is Sesshomaru elder brother to the hanyo Inuyasha.” At this a happy look crossed the face of the human mother of two.

While Sesshomaru sat down to a friendly cup of tea Kagome was at the moment in the middle of a fierce battle. She and Inuyasha locked eyes as both held the last piece of meat in their grip. Shippo watched them seeing the sparks that almost seemed to fly from their eyes.

It was an amazing turn of events as Kagome used a cheap trick. “Inuyasha its Kikyo…” She said eyes filled with worry as she gazed behind him.

Being a simple male that he really was Inuyasha forgot about the battle of will to look behind him. He found nothing but the dimming landscape as night began its reign over the land. “What where is she Kagome?” He asked looking back to find Kagome with a look of sweet satisfaction on her face.

After chewing the sweet tender meat she spoke. “Serves you right for looking away Inuyasha,” She purred happily full from their dinner. “After all…All is fair in the battle for the last piece of meat.” Inuyasha now angry stalked away from the brighten glow of the fire.

Shippo ever the child hopped into Kagome’s lap. “That was a good show Kagome and it serves dog breath right.” The young kitsune said with a smile.

Sleep over took the whole group as they each took to curling up in their usual manner. But as the night wore on Kagome struggled in her sleep until she finally opened her eyes. It was dark but not like the night outside under the stars. There was a faint glow that drew her eyes to the light.

A woman with a pair of white pigtails sat holding a mirror in her hands. Her purple lips turned up into a smile. “Oh good you are unhurt.” The beautiful yokai said sounding almost sad that she was unhurt.

Kagome ever the willful being frowned and growled out at the woman. “I take it you are Sesshomaru’s mother. Tell me what is it you wanted so badly that you would bring me to this place in the middle of the night.” She commanded making the woman giggle slightly.

Slowly she opened and closed her eyes. “I see now why he would give you his mark. That still doesn’t explain how he gave it to you.” At the mention of Sesshomaru and his mark Kagome gave her a puzzling look.

Raising an eyebrow she opened and closed her mouth a few times not knowing what to say. “What do you mean by mark?” She asked finally still not knowing what was going on.

The female yokai rolled her eyes. “My son has obviously bed you with the intent on breeding with you. Yet I have kept a close eye on my son and have not seen you two alone long enough for this to happen. Now tell me miko how have you come by my son’s mark.” Kagome paled at the strength of power the Inu yokai displayed.

Kagome had been forced to her knees so she looked up from a bowed head. “I do not know of what you speak of.” In a moment too fast for an ordinary mortal to move Sesshomaru’s mother held her chin delicately between twin claws.

Sniffing lightly as not to seem imposing like most other yokai. “Well I know enough by your scent that you have been indulging in yokai spirits. A special kind brew at that one designed to help forget memories.” She said dropping the human girl’s chin.

Kagome’s eyes go wide at this as she takes in the woman before her. “I have to say you were quite clever to cover the mark up with your power miko. Now if my boy caught wind of it before me, you might not have survived.” She finished walking back to the place where she had been sitting.

Like a fish being thrown back Kagome found herself gasping for air. Shippo ever the playful child had bounced on her trying to wake her up. Blue eyes bright and wakeful met the green ones of the fox. He gave her a toothy smile. “Oh good your awake!” He chirped as the sound of yelling caught her ears.

It had to be a nightmare she told herself as Sesshomaru stood facing his mutt of a brother. Still cold and calculating he didn’t seem to breathe let alone move. With a single clawed hand he blocked Inuyasha’s wild swings. To Kagome it reminded her of a master teaching a student, forcing the unyielding to learn by force.

He turned finally and looked at her with a gaze that had her blood running cold. ‘He knows!” Kagome’s mind screamed out with panic as the baser instinct to take flight hit her. She was unaware that she had listened to her body and was now running away. From a very intuitive Inu that had his sight set on her since the beginning.

Sesshomaru gave a bit of a yawn showing his boredom with the battle. “I have not come to entertain you half-breed.” He said simple before leaving the huffing dog eared boy in the dust.

Catching the woman by the back of her collar had her screaming in fright. “Sesshomaru what do I owe the honor of you attention.” She asked in a high pitched voice.

