Music Stands the Test of Time by UnknownRandomness

There's the Nail's Head, Try Hitting It

Prompt: Billie Jean - Michael Jackson

Word Count: 100

"Give it a rest; she's not gonna talk to you now and we all know it." Inuyasha's normally gruff voice sounded almost pleading as he spoke to his elder half-sibling.

Sesshoumaru bit back the growl that had threatened to escape when the hanyou opened his mouth. The boy was right, but that did not mean that he would acquiesce to his words.

"What would?" A condescending sneer curled his lips, "Begging for forgiveness for a minor slight?"

"No, but a little sensitivity would be nice!" Sango cried.

"Are you suggesting that her heart is broken?"

Uneasy silence followed his cry.