The Merry and the Miffed by Stella Mira

Female Duty!

December 2013 Challenge: Family

Word Count: 400

"What exactly is so difficult to comprehend?" Kagome asked for the mere sake of asking, wary resignation written all over her features. As far as she could tell, her mother had been most thorough in her explanations.

"It is not a matter of comprehension, miko," Sesshōmaru returned matter-of-factly. His voice did not carry the usual frigid timbre she expected to hear, though. In fact, Kagome could detect slight traces of discomfort in his tone, inciting her curiosity.

"Then what is it?" the miko queried, bemused.

"Rin chooses to follow of her own volition. She is responsible for her welfare," the daiyōkai clarified, causing her gaze to widen dramatically.

"Are you telling me she is basically raising herself? Isn't she your family – pack if you prefer? It's your job to take care of her," Kagome rasped, her expression a mask of disbelief and disapproval.

"As the alpha, I am responsible for her survival – that is all," he disputed in all seriousness.

"She is eight years old! What she needs is a parent not a guard dog!" Kagome fumed, wanting to smack him for his obliviousness.

"Very well," Sesshōmaru conceded, mulling over her words for a few seconds before he spoke again.

"Then she may stay here and you can care for her," he announced with a tone of finality.

"W-what!? But I gave you instructions! You can do it yourself!" the miko sputtered, taken aback by his absurd solution.

"It is not a male's duty to care for pups in the manner your mother describes. It is a female's responsibility," Sesshōmaru explained with a tone that implied she should have been aware of this simple fact. Kagome would have argued with him for his anachronistic views if she didn't remind herself of the difference in their eras.

"And you think that female should be me?" she asked incredulously.

"You are the only one who has shown any interest. Do you object?" the inuyōkai replied, perusing her intently.

"Not exactly…" the miko drawled, deliberating on his suggestion.

"Speak plainly, woman. Do you wish to care for Rin or not?" Sesshōmaru demanded, not one to care for half answers.

"It's not that simple. Rin-chan is not a thing to be passed along at your convenience. She chose you and she wants to stay with you," Kagome shot back, her eyes flashing with annoyance at his cluelessness.

"I am not a female, however."