He didn’t answer her as he pulled her shirt away to show off the marking his future self-had left. Using a single digit he traced the mark while still holding onto her. Kagome shivered as her arousal peaked from just a slight touch. “Miko…” She understood his question even though he didn’t ask it.

A slight moan came out before she could speak clearly. “Sesshomaru…you…” Is all that made any sense at all.

Inuyasha had finally managed to follow his older brother after hearing Kagome scream. When he arrived though a scene he never expected greeted him. Kagome with her arms wrapped around his brother kissing him. Faint and unable to understand what was really happening the hanyo fainted.

What Inuyasha really saw was a panicking Kagome who knew only one thing. She wanted to show Inuyasha how she felt. Taking a liberty of surprise she pecked the Daiyokai on the lips. As for her arms she was still too short to reach his face. So she did what any miko that wasn’t thinking would do. She jumped him and hit the mark with shocking help from the cold western lord.

Setting her down Sesshomaru gave a smirk. “It may suit you better than I first thought.” Is all he said before walking away for a gob smacked little miko behind.

Sesshomaru sat back in his chair taking in the atmosphere of the small bar. It was an unknown one amongst the crowd. Yet by the end of the week the most well-known faces of the yokai world will have graced this bar. Taking a long drink of one of the more potent laced poisonous drinks he was able to relax blocking out the whispers that floated within his ear shot. That was sharp if not sharper than in his youth. Silently he cursed himself as he noticed the newest scent that had entered through the door.

A woman with long brunette hair with blond mixed in to the point that it looked like her hair couldn’t decide which color it wanted to be. She had a seductive smile on her face as she walked in letting her hips sway in a hypnotic manner. Every male eye had targeted in on her scantily cladded body as she picked up two delicate glasses filled with a ruby liquid. Walking with a lithe cat like form that held everyone at attention. That is till she draped a delicate arm over the Dog Lord and not ending up with it being broken.

Sesshomaru took up the glass setting it down as he placed his thumb and forefinger at the bridge of his nose. A soundless sigh came from him as the sound of the whispering picked up again.

“Oh lover you’re looking pale do you need a little extra TLC from me?” She asked right next to his ear.

Sesshomaru looked up at her with a growl. “I told you Henderson not to call me lover.”

Red lips pulled back into a wicked smile. “Oh but lover you told me never to call you lover in my male form and well as you can see.” She said with a gleam in her eyes as she took a light sip of her drink.

Sesshomaru ignored her as he finished his own drink. Before looking up to find that Henderson was still staring at him with the look he knew too well.

“Alright Henderson how much do you know.” He said feeling the weight of Kagome’s presence gone from his side.

A light female laughter escaped her as she touched his arm again. “Not much, since you didn’t leave much of a trail till you became a council member three hundred years ago.” He resisted the urge to smile at this.

For a long moment he refused to speak about the pain that carved out his heart knowing that his Kagome was with the hanyo who she held an uncanny kind of love for in a way he found twisted. Yet for the life of him he found himself wanting to know and understand everything about her. He exhaled letting the tension from his body drain allowing him to speak of the miko.

Kagome glared angrily over at Inuyasha who was pouting at the edge of the campsite. He went to sneak a glance at her for the fourth time in two minutes. Shippo stuck out his tongue as he locked eyes with the hanyo. Angrily he got up from his place and pouncing on Kagome about it.

“Why does that snot nosed brat get the ninja food?” He growled placing a clawed hand on her shoulder.

Kagome screamed out in pain as Inuyasha’s skin came into contact with her shirt. “Sit! Sit! Sit!” She yelled out with the cry of someone writhing in deaths grip. “Inuyasha what have I told you?” Kagome hissed through clenched teeth as she glared down at him.

“I asked you a question Inuyasha.” She said with a tight voice that was laced with a threat.

Slowly he pulled himself out of the hole that was in shape of him. “Dame it wench, what is wrong with you?” He growled out at her ready to attack her.

He found Miroku holding him back with his staff. “Inuyasha it has become apparent that for some reason Kagome cannot tolerate your touch. So can you please try to stop from touching her until we figure out why?” The monk asked with a calm tone that stopped the arguing for the moment.

That was until she felt a hand touching her from behind and knew just who it was. With icy blue eyes she glared at the monk as pain hit her. She managed a good slug to the face before she fell to her knees. From there Sango took over the beating of a lecherous monk that didn’t learn all that well.

