His Desire by Aimee


The darkened sky spontaneously lit up with white lightening, it illuminated the large mansion and its grounds. There usually foreboding presence was enhanced by the menacing weather. The rain harshly splattered on the windows creating a loud, terrifying noise that pierced the young girl’s ears as she ran from the stately home.

Her feet pounded against the pavement, her already soaked trainers and socks became more sodden. Her jeans and light blue t-shirt clung to her; they were darkened and drenched by the unrelenting rain. Her breathing laboured, becoming heavier and heavier as she continued to desperately run. The rain disguised the tears streaming down her cheeks and her sobs were masked by the thunder. Another streak of lightening lit up the sky blinding her already compromised vision, nevertheless she did not stop; it only caused her to run faster. Dread enveloped her form as the streak of lightening appeared in front of her.

‘No’ she whimpered. ‘Please no.’

The white light transformed into the form of a human silhouette, her fear increased tenfold. The form untouched by the weather and haloed in a misleading warm light stood meters ahead of her.

Her feet came to an abrupt stop, the saturated grass caused her to slip and her behind fell hard on to sodden lawn. But her instincts drove her to crawl away from the figure and scramble to her feet again. She was able to run a few feet before the voice she dreaded, the voice she feared spoke.


An implied, calm and emotionless command.

She let out another whimper, because she knew. She knew even though her thoughts screamed at her to continue to escape. She knew even though every cell in body protested. She stopped. She knew she would. And worst of all so did he.