An Education by UnknownRandomness

Welcome to My Place

Prompt: Manse - A large and imposing residence.

Word Count: 657

"This is your house?" 

Inuyasha's awestruck voice barely filtered through to the motionless traveller's as they all gaped up at Sesshoumaru's enormous shiro.

The inuyoukai raised a brow, before stating as if it were the most obvious thing in the world,

"This Sesshoumaru inherited it from father after he died; you were born here Inuyasha."

Kagome's eyes snapped to the Western Lord at his words. She felt inexplicably angry, disgusted by the reverence on her demon friend's face- that shocked expression shouldn't have to be there, Inuyasha should have lived here his whole life, but due to the prejudice of the western people and Sesshoumaru's dislike for his half-sibling, the hanyou had never known the luxurious building that should have been his home.

"This will serve as a temporary residence for you and your companions whilst our alliance against Naraku is in effect, however-"

He didn't get a chance to finish his commands, as Kagome stomped towards him, raised an arm and slapped him across the face, her small hand stinging from the impact.

Sesshoumaru's eyes had widened momentarily before narrowing into dangerous slits, his normally unblemished alabaster skin quickly turning a violent crimson where her hand had connected.

The over-powering rage that had taken ahold of her body abruptly deserted the miko, now that she was standing in the face of the daiyoukai's mounting rage.

"Uh... L-l-l-Lord Sesshoumaru, I am so very sorry for what I just did, I was out of line, I wil-"

Inuyasha's rough hand over her mouth cut off her blabbering apology as he quickly hauled her out of the reach of his murderous-looking elder brother, before shoving her into Miroku and Sango's waiting arms with a sharp look. The two nodded, understanding his silent message- keep her out of trouble whilst I deal with him. 

Kagome could only look on in horror as her closest friend cautiously approached his sibling. Sesshoumaru's eyes had developed red rims, and she knew that he would dole out her punishment on Inuyasha, who was offering himself so selflessly. Kami, why couldn't she keep her mouth shut!?

The Western Lord raised an arm, and faster than the human's could follow, delivered the half-demon a back-hand blow so powerful that he was knocked several metres away, landing in a crumpled heap.

The miko managed to reign in the urge to cry out her friend's name, knowing that if she drew attention to herself now, Sesshoumaru would not be so forgiving.

Slowly, Inuyasha stood and Kagome sobbed silently. His strong-features were unbelivably mangled from just one hit; his bloodied nose hung askew, both lips had split and- as he spit out the blood that had pooled in his mouth- she saw that he was missing all of the teeth that had called the right side of his mouth home. 

To all of the spectator's abhorrence, Inuyasha thanked his brother through his mangled flesh for being so lenient. The young woman felt sick; why wasn't he being all tactless and defiant like he always was?

After the full-demon had entered his home without another word, Kagome ran to Inuyasha's side. 

"Oh Inu, are you okay? I'm so sorry, you should've let me take his punishment! You're teeth will grow back, right?"

The young demon smiled painfully, his eyes burning brightly as he stared at Kagome, willing her to understand his almost incomprehensible words. 

"It's not like I wanted to have him hit me- but I'm safe, unlike you. He would be disgraced for killing me, now that he has recognised our alliance. But you; to him you're nothing but a useless human- for that insult, he would've killed you and no-one except us would care."

Kagome's eyes widened as she realised the hidden message within his explanation. Sesshoumaru's actions were not limited by their temporary ceasefire- to him, she was easily dispensable.   

It seemed that she would have to watch her step, lest she accidentally tread on a mine.