“Ah what can I say my hand is cursed…?” He proved this by feeling up Sango as well earning him more than just one hit on the head.

Kagome recovered as she felt a shiver like a burst of cold wind had touched her exposed skin. Looking up and to the edge of the woods she spotted the Lord of the West. She tried not to blush yet the heat that radiated from her face felt like a beacon. He stood there for a moment like a beckoning for her to follow which she had done for the past week. The first night had been spent in a silent calm that had her on edge like at any moment he would just snap her up. Just as the wolf in the little red hood had done to the grandmother; though there was another embarrassing thought that had hit her.

Kagome moved quickly so as not to get left behind only stopping to throwing back a slight after thought. “Oh by the way Inuyasha there is no more ninja food left.”

The taunting words hit Inuyasha like a brick throwing him into a rage as he pounced onto Kagome. She screamed out in pain as the contact of his skin caused her to suffer. There was no warning as Inuyasha’s weight just left her. The pain had turned into something else entirely which suddenly turned her knees to jelly. Making it hard for her to even stand up straight let alone walk at that moment.

With a sudden swift movement she found herself being pulled by the hand right into the darkened forest. Her body held no resistance to this sudden and very much wanted attention she was receiving. Kagome felt her lungs that now started to burn as the stich in her side pulled even harder making her breath even shorter. Slowly the length of his stride lessened until finally he stopped. Kagome stopped finding that she was tired of not asking him why she followed him every night he came for her. Or why she couldn’t handle the touch of Inuyasha for even a moment before a blinding searing pain that consumed her whole being.

Taking a breath she looked at him in the light of the moon that happened to be very bright. “Tell me what the meaning of this mark means Sesshomaru and if it is the reason why I am in pain every time Inuyasha touches me.”

As she said this the demon lord noticed her lack of lose at the mention of Inuyasha touching her. It pleased him to know this yet he knew that something was wrong.

“It is the power of the mark I gave you.” This was a lie though the little miko would be unable to detect this.

She turned an appealing shade of red at this and kept her mouth closed as she continued to follow him. Moving through the darkened wood the pulse of life met him as a call to join in the merry making pulled at him. He denied the moon pull yet as he turned around he found Kagome gone from his side. Moving quickly with worry coating each step he took till the sight of the back of her head met his eyes.

Drunk on the moon Kagome felt free of her human concerns for a change. Following the music that called to her she found out where it came from. It was a parade of yokai that moved to the same tune that had pulled her in. A blissful feeling settled over her as she moved with a grace she never could muster any time before tonight.

With a spin Kagome’s smile was wiped off her face as she noticed the sight of a small imp being picked on. Bottles of sake were being broken all around him as a tengu laughed. Another was trying to pull him away, but it didn’t work as he was pushed right into the stand breaking even more bottles. Anger filled her as she moved over to the tengu that was going on about the spirits being too weak.

“If you find the spirits here so weak why not go find something better bird.” It was low yet at the moment Kagome felt invincible as power coiled in her belly.

The masked tengu looked to her with sneer. “Who asked you she-devil?” He said pushing her back with the power of his mighty wings.

Kagome stumbled back a bit but otherwise didn’t move as far as the tengu expected. With a heavy fist filled with power she made her way back up to the tengu. He had turned from her going back to wrecking the stall.

“Hey why not pick on someone your own size!” She challenged as a large hand touched her shoulder.

The tengu turned back around glaring at her. Yet when he was met with the lord of the west the tengu bowed. “I meant no disrespect Lord Sesshomaru.”

“None took Prince Haruto.” Sesshomaru said as the tengu took to the night sky.

Kagome looked up at him with a frown that said she could handle her own fights. “Your powers are unwelcome at this time Kagome.”

A deep red blush covered Kagome’s face as he spoke her name. Not once had he used her name and it was nice she found she liked it. Looking down Kagome found the owner of the stall a short imp with big blue eyes that didn’t seem to fit his face. He wore a tattered kimono and a bottle around his neck.

“Hello there milord and lady I am Hayate an imp that creates special spirits.” He said touching the bottle that hung around his neck.

Kagome smiled while Sesshomaru found him an amusing. “Please if you wouldn’t mind taking part in my prized bottle.” He shoved two small glasses at them and Kagome took both.

