DDN Prompts by ForgottenOncePromised


A/N: Alright everyone! This is the first time I have ever partaken in a DDN and posted it on here for all of you readers to read! I hope you enjoy them! Please remember to review! Also please keep in mind that most -if not all of them- are/will most likely be not beta-ed.

- Lyssie!

July DDN 2013

Prompt: Courage

Word Count: 87

It was July. That meant fun at the beach with her family and friends – and this year the little girl with raven hair and big blue eyes of four years, was going to learn to swim.

She stood there, in her pink swim suit that had little purple flowers decorating it, staring out at the vast ocean in front of her in awe. ‘I’m going to swim,’ she thought, as she worked up the courage to take that first step, toward the big, blue body of water.