Slayer of Un-Demon Crack: Sango's Mercenary by *~*Missy*~*

Dancing is a Seductive Lure

“My darling Sango, there you are!”  Miroku called happily as he walked over to where she was talking with some demonesses.  He did feel very bad for how he had treated Sango, he simply couldn’t help it sometimes though.   He knew that although his love had a temper that she would forgive him. 

“What do you want?”  Her tone was venomous and she was not prepared to see him yet, she had just been talking to these inu females about pack dynamics, so she could know what to expect for Kagome.  She was not ready to see her lecherous intended appear at her side though, but the near hatred that seeped through in her voice surprised even her. 

“I…”  Miroku was taken aback; he didn’t quite know how to respond to it.  He had expected her to talk to him at the very least civilly considering the company that they were in.  He shortly after regained his composure though.  “I wanted to know if you would dance with me.”  He put on a charming smile. 

“I guess so, yes.”  Sango said as she took his hand and stepped out onto the floor with him, it was a typical slow dance playing, he wouldn’t have asked her out onto the floor for anything else.    As she danced with him she could feel the urge building scream inside her yet there was nothing that would come out.  She felt certain hatred for him within her, yet her broken heart and current love for Miroku still waged war within herself and she wondered exactly why she still put up with all she did from him.  With all the thoughts that raced along in her head it was a miracle that she was able to dance with Miroku as she did now, it was an unconscious movement. 

Then Sango’s eyes caught with those icy blue ones of Bankotsu’s as he leaned against a column staring hotly at her.  Those eyes seemed to burn through her very soul.  She couldn’t peal her eyes away from his if she wanted to.  Not even when Miroku was talking to her trying to get her attention.

“…and you are the most important…oh..well then…look at her…”  Miroku trailed off and Sango slapped him the middle of the dance, stalking off to the side. 

“Want to dance?”  There was a deep rumble in Bankotsu’s voice as he looked down at her, his hand on her upper arm.

“Take me away.”  Sango whispered breathlessly as the pair disappeared onto the dance floor.


Kagome looked on as she saw turmoil unfold between her friends but there was something quite unexpected, she saw Sango being led out to the floor by non-other than Bankotsu.  Now what exactly was going on here? 

“What are you looking at my dear?”  Sesshoumaru asked as he was suddenly by her side. 

“Sango and…Ban.” 

“Really now?  That certainly is interesting.”  Sesshoumaru said with a quiet chuckle.

“My love, do you have something to do with this?”  Kagome asked as she quirked her eyebrow at Sesshoumaru.

“No, my angel.  However we could investigate.  I know that you have been dying to try out that new latin dance class that you have been trying out.  Your teacher says that you are coming along wonderfully by the way darling.”  Sesshoumaru smirked as his eyes smoldered into her own.

“Very well dear.”  Kagome said as if it was a chore, in all reality she was very excited that this was happening.

The seductive music started as Sesshoumaru pulled her closer and dipped her low to the floor, then bringing her up again.  There was a smirk on her face as the pair started to dance, she had never seen Sesshoumaru dance like this before and was quite surprised at what she found, and he was very good.  He was even, she suspected, trained.  As they danced she kept a particularly close eye upon Sango and Ban, she had to admit that she had never seen Sango move that way.  She was a seductress in her own right.  She seemed to be having fun as well and she could see that the pair were talking while they danced, she just couldn’t quite hear what they were talking about.

Sunset Miko