She pushed the drink onto Sesshomaru who took it only to make her happy. Putting it to her lips she smelled a strong blend of fruits. This surprised her since she knew most of the fruits came from overseas. The imp looked at her expectantly and so she drank it knowing this wouldn’t be her first and maybe not her last if Inuyasha kept at it. Her mouth buzzed with tingles as it made its way down warming her from the inside out. Until she felt like a blazing fire that was doused with a single touch. Yet the warmth stayed close to her heart. She opened her eyes to see Sesshomaru’s face right near hers.

He pulled away and the small finally looked up at them. “What was that?” Kagome asked speaking Sesshomaru’s mind.

“It is a drink for lovers. If they are meant to be together a single kiss will tame the burning flame of the heart. If not there is a chance that you might die.” He finished looking ready to bolt.

“You mean I could have died why didn’t you tell me?” She asked feeling ready to hit something like the shape of the imp’s face.

He held up his clawed hands flinching. “I didn’t mean to keep it from you but if I didn’t would you have tried it?”

“No I might not have tried it.” Now this just seals the fact that Sesshomaru and I am a real thing. The thought had her face burning brightly in the shadowy light.

The imp looked down at the bottle. “Since you spoke true I will forever be indebted to you. From now till my last breath any spirit you wish from me I will give to you.” He said looking at her expectantly.

“Thank you Hayate and you don’t need to be though from now on if you see me just call me Kagome.” He smiled showing a row of sharp little teeth perfect for tearing.

Sesshomaru lead her away from the crowed wood. Slowly they walked through the dark woods that absorbed the fire light. After stumbling Kagome took up Sesshomaru’s hand and continued on. The feel of his claws on the soft inside of her palm had shivers moving though her. Hot faced Kagome looked down at his hand feeling the flame in her heart burst to life.

She stopped Sesshomaru with a slight tug. He turned to look at what had her stopping their progression. “What is it miko.”

Kagome pouted as she heard her nickname. She wanted to hear him say her name again. Moving closer she smiled feeling empowered by the spirits as it seemed to be. Helping her to push past her reservations making what might have been awkward pleasant.

“Closer.” She said tugging at his sleeve like a child. He sighed and bent down not wanting to play any games.

When her target was in just the right spot she moved with boldness that she didn’t she had and kissed him. It was a sweet little kiss that was short and sweet much like one a child would give. Yet as she pulled away Kagome found her-self unable. As claws dug into her scalp mixing a little pain with the pleasure of his lips on hers.

His clawed hand moved lowed as he felt her hands wrap firmly around his neck. He could smell the arousal she was giving off. He found himself growling as the thought of her finding him attractive hit him. There was no one but him in this moment that made him move in a bolder way.

Sesshomaru opened his golden eyes as the name Hayate came back to him. The imp had promised them any spirit of his would be theirs. That would explain how she came about the spirits. He thought as memories he once detested came surging slowly back like warm water breaking up ice. The happiness that he felt was coming back filling him with it causing the pain to subside for the moment.

“Sorry Henderson as much as I would love to drink with you. I have to go have a talk with my mother.” He said making the woman before him arch a brow.

“We should get another drink together though bring the one on your mind along so I can meet her.” She purred before taking a delicate sip of the spirit in hand.

Sesshomaru pulled the cell out of his pocket. The ring was irritating him until his mother finally decided to pick up the other line. “Oh darling you called how rare for you to reach out to your dear mother.”

He gritted his teeth knowing she loved to go on about how much he didn’t care. “Mother tell me where is she?”

The ring of laughter filled the silent line. “Now you know I can’t tell you that not that I could even if I wanted too, anyway it is good that you remembered something after all this time son.” She said with a smug tone in her otherwise clear happy voice.

“She belongs in the future not the past.” It was a strange thing to say yet in a way it felt like it was the right thing for her.

“No she maybe a product of the two of you in the future but it is the past she was born in. As I told you both I will care for her as if she were my own. I must say she didn’t get your temperament son I might just accept that sleeping girl after all.” It hurt him to hear this yet he continued on his path.

The line went dead and he knew that she was going to run. Pulling over he released the binds that held his powers in-check for over two hundred years. The blinding white light coated his being. He moved at a rate that would have been impossible any other way for him to reach his mother in time.

