A little Latin will do you well by *~*Missy*~*


The fantasy mixed with fighting courage a reality—A Hero without a Name, Darker Than Black Soundtrack


Kagome thought of herself a strong woman, particularly strong in fact.  But as there was a quite amazingly hot demon just before her, running his claws all over her body and making her want to mewl and moan like a wanton prostitute she was having trouble finding just what she needed within herself to call up her champion.  You can do this Kagome.  It’s just a little teasing, you will live through it.  Kagome tried to tell herself.

The beast could tell that he was getting to Kagome, she was shaking just a bit hard and he could occasionally hear her murmur to herself.  Talking herself up as it seemed.  She was trying so hard not to give in to him and he found it quite laughable.  Even as she tried to protest her skin quaked at his very touch and ever once in a while he would hear her sigh wantonly.

Not too much longer now…  The beast thought with satisfaction.

Words: 179

Stella’s Soundtrack Challenge

Hero Without a Name~Darker Than Black

A/N: Hope you guys liked the chapter.  By the way the song is hero without a name from the darker than black soundtrack and not mine.  Review and let me know what you guys think!  Love, Mistress