The Collection by Himura Asami

The Hunt

Phae’s Word Prompts: Poise

            He crouched, poised to strike; to pounce on his prey like the predator he was. He moved forward stealthily: one step, then two. His eyes narrowed as he took in the movements of his target: the slightest shifts of the body, changes in breathing patterns.

            He took his final step before he prepared to lunge– to go in for the kill– only to be thwarted when his intended victim turned onto her side, back facing him, and spoke.

            “Sesshomaru, if you jump on me, I’ll purify you.”

            The feral part of him really had no problem with that idea; he welcomed a challenge. But the rational side of him realized that continuing in the hunt would only result in his ejection from the bedroom.

            Sesshomaru stood regally– there was nothing undignified about attempting to hunt one’s mate, after all. Nothing at all.

            With an inaudible sigh, Sesshomaru walked the rest of the way to the bed and sat down next to his ill-tempered miko. Deprived of following through with his pursuit, Sesshomaru settled for the next best thing: hauling his mate into his lap and burying his nose in her hair.

            Kagome groaned. “Why can’t you let me nap?”


Don’t ask.

I was feeling very… African Cats by Keith Scholey and Alastair Fothergill.

Again. Don’t ask.