Power still radiated off of him as he looked at his mother who was giving him a bored face. “You know son I would never have pegged you as a human lover. After all you sure are acting like an impatient and hormonal teenager.”

The barb stung a bit as the power of not being able to protect her hit him. “Tell me where she is now...Mother?” He demanded in an almost pleading tone.

Unwilling to hurt her son she let the mirror come free of it bindings. In it the image shone brightly of life within her sleeping face. “I will be back for her mother till than I will thank you for protecting her.” It took a lot for him to say this yet he knew there was no other way around it.

Turning around he left his mother unwillingly knowing there was nothing he could do yet for his bride who refused to wake.

Sesshomaru opened up his eyes and noticed that a small weight snuggled closer against him. He felt warmth from every part of his being till he looked down and spotted why. The miko’s naked form lay curled up against his own. A feeling of loathing welled up in him till he spotted the mark on her delicate throat. Pride came over him at the sight of the perfect mark, as did the knowledge that nothing could break them apart.

After returning the bathed and bedraggled miko to her group, he moved through the woods. Not knowing where he was going at first till the feel of familiarity hit him. His eyes widen as his mother’s form came to him. She wore a smile though he could tell she was looking rather bored.

“I am happy for you son though you shouldn’t need to ask what it means. After all your instincts will soon be screaming at you like a hungry infant.” Her words were harsh and it made him glare at her harder.

With that he drew his sword cutting her image and with it everything she knew. Making him wonder just what his mother knew that he was still blind to at the moment. With some effort he pushed the thought to the back of his mind. With that confusing mention from his mother gone for the moment he pushed on making his way back to his small rag tag group. After all he knew that the spider was becoming more and more desperate.

Kagome looked at the group and seen more than she thought possible. Everything would soon be changing shifting into a place without her. Albeit much happier place than when she had first fallen down the well all those years ago. Yet it was Inuyasha who had stubbornly refused to allow much of a change to him personally. He didn’t let the fact that the woman he had loves that was also a dead woman didn’t stop him. Kagome knew he would follow her right into the afterlife.

“Kagome you’re finally back and safe unlike what Inuyasha said happened.” Shippo cried clinging to her like she would never have returned.

“Shippo I am very much alive unlike Inuyasha who is about to become road kill. Besides Sesshomaru wouldn’t do something without being provoked. And unlike Inuyasha I don’t push the Western lord to his limits.” She said giving him her most innocent smile before turning dangerous as she looked at the hanyo. “Sit…Sit-sit-sit-sit-sit-sit-sit!” The anger in her voice wasn’t missed by anyone in the group.

“Dame it wench what the hell is wrong with you now!?” He cried out in pain as he was pulled down out of his tree. Before the beads did their job at the command of sit.

After dragging himself out of the deep hole he made his way over to her. She glared at him daring him to touch her. “What the hell is wrong with you Kagome?” He yelled out almost reaching out to touch her.

“Oh my after all this time I see you now remember my name. After all I am not your amazing Kikyo who was trained since she was a young girl on everything miko related.” The thought was on her tongue yet she held back.

“My problem is you telling Shippo that Sesshomaru could kill me just like that. Also it might be the after effects of this stuff an imp gave me.” She said feeling rather faint at the moment.

Sango gave her a look that told her she should never have taken anything from the small yokai. Kagome shrugged it off if it had been that dangerous she knew enough that Sesshomaru would have stopped her. For a moment she stopped and thought about her feelings that surrounded Sesshomaru. Why am I so certain that he would have stopped me? She thought finding that it was based on almost nothing.

Yet this soothing warmth wrapped tightly around her heart was telling her that everything would soon work itself out.

A small woman looked to the sky smiling as she tucked her cellphone back into her pocket. Her dazzling blue eyes shining with unshed tears as the day she had been waiting for had finally come. No long would she feel this tug of loneliness that had followed her from childhood into adulthood. Her small family could also become whole again, this alone had a weight lifting from her mind.

“Are you ready little sister?” A strong male voice spoke breaking the silence that had fallen.

Looking back she gave a wide grin to the tall red head. Laughing green eyes filled with mischief had her relaxing as the next leg of their trip had her worried. Nodding she took up his hand knowing that this wouldn’t be too pleasant.

