Egypt's Where our Souls's Reside by *~*Missy*~*


If there was one thing that could be said about Kagome Hirugashi it was that she was one of the kindest people that he had ever met.  He had watched her for a long time, she had grown into a women that was a friend to all.  He was so privileged that one as pure and good as her had come to be with one such as him.  The most joy he received in his hectic day was watching her with their son.  She had accepted motherhood eagerly, though it had been tough how it had come upon her.  Now that he sat her watching her from Paradise he couldn’t be more pleased at watching the man he was becoming.  He was doing both of them proud.  Their time together had been short, but as he reflected upon that goodness that she was, that goodness that had transferred to their son, marking any blemishes that he may have had from him vanish; he could not have been happier.  He could not wait until the Promised Day that he was able to hold her once more, however until then he would wait and he would bask in her happiness.

I found it more effective to write Kagome through his persepective, I will most likely do the same when I come to writing about Osirus.  This is quite fun.  Read and Review my lovelies, it's my addiction :)

