Your Eyes Are Like Starlight Now by *~*Missy*~*

Oh but it's COLD out

Kagome are you with someone, did he convince you to break up with me?” He said to her and noticed her being quiet on the other end of the phone. “You are aren't you! I bet you had sex with him didn't you!”

I--” But he cut her off before she could begin her explanation.

You know, I have been patient, I waited until you were ready when I could have easily had any piece of tail in this town and it is not in my character to wait but rather take what I want. But then you go and give it all away to some random piece of--”

IT'S SESSHOMARU!” She cried into the phone.

What?” It stopped him dead in his tracks.

IT'S SESSHOMARU IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR. HE LISTENED TO ME! HE LET ME TALK! HE ASK ME WHAT WAS WRONG FOR KAMIS' SAKE INSTEAD OF JUST BELIEVING MY OBVIOUS LIES ABOUT BEING FINE! I'M NOT FINE BANKOTSU! AT THIS POINT I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF I'M A PERSON! IF YOU WANT TO BE MAD AT ME FINE!” She yelled in rage, she just couldn't take it anymore. “But I have to do this. I have to get better. Because if I go through life without being able to feel, I just may kill myself.” She whispered, she sounded like she was crying by this point.

Well isn't this a hell of a Christmas gift.” He muttered into the phone.

I'm sorry and I have to go.” She said as she hung up the phone leaving him speechless.