Golden Veil by BelovedStranger

Chapter 14

Word Count: 100

Prompt from Stella Mira's Soundtrack Challenge #7: Sword of Protection

Keeping her hand in his, wanting to hold onto her for even a few seconds longer, Inuyasha walked her back to his brother silently. Only when they were upon the tall, white figure did he drop her hand—reluctantly.

“Protect her with your life,” Inuyasha told Sesshomaru gruffly, meeting his brother’s gaze, fierce protectiveness in his own.  

Sesshomaru raised an elegant eyebrow at the command, disregarding it before setting off once more without a word, hearing the miko’s last goodbyes before her footsteps ran to catch up to his long strides.

Again he wondered why she followed but didn’t ask. 


Kagome wanted to leave with Sesshomaru because she was still brokenhearted over Inuyasha’s inability to start a relationship with her since his feelings for Kikyo were too strong. She needed to get away from the object of her sadness and do something to make herself feel useful. Sesshomaru needed her help even if he didn’t realize it himself, while her friends did not. Though Inuyasha understood her reasoning, he still cares for her a great deal and wants her to stay with him. But he knows she needs some time away.