Bittersweet Remembrances by Kitana Tsukino-hime


Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Takahashi-san. I as the Authoress of BR make no claim to it.

Proverbial Challenge, 2014

Prompt: Truth is stranger than fiction.

Word Count: 420

Week: December 20, 2014

Sesshomaru gently stroked Kagome's onyx tresses. As his mate relaxed in the warmth of his embrace.

“Fate will often have it's way.” Kagome mused.

“So many assume you to be cold, calculating, vindictive and unfeeling, my koishii.” She went on.

“Little knowing, the passion and warmth that burns deep within your very soul.” Kagome continued.

“Veiled and hidden not from desire, but instead lest those who would be our enemies see it as a weakness to be exploited.” Kagome said.

“Regardless, we have withstood everything our detractors have thrown our way.” Sesshomaru replied.

“Forging ahead and blazing a path that suits us.” “As well as our family and our people.” He went on.

“What's more, the West has become a shining beacon of what is possible once prejudices are put aside in favor of respect and striving toward understanding and acceptance.” Kagome interjected.

“Indeed, my mate.” Sesshomaru began.

“And much of that is due to your own open and loving heart.” Her mate continued.

“You've shown our people what it means to be truly caring.” Sesshomaru went on.

“Not based on race, color or creed, but rather on the merits of the individual.” He continued.

“It hasn't always been easy.” Kagome said.

“But nothing truly worth having ever is.” She went on.

“Despite the struggles we've faced to reach this place, I wouldn't change a single moment of the journey we have taken.” Kagome continued.

“It has made us far stronger.” “As well as more appreciative of what we have.” She went on.

“Nor would I.” Sesshomaru said.

“From here things can only get better.” He went on.

“And whatever new challenges may come our way, we will face them together.” Kagome replied.

“As we always have.” Sesshomaru continued his mate's train of thought.

And there Kagome smiled.

“Even Inuyasha & Kouga have become ambassadors for change in the East.” Kagome mused.

“A thing I never thought to see.” Sesshomaru quipped.

“My little brother, the diplomat.” He went on.

Kagome just giggled, silently agreeing with Sesshomaru.

“Once he had acceptance of himself and from you as his last remaining family, the rest seemed to come naturally.” Kagome mused.

“As for Kouga...” She just shook her head.

“I have no idea how Ayame-chan puts up with him.” Kagome quipped.

“Overall, I guess it's true what they say, fact is indeed stranger than fiction.” She mused.