Music Stands the Test of Time by UnknownRandomness

Unfounded Worries

Prompt: Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue - Cliff Edwards

Word Count: 100

Sesshoumaru's golden eyes widened imperceptibly. Turning to the lightly singing miko, he watched as she smiled at him before pausing her quiet ditty.

"Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama?"

"That tune, what is it called?"

Her grin grew as she answered with a giggle,

"Why, it's called 'Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue'- rather appropriate don't you think?"

The inuyoukai frowned as his fear was stoked. The thought that someone wrote such a song for this woman made him rather agitated. It didn't do her justice... he had to check.

"A man wrote it?"

"Yep! ...I wish it had been written for me."