Golden Veil by BelovedStranger

Chapter 96

Word Count: 100

Prompt from Stella Mira’s Soundtrack Challenge #3: Oblivious

Sesshomaru was oblivious to Kagome’s pain.

“Forgive my rudeness. It was not my intent to besmirch her reputation,” Akahito murmured, before turning to Kagome, bowing slightly, and said with sincerity, “Forgive me, Kagome.”

Then he instructed a servant to show his guests to adjourning rooms while eyeing Kagome with a contemplative gaze, which she missed as her eyes were focused upon her feet in dejection. But Sesshomaru witnessed it, narrowing his golden gaze in response.

He felt possessive towards the miko, disliking the other male’s obvious interest in her. Akahito’s reputation for womanizing only caused him to feel more territorial.