August 2013 DDN by Ikaru


Disclaimer: I own nothing....I make no money from this...

Ok I didn't intend on participating in DDN this month but the prompts called to me so here you go let me know what you all think!!

Each prompt is exactly 100 words FYI :D


Prompt: Shopping

Walking through the mall had never been Sesshoumaru’s favorite past time. He hated the crowds, the smells, the overpriced products, and all of the annoying sales people trying to sell their products to him.

The only store he found he could stand was the one the female on his arm was rather fond of visiting. She loved to show off all the items she wanted to buy, and she had just the figure to pull every one of them off.

This particular trip had been especially enticing as they had a brand new line fresh from the designers.

Victoria’s Secret

Prompt: Bright and Early

One thing she could well and truly say was she was in no way shape or form a morning person. Her live in boyfriend however loved to get up bright and early every flipping morning and working out in the bedroom. It wouldn’t be so bad if there wasn’t that one squeaky board he sat on every single morning. It never failed, she would be lost in some wonderful dream and suddenly… squeak… squeak…. squeak…and on and on.

Finally one morning she snapped and leapt out of bed and pinned him to the ground growling at him.

“It’s about time.”

Prompt: Newbie

Sesshoumaru couldn’t believe it. He had been fired from another job. Now he was the underling to a blue eyed beauty being shown around his latest attempt at employment. It wasn’t his fault he kept getting fired. He was the first son of the greatest business man in the whole country, business came as second nature to him, but this latest job was the last straw. His father wasn’t going to help him any more if he failed this time. However, his father had saved the worst job for last.

“Common newbie those grungy toilets aren’t going to clean themselves!”

Prompt: Popular

Sesshoumaru was the most popular teen in their whole high school. He was the personification of perfection and didn’t care to rub it in anyone’s face who thought to question him. But Sesshoumaru had a secret. Something he had managed to keep from the whole school, until he was caught one day by the most popular girl in the school, the one who had never given him the time of day until just that moment.

“Kagome it isn’t what it looks like I swear!” He gasped.

“You hide a sock in THERE!” She cackled before making a run for it.

Prompt: Bully

A young Sesshoumaru was playing on the swing set. Like usual he was by himself, preferring solitude to playing with the other happy energetic children. Then HER group came onto the grounds. The playful screams were quickly silenced as she eyed the group looking for her victim. She was the biggest bully in their grade and no one was safe from her or her group. Even Sesshoumaru, a powerful demon in his own right knew not to mess with her. Her cold blue eyes landed on his golden ones.

The next thing Sesshoumaru knew he was hanging by his underwear.

Prompt: Clique

Kagome and Sesshoumaru ran in different cliques at work, competing cliques. No matter the job the members of their groups took it as a challenge and fought tooth and nail to get top honors. The only two who seemed to not care about the silly competitions were the two group proclaimed ‘leaders.’

Never did they participate in the petty squabbles of their group members, even working together harmoniously occasionally. What neither group realized was that since the beginning the two had been attracted to each other, and were finally getting married.

Both of the groups passed out at the news.

Prompt: Theories

Kagome had developed many theories about the silver haired demon over the years, but never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined what her eyes were trying to tell her she was seeing at that moment.

There was Sesshoumaru standing in their bathroom in a very compromising position.

He was standing there too shocked to move, the incriminating object finally falling from his hand.

“I knew they were too perfect to be natural.” She walked over to him and picked up the tweezers and ripped out the last hair keeping him from the perfect eyebrow. He howled in pain.

Prompt: Formulas

Sesshoumaru was developing a formula to cure the disease his girlfriend was suffering from and was on the verge of a breakthrough. Months of trials and errors and he was tantalizingly close to developing a cure. He felt a warm set of arms encircle him as he went over his notes.

“I believe in you Sesshoumaru.” She told him in a rough voice. The current treatment available was very rough on her system and she was weak for weeks after each treatment, she was only now recovering her strength.

“I promise I will cure you.” He said patting her hand.


Sesshoumaru was taking a cooking class because he lost a dare with his friend. The class was being taught by Kagome, a lovely woman with a knack for cooking. But Sesshoumaru was a failure as a student, he just couldn’t wrap his head around the complicated formulas on the cards she passed out at the beginning of each lesson, and often had to stay after to clean up the huge messes he made.

“Don’t worry Sesshoumaru; you’ll get the knack of it eventually.” She patted his back.

Right at that moment his current concoction blew up in both their faces.

Prompt: Stress

Kagome was learning a whole new meaning to the word stressed. Sesshoumaru had been in the operating room for over three hours; she had been pacing and nearly biting the head off anyone who got too close. She had been feeling extremely guilty for putting her mate up to this, she still couldn’t figure out how she got him to agree to it. But now these complications were making her wonder if it was truly worth it. Finally after another hour the doctor emerged from the operating room. Pulling his hat off he smiled at her.

“Congratulations it’s a girl!”

Prompt: Finals

Sesshoumaru was about to pull his hair out…finals started tomorrow and he had yet to crack a book. He had been too busy trying to woo a certain female to worry about his grades. He picked up his phone and texted said female sending her another sexy pic of himself at her request and leaving to meet her.

Ever studious Kagome was reading in the park when he arrived.

“Are you finally ready to become my girlfriend Kagome?” He smirked.

“For your information Sesshoumaru, I don’t find the duckface very attractive.” She raised her eyebrow. He huffed and stormed away.

Prompt: Rebellion

Sesshoumaru was rebelling against his father. He had just taken a human for a mate not long after the death of his mother so he was running away from home. At a park a good distance from his home a young Sesshoumaru met a girl.

“Stay away human!” he growled.

“But I’m scared!” She began to cry.

Sesshoumaru growled and took the crying girl into his arms, his instincts guiding him to protect the small female who smelled of strawberries. That is how their parents found them, and a young Sesshoumaru decided that maybe not all humans were so bad.

Prompt: Finding Yourself

He had been looking for years and he still couldn’t find it. His father had given him advice but he ignored it. How does one find themselves? He had begun dating a young human woman at his fathers’ insistence and in her eyes he eventually found a strength he had never before possessed.

One night he was looking into her eyes and she smiled at him and asked him what he found so interesting.

“All these years I have been looking for piece of myself that was missing, and I have finally found it in you.” He smiled kissing her.