Glass by Lyss


Disclaimer: I don’t own anything, but this plot and whatever characters I make up.


Hello, everyone, I plan on trying one final time to write a story on here, so here it goes. Maybe this one will be a winner. Please let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is appreciated, but flames are not. I will try to update on a regular basis, however, my job takes a lot of my time and energy.


Chapter 1: Daze


“Lady Kagome…”

‘Hmm is it Monday already?’

“Lady Kagome…”

“Five more minutes, Mom…” Kagome rolled away from the offending noise, pulling up the sheets.

“…Uhm Lady Kagome? You need to get ready for the festival. Lord Sesshoumaru will be quite upset if you’re late!”

‘…W-what? Sesshoumaru?’ Kagome practically flew out of bed, blue eyes wide with fear trying to take in the surroundings, “Sesshoumaru? What is he doing here?”

The servant backed up a bit and Kagome realized that the woman staring back at her wasn’t human, her green eyes flickering with concern and dark hair in a simple bun.

“My Lady, are you feeling alright? Lord Sesshoumaru lives here, of course, and so do you.”

Kagome looked around the room, “Sesshoumaru lives here… and I-I live here?” There was confusion on her face and in her voice. Kagome while concerned about the information she was given, looked around the room trying to remember something, anything about the room.

‘What’s that supposed to mean? How did I come to live here with Sesshoumaru? We were just hunting for the shards and Naraku yesterday…weren’t we?’



“Inuyasha! Inuyasha!”

 “Oi, what is it, wench? Ya don’t have to shout ya know!”

 “You know we’ve been searching all day; we need to take a break for lunch.” The big old yellow backpack creaked as it was set down.

 “That bastard Naraku has got to be around here somewhere! We hafta keep going!”

 “I said we needed a break! Sit! Hmph, stubborn dog demons!”

 The group watched as Inuyasha made a hole in the ground, “Damn it, Kagome!”

 “I’ll start the fire!” cried out Miroku, quite happy for the break. Everyone started happily preparing a temporary camp site, ignoring the grumbling half demon.

 Flashback end


‘Inuyasha… Miroku… Sango… Shippou… Kirara…’ Each friend came into her head as she thought about what she last remembered. She remembered how beautiful the day was and how all the flowers were blooming around them as they trekked towards the final battle and the unknown. Kagome focused on those thoughts as she continued to look around trying to piece together what may have happened to explain why she was in Sesshoumaru’s home. And she couldn’t come up with any reason why she was here now. Something wasn’t right and she was going to figure it out one way or another.

There was a full length wooden ornate mirror in the far right corner of the room and when she saw her reflection, she jumped then moved closer.

“Wh-what happened to me? Who did this? Did Sesshoumaru do something to me?” Kagome looked at her hands and saw claws, for teeth she saw fangs, and found a dark blue stripe on each cheek and on her eye lids.

The wide eyed servant was taken aback, “What ever do you mean, my lady? Lord Sesshoumaru would never harm you…”

“I’m a human priestess, not a demon! What is going on here?” Kagome pointed an accusatory finger at the poor woman, “I want answers!”

The servant tried to get Kagome to calm down, “My lady, I am giving you the best answers that I possibly can. You were never a human priestess and you have always looked the way you do now. I think I need to get Lord Sesshoumaru and the healer down here immediately. Maybe you have injured your head.”

 “This is insane! I have never been a demon! Yes, yes, please get Sesshoumaru over here and maybe he will tell me what he has done to me.” Kagome kept looking at her claws, trying to figure out how this could have happened.

 “Please, rest, my lady.” The servant attempted to gently lead Kagome back to the futon she sprung up from, “Please, have a seat and I will come back with Lord Sesshoumaru. In the mean time, please try to calm down or you will lose yourself to your blood. Everything will be alright, my lady.”

 “My name is Kagome. Ka-Go-Me! Ugh!” Kagome took a seat even though she was still quite upset and didn’t want to listen to this woman who had to be lying to her face. “I will give that dog demon a piece of my mind! He can’t trap me here!”


A knock came from the shoji door across from Sesshoumaru’s desk.

 “Yes.” Sesshoumaru barely looked up from the scrolls he was reading.

