A Feudal Fairytale by Shadowkat83

Shadow of Love

Chapter X


Prompt: Shadow of Love (Stella’s Soundtrack Challenge)

          Deep within the forest, pinned to an ancient tree, a figure stirred. A twitch of a fuzzy ear and brown eyes opened sleepily. A sensitive nose twitched catching a familiar, yet slightly different, scent on the air.

          “This smell…” a female voice growls, “The scent on he who killed me…is coming closer…”         

Sesshomaru ran through the forest easily. He made sure that Mistress Centipede was right behind him. “Give me the Jewel,” she growled as she followed the silver-haired boy further into the forest.

“What Jewel? What are you talking about?” he yelled back. So intent on running, Sesshomaru forgot to look around as his foot got caught on a root causing him to fall to his knees on the forest floor.

The female demon laughed as she made a grab for the downed boy, but Sesshomaru saw her coming and rolled out of the way, before climbing to his feet and running some more.

          “Why are you toying with her Inuyasha? Destroy her with a blast like you did me.” A female voice growled out. Sesshomaru looked towards the tree to see the dog-eared girl glaring at him. “What are you talking about? Who are you? And my name is Sesshomaru, not Inuyasha!” he yelled, glaring back at the dark-haired girl.

But the girl was no longer looking at him, her brown eyes were focused on the trees behind him, “She’s coming.”

“What?” Sesshomaru asked, just as a dark shape made to tackle him.

“Draw and fire!” a voice yelled out. Sesshomaru turned to see the villagers holding bow. But his relief was short lived as the centipede demon turned to him.

Words: 283