She had by emmaren

she had


Warning it will not leave a warm fuzzy feeling.

She Had

She had died alone.

Cast aside by those she loved. Those she had ventured to help. Those she had offered acceptance. Those who could not overcome themselves, denied her.

She had loved unconditionally. She had brought salvation to the world, but most especially to the two sons of Inu no Taisho.

It was those two sons that saw her as weakness. When told to leave, she had left with a small smile. It was obvious that she did not blame, did not hate, and only forgave.

She had died alone.

Trapped in a world that did not understand her, could not appreciate her; she died alone.

Too late, had the stoic tai-youkai recognized his mistake... his only mistake. For her, he should have burned heaven, hell, and earth, but arrogance blinded him. Her body had remained cold too long for the compassion of his father's fang.

He had carried that burden. At times, he had pondered if it would have been less had absolution not been something she had already freely given him.

Sesshoumaru stood now at the base of a giant stone staircase. For centuries, he had carried her ash. Honor demanded he lay her to rest, in the care of her family. He faced a mother's tears, a brother's hate, and grandfather's scornful glare with indifference.

She had died alone. She had given fully the world her love. She had accepted its disdain with forgiveness.

She should have known happiness. She should have known love.

The boughs of the Goshinboku hung heavy with prayers.

"Next time, the world will know your true smile, this Sesshoumaru vows it."

She had died alone, and redemption was a hard path to walk when one had already been forgiven.


AN: I know, but for some reason it had to be said.