“I am ready big brother Shippo.” The fox’s grin had widened at this as a chuckle escaped him.

“No need to be so formal Kazue after all we are family.” He said allowing his yokai to permeate the area around them.

Kazue gave him a pondering look as she watched him work. Slowly like seeing the waves of heat rise off the tarmac she noticed the translucent energy forming. Shaping itself into what she took to be a door way. Than as the energy finished shaping what Shippo had imagined it completed itself into that of a mirror.

“What is this Shippo?” She asked feeling a little silly for not using big brother.

Shippo just smiled at her as he pulled her along. “This is a place for kitsune though as time has gone on many yokai have come here to claim sanctuary from the humans.” The young man explained to her with a voice filled with pride.

She nodded knowing how history had pushed yokai aside as the monsters that went bump in the night or hid under your bed. Nothing to worry about as you grew older and stopped fearing the night. Even though it had kept them safe and helping to keep them surviving extinction Kazue still hated it. Her power was nothing to be ashamed of or that in her ran the blood of a human priestess.

“Where is mom staying?” She asked uncertain if it was safe to be speaking.

The air had grown thick until Kazue felt like she was drowning even if there was nothing there. A cool mist had covered the landscape from view since she had crossed into this place meant to keep those unwanted out. She couldn’t help the slight shiver that went up her spine with this thought in mind. At first glance it looked almost jungle like than it had changed making her feel like she was under water. This time the change became more noticeable as they exited the gate way.

Her eyes widened as the sight of the building before her came into view. It was a castle yet a town rolled all up into to one. As children ran down the lane laughing as they while a few vendors told them to slow down. It was a strange mix of wood, stone and what Kazue guessed was a tree. Much like the one her mother always told her about, the Tree of Ages that withstood the test of time.

Kazue noticed Shippo visibly stiffen for a moment that was all before a mass of red landed on him. The young woman stood back uncertain if this was a friend or foe. Her answer to this question came in the commanding tone of a woman growling.

“You have some nerve showing up here all this time and without contacting me first. You’re either really brave or stupide Shippo.” Kazue turned to see a woman with long black pulled into a tight bun come hopping down from a cloud.

Shippo gave a nervous laugh as he rubbed the back of his head. “Well you see Sōten the thing is I kinda forgot.” He finally admitted making Kazue slap her face while Sōten stumbled.

“You really haven’t grown up all that much have you?” She shot back to him a little worried for him in fact.

Shippo chuckled at this. “No but you did manage to ruin my cool big brother image.” He said as the dragon finally let him get up from the ground.

Kazue was finding out more and more about her family and liked it…maybe? She didn’t know right now it had been too long since they had been properly together. But it was a nice feeling one that had not been there with only her and her grandmother who raised her. Shippo had always looked out for her but he was distant as well.

“Come on than I will show you where Kagome is.” This brought Kazue back from her thoughts at the mention of her mother.

The daylight was strange making her feel off as they walked along the borders of the main part of the castle. Sōten only mentioned that the reason they skirted the outside was that the one keeping this place from falling into decay liked to be alone. Slowly the air had become thick and hot reminding Kazue of the time her grandmother threatened to throw her into a volcano. It wasn’t pleasant and at the moment thanking her body for taking more after her father. She was a hundred percent sure that any more human she would be dying from the heavy heat that only seemed to grow hotter.

The walk finally ended as the sight of two large double doors stood in their way. Sōten held up her hand allowing her yokai to gather and bust the seal that had held the door closed for so very long. Kazue closed her eyes as power brushed past her sending bits of dust at them, when she did finally open her eyes. She paled as anger grew in her, much like Shippo who was bleeding at the moment from his nails digging into his skin.

A young man sat in the inky darkness stroking the long black hair of the strange woman. She had done nothing other than seal her mind away into a deep sleep. The outer seal that protected her body had been easy to slip through but this one within her mind refused to budge. He found himself drawn to her unlike the many women that at one time threw themselves at his feet. They had never interested him as they all were superficial and sent by the many power hungry yokai within this place.

