Unheard Beats by Miladyknight

Prompt beats 1

Thanks to all for writing and posting their stories and many thanks to those who have given us a lovely, well-lit place to write and story tell.   My heartfelt thanks to a Be love ed Stranger for sharing her time, knowledge and correcting myriad punctuation errors. Not to mention her succient and patient instructions to help with my last minute brain fogs.   These snippets are based on the October Drabble/Drawable Pet Peeves Prompts.

This is only a bit of fan fiction-not a claim to anything from the world of Inuyasha or from the imagination of Rumiko Takahashi.    


Prompt-dull pencil

  She shook her head slowly as if she were a dullard and had been presented a new, unintelligible problem  


  The woman sitting across the table, repeated herself, slowly, carefully, as if the person she was speaking to was actually dull and needed time for the words to sink in.  

Massaging the bridge of her nose, as if she were preparing for an oncoming migraine, she asked: "How the blank did that happen?"

  The woman next to her, the bearer of bad news, looked directly at her and simply raised a professionally arched eyebrow as her only answer.  


Prompt-slow walkers   Upset! She would not nor could she be upset! She slowly took a delicate taste of her tea. Crossing her legs to the side of the bristo table, she falsely yet languidly asked, "Who else knows?"

  When the answer that she had been fervently wanting was returned by her friend, she accepted  it, showing no expression even though her inner teenager was jumping up and around singing a rousing  gospel version of the Hallelujah Chorus.

 Her good friend smiled into her tea cup; she knew her well enough to know the signs a casual observer would miss.   

Prompt-cell phone drivers

  That got her thinking about the journey of this friendship that had spanned time and a few other obstacles. They were both been female when they met but with very different personalities and outlooks. She looked out for herself and quite successfully she would add. The woman across the table, then, had all the attributes and stratagems wanted in a female by a male in a male dominated society.  It would forever be a mystery of the universe as to how they had become friends (especially considering the degree she had disliked and despised her at the beginning of their acquaintance).

She delicately poured herself more hot tea.

Prompt-Chewing noises

  She realized, again, that her friend didn't look much different now from how she looked back then.  Still with a Vatta-body type, heart-shaped face, wide eyes and long lashes, surrounded by a cloud of raven's wing black hair. In a way, it was not even surprising that her friend never seemed to change physical appearance. She was either born into the same family or an off-shoot of that family, time and time again. FATED!

  She on the other hand tendered to be sturdy with the Prakriti (basic constitution) of a Kappa dosha type. Not fat or heavy, just sturdy.

Prompt-know it all

   ...sturdy! Smiling inwardly, she knew that she was also very competent and very elegant. She broke her cookie in half and nibbled absently on one side. She stared into the space between the two of them, casually leaning back in her chair. 

  "You know, you'll have to get out in front of this and steer," she told her friend, making the question a statement. 

  "Only if you're pushing." 

  "You know I will be." She grinned.

  Her friend knew that smile had never known a cavity, tooth ache or spent longer in a dentist chair than a length of a cleaning.

  Prompt- junk mail

  She ate her cookie and drank her tea as she mulled over the problem and possible acceptable answers. People watching, she glanced around the cafe, noticing that her friend was still eating the same half of the same tiny cookie.

  "How long before..."

  Her friend cut her off with a languid. "About seventy-two hours on the inside, I think; wanna go window shopping?"

  "Of course! Knowing you, we'll find something that needs a new home."

   "Most certainly so; good shopping will help me process the problem."

 The cafe heard a full throated, actually amused laugh come from their table.


Prompt- no toilet paper

  "Honey, it's your perpetual excuse! Shopping helps you decide, plan, imagine, lose weight, stimulate the appetite, feeds the soul, and anything else you can think of to spend money.  I've been with you on eight hour shopping trips were the only thing you bought was a dictionary.  Excuses!"...Laughing, she shook her head.  "First, you said they had put several modern usage words in the dictionary, so none of the dictionaries you had at home were then up to date. Then, you said you had been shopping all day and couldn't go home with nothing."

Prompt-tangled cords

 She affected a huffy tone, trying to wipe the grin off her face.  "Well, don't just talk about my weaknesses!  We'll need to go window shopping enough to cause a little aversion reaction the next time you mention shopping. Just add 'therapy' to the list," she giggled.

 "Done and done", replied her friend. "Let's go!"

 The ladies left tips, gathered their purses and set off, automatically falling into a companionable rhythm .  One woman shortening her stride and the other comfortably lengthening hers.

 "Well, we have walked the length and breath of the country in more than one time," one said laughing.


 Helpful hints, comments, ideas...