An Education by UnknownRandomness

Nice To Meet You

Prompt: Yeoman – A farmer in the past who owned a small amount of land.

Word Count: 272

Kagome stared at her ancestor in morbid fascination, trembling limbs unable to do anything more than support her weakened body.


The miko and her allies had discovered a small settlement of people displaced by vicious youkai attacks a few weeks ago, and had quickly helped the farmers in any way they could. And whilst she had been making her rounds, Shippo had run towards her with a huge smile and a jumbled exclamation, something along the lines of; “You have to meet someone!”

Lo and behold, the young kitsune had met a strong, kind-faced man who turned out to also be a Higurashi, and something inside of Kagome knew instinctively that this simple farmer was her great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather. How often did anyone get the chance to meet such an ancient ancestor? Probably none, so she wasn’t going to let this chance go to waste.

Everyday she had visited him. And he had been slightly confused as to why she was so eager to spend time with him and his family, but pleased that she did. Inuyasha had actually joined her one morning and remained steadfastly unimpressed with her joy, but he had done nothing more then ‘Keh’ and return to building new homes.


It had been a fresh start for these people… So why was she looking at the mangled body of her forefather and seeing Sango desperately trying to nurse his infant son? Why had the youkai returned to finish off these peaceful farmers? Why couldn’t she speak?

Strong arms wrapped around her shoulders and Kagome let Miroku carry her away, away from this bitter end.