Bittersweet Remembrances by Kitana Tsukino-hime


Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Takahashi-san. I as the Authoress of BR make no claim to it.

Proverbial Challenge, 2014

Prompt: You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.

Word Count: 100

Week: September 10, 2014

“For too long others have underestimated me” She went on.

“Until at last I had enough.” And here Kagome's cobalt eyes sparkled with a warrior's glint.

A small smirk playing softly about her mouth.

One Sesshomaru realized he often sported himself.

The look others said was his, “Someone is about to die.” look.

“Finally, I gave one of your captains, a leashed taste of my power.” Kagome began again.

“I got sick of hearing his snide “weak ningen Miko...” spiel.

“After all, you can't make an omelet without breaking heads...” “I mean eggs.” She giggled.