Looking up he almost hiss as someone broke the seal to the doors. There standing just beyond was only one he recognized. Sōten she was a tough woman that had those under his command whipped into proper shape. If he was being honest the kitsune was another he knew quite well, after all he was one of the few that worked in the yokai council. It was the last one that he questioned, who was she and why here of all places.

“Who the hell is that touching my mother Shippo?” Now that answer enough he could see it in her eye the same power that he felt coming from his sleeping beauty. He tenderly stroked his thumb against her soft cheek in deep thought.

Sōten paled at the sight of the elusive young lord who she met only a handful of time. He had a tendency to stick to the shadows. He didn’t socialize much either and rarely did he ever call in more than ten people to discuss any matter with them. No one even knew the yokai well enough to say much about him.

When she noticed Kazue going to attack him she nearly lost it. The girl was just as prone to danger as her mother and just arrogant enough to be her father’s mini-me. To her the lord seemed amused by her actions. It was rare and he was just odd enough that she could see why. A hanyo coming at him with all she had though it was no match compared to his own.

Except that the hit she went with was a special move that released the miko power within her. Waking her mother as she fell to the ground clutching her heart as the light and dark fought within her. She bit down her lip as a smile crossed it seeing the confused look on his face. She was here to wake her mother not try and fight some depressing shadow.

Blue eyes opened to find a pair of deep moss green ones that were slightly off from another pair she remembered fondly holding mischief. These though held darkness over them and the closer she looked at them the more certainty that filled her with the only thing that came to mind. Kidnapped every time she turned around it felt like someone or thing was carting her off. And she didn’t like that at all considering that she made it so only her daughter was the only one to wake her. After all the trouble she had went through with locking Sesshomaru’s memories up and making sure that he couldn’t just track their daughter down. She gets nabbed by someone along with her daughter.

“Kazue are you alright?” She asked as her motherly instincts kicking in with the need to protect her baby from danger.

The fear of her baby having been hurt because of her had her spiritual powers coming back to life. “Yeah mom I will live.” She said with a groan.

Her powers had managed to free her yet throw her off. “Alright tell me what is going on right now.” She glared at everyone knowing she missed out on a bit as she allowed herself to miss herself.

Kazue managed to speak first. “I am still working on merging my yokai and spiritual power mom that’s all.”

“I just escorted her here after the Lady of the West gave the go ahead.” Shippo said with a bit of fear that lingers from his childhood. A voice chanting not to anger Kagome had started again.

Sōten unwillingly answered the miko. “I did as you asked me and released the seal on the door.”

Finally her gaze rested on the young man who was squirming under the pressure. “I like you.” This had everyone giving him an odd look that asked if he was insane.

Kagome hated when this kind of thing happened after all she had Koga. The wolf had finally chilled out after making settling down with Ayame. She didn’t want to add a dark shadow to her life after the final battle with Naraku who was finally gone for good.

“I am sorry but I already have a mate.” She said blushing at using the word that Sesshomaru had insisted upon.

He didn’t like that the one female he had finally managed to accept had rejected him. Being over nine hundred years old he had found her to be the first to reject him. He was so use to the one rejecting that it never happened to him. Bowing he allowed his form to disperse as it moved to his chambers in the middle of the castle.

Kagome shook her head things of the most unpleasant nature always seemed to happen to her. Well that was unless Sesshomaru was around then it almost felt like she was just a normal girl again. That is if you could look past her miko abilities and him being a Daiyokai. After collecting herself she wrapped her arms around both Sōten and her boy Shippo thinking that it was about time they got together.

“Don’t boss him around too much Sōten.” Kagome said with a wink.

Moving on she wrapped her arms around her baby who was now a blossoming young woman. “Please tell me I am not a grandma just yet.” She said holding her as tear fell freely.

Kazue laughed finding that her mom hadn’t changed at all. “No mom I don’t even have a boyfriend right now.”

“I can’t believe my little girl is already grown up and looking at boys.” She said feeling the rush of memories of her life here in the future before the whole well incident.

Sesshomaru found himself annoyed with his mother as the memory of her telling him about Kagome being pregnant in not so many words. Well that little bomb hadn’t dropped till after the final battle. He was mildly thankful for that as it protected his mate and his daughter. That he was still unable to sense at the moment.

