The Unloading Grounds by Himura Asami


Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.

Word Count: 250

            Sesshomaru’s eyes followed the waitress as she walked through the café. His lip lifted into a sneer.

            She was so innocent that it was disgusting.

            And, not only was she innocent, she was completely oblivious of the appeal she held. It drove him, and every other man in the café, crazy.

            She walked up to him with her pen and her pad of paper. “Hello again, Sesshomaru-san.”

            He nodded his head. “Kagome-san.”

            She smiled at him. “What will you be having?”

            “My usual,” he said curtly.

            She rolled her eyes. “I’m always hoping you’ll say something else. Your usual. Hm…”

            She began nibbling on her lip.

            Sesshomaru stared at her mouth.

            He absolutely hated when she did that. It was an innocent habit, preformed innocently by an innocent woman, but it inspired many, not completely innocent thoughts.

            Sesshomaru tore his gaze away from her face and looked straight forward as he attempted to regain his composure and clamp down on any thoughts that involved his waitress. He failed in his task.

            “You know what, Sesshomaru-san? I don’t think we have your usual available today. So, how about I order for you?”

            Sesshomaru nodded hurriedly, willing to do anything, and allow anything, as long as she left his presence. He couldn’t stand being around her, and looking at her, and breathing in her scent. Her scent. It was absolutely intoxicating.

            “Okay,” she said, bringing Sesshomaru from his reflections. “I’ll bring you something in just a minute.”

            Sesshomaru nodded.

            She smiled brightly.

Come on, Sesshomaru!

You have more self-control than that!

Pull yourself together!

Sunset Miko’s Once a Week Challenge– Week 14: Innocent
