The Language of Love by Himura Asami


Gravidus: laden, swollen; heavy with child.

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.

Word Count: 100

            Sesshomaru looked at Ah-Un, his eyebrow rising slightly.

            The dragon was laden with all sorts of silks, and jewels, and kimonos, and hair ornaments. On top of the multiple packages, sat his ward and the kit.

            “You are sure this is appropriate?” Sesshomaru asked, checking with his senses to make sure he didn’t have to kill anyone because they had witnessed him seeking assurance from children.

            Both Rin and Shippo nodded.

            “Rin always liked when you gave her gifts, Sesshomaru-sama.”

            “Yep!” Shippo said. “Women like pretty things. And Momma’ll love seeing us.”


            With that, Ah-Un took to the sky.


I don’t see this turning out the way he hopes it will.