The fact that he knew she was the only one able to bring him his mate back to him wasn’t the only reason he had wanted to track her down. Just to see the blue orbs that; were so much like Kagome’s had been all he really wanted. Still his mother refused to believe in him and now he was here sitting in this smoke filled bar listening to Henderson complain about his fiancée once again. He knew the dragon had a bad day when he spotted the bottle in his hand. The stuff always made the dragon way more talkative than he was and it bothered Sesshomaru.

“And so she told me that it wasn’t me but her. In fact she told me that it was me who allowed her to find herself. I still can’t believe that she ran off with her best friend, I knew that dame kitsune had it out for her.” He said in a drunken hiccup way as he spilled a little out of the bottle.

Sesshomaru shook his head at this mess, since Henderson loved being a woman so much more of the time and his fiancée liked changing into a male. He didn’t understand it though he might have a clue since he found a mate of his own that was his opposite in most every way. Unlike Henderson who found someone too alike, making it a bit more on the tough side. Since from what gathered was the kitsune swooped in and took his jewel from him. And making it worst she had just left without a word to him in person.

“I mean I would have loved her all the same you know. Why is kami so cruel?” He took a swig not even phased by the sweet burn to his throat. “You know me Sesshomaru I am a good man even if I am a flirty woman I have stayed true to her.”

Sesshomaru found his own pain trying to take over him as he sat here listening to his boss fall into the bottom of a bottle. He didn’t know why but he turned to the door and noticed something strange. The look of him was too hard to forget as the little kitsune walked in with a young woman next to him. Her silver hair seemed to glitter in the low light as blue eyes locked onto his golden ones.

A warm smile crossed her face as she noticed him, it didn’t seem real until the one he had want to see, feel, taste and just sense came within his view. Kagome stood there looking at him almost like she was waiting for him to do something.

“I am sorry Henderson but my mate is in need of me more.” Still thinking clearly he made his way over to her.

He knocked a man over who just let it go as Kazue glared him down. He passed his daughter entranced by the scent of her. The overwhelming need to taste her, take her right then and there. Yet she moved back through the door a blush on her face as her body gave off the scent of arousal. If he didn’t move fast his lovely little mate would have a very public reunion which he knew she wouldn’t enjoy.

Kazue and Shippo smirked allowing the two love birds to get reacquainted. Knowing it might be a long wait to get to meet with them again.

A year later…

Sitting on a park bench Sesshomaru hugged Kagome closer to him as he took in the sight of their newest addition. A pair of golden eye blinked lazily as a slight yawning sound came from the newborn.

“He smiled at me.” Kagome suppressed a smiling knowing that it was still too early.

Kazue was running late as were Shippo and his new bride Sōten. Kagome knew the two would settle down together well. The sound of heels clicking against pavement had Sesshomaru looking up. There next to their daughter was Kagome’s family who were in tears.

“Kagome how is this possible?” He said with tear filled eye as he went to hug her to feel that it wasn’t a ghost.

Sesshomaru held his small son in his arms as he allowed his mate to greet her family. It was a real sight for him to watch them gather around her. Wondering how a human girl could survive all this time. The answer was simple she was no longer human.

“Well um how can I explain this? Oh when I finished the wish a strange feeling settled over me. For about a month I was sick as a dog…” She blushed and took quick glance of Sesshomaru who was making faces at the baby.

“Then Sesshomaru’s mother came and finally told me what was wrong. Turns out I was expecting and the Shikon no Tama had changed me in the process making my body more able to handle the changes of the child growing within me.” Her mother nodded while Sōta looked disgusted by this.

Kagome laughed knowing in a few years’ time her younger brother would find a girl he loves and start a family. Her mother also smiled seeming to get what she had come to the conclusion of. The young teen frowned not liking the fact that he was being left out.

All at the same time every one but Kagome’s mother and Sōta looked up. Dropping out of the sky was a handsome couple. Sesshomaru frowned at this as Kagome welcomed them and Shippo was just enjoying the fact that even in the future it could still feel like the old days. Though it didn’t have as much Sit nor did it have the resounding sound of a slap happening throughout the day.

Kazue liked that she could finally spend time with her family unhindered by her grandmother.

And so ends this little one shot that evolved into something even I didn’t see happening. This is where I have decided to leave it on a nice note. And don’t mind the shadow too much as he came from nowhere. I hope you all have enjoyed this little one-shot.