 The servant who was just with Kagome came into the room and bowed low. Sesshoumaru looked up and felt a tinge of disappointment since he figured Kagome was not ready for the festival just yet; however, he did not let it show and waited for the servant to speak.

 “My Lord, I am sorry for interrupting, however, we seem to have a situation with Lady Kagome. She appears to have something wrong with her memory and she requested that I send for you. I believe the healer should see her as well.” The servant did not meet Sesshoumaru’s eyes, or for a moment, she would have seen frustration and concern flicker across his golden gaze.

 “Find the healer and bring her to my chambers.” Sesshoumaru stood up.

 “Yes, my lord, right away.” She said with another bow before walking swiftly from the room.

 ‘Why is it so difficult to get Kagome ready on time?’ Sesshoumaru thought as he walked down the hallway, servants bowing and steering clear of the irate dog demon. She always took a bit longer getting ready, but she never showed any signs of a mental problem nor childish antics until now.

 He made it to his rooms and slid the shoji door open.

 “Hey, mister! Don’t you know how to knock?” Kagome was still pretty angry and Sesshoumaru had some nerve just waltzing into her room.

 Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow, “This is my room, and I can come and go as I please.”

 Kagome’s angry flush faded and so did some color from her face, “Y-your room? Why the hell am I in your room? And what did you do with my friends? Where is Inuyasha!”

 Sesshoumaru didn’t understand what had gotten into her and tried his best to set things straight as calmly as he could while she stood in front of him yelling at him.

 “Kagome, you and I have been mated for two years now, so you should be in my room.” Was all Sesshoumaru could respond to before Kagome had another outburst.

 Kagome was at a loss for words, ‘Mated?’ She wondered what sort of crazy world she fell into this time, since that could be the only plausible scenario to her. Finally, Kagome managed to speak as the color drained from her face, “You mean to tell me that we…uhm… you know?”

 ‘Why can’t I remember such an important detail? What is wrong with me or where am I really?’ Her mind spinning with unanswered questions and it was becoming to be too much for her to handle.

 Kagome couldn’t look at Sesshoumaru as he stood in front of her, embarrassed and confused.

 “Yes, Kagome, do not make me repeat myself. Your friends should be getting ready for the festival as well, so you need to hurry up and get ready or you will not be able to see them.”

 “Really? Even Inuyasha is invited?” Kagome looked up hopefully, eyes lighting up a bit.

 “My half-brother has been asleep for 50 years. Some human priestess pinned him to a tree, how pathetic. He is an embarrassment to the family name. Do not mention his name in this house again.”

 Kagome gasped, “Inuyasha is not an embarrassment! He’s a very good friend of mine, you jerk! Why did you leave him there?”

 “That is impossible and I do not know where you are getting this notion from, but you cannot converse with those who cannot hear and speak. I left him there to serve out his punishment for falling in love with a human priestess and for being so weak.” Sesshoumaru was losing his patience, “Kagome, I do not know why you are acting this way, but if you do not want to attend the festival, I would rather you just say so instead of acting like a pup.”

 Kagome yelled in his face, “Why you… I’m not acting like a pup! You are keeping me hostage!”

 A knock came to the door and Sesshoumaru allowed them to enter. It was the healer and she brought with her a basket of herbs and other things that might aid in her lady’s condition.

 “My Lord and Lady, I have brought some herbs and tea. The tea and some of this plant here will serve to calm your frayed nerves and I brought some others that I am experiencing with to see if they will aid you in obtaining your lost memories. I would also like to check to see if you have any head wounds not noticed before.”

 The healer kept her head bowed as she spoke, long dark red hair cascading down the sides of her face.

 “I don’t need to calm down! I need to find Inuyasha!” Kagome was getting tired of the act, “Just drop the theatre crap and let me go home! Inuyasha won’t give up his sword for me, so just forget about it!”

 The healer glanced at Sesshoumaru who nodded for her to proceed.

 “I’m terribly sorry, my lady, but this must be done. Would you be so kind as to help me, my lord?”

 Sesshoumaru did not bother to give a nod, but grabbed a hold of Kagome and held her down.

 “No! Let me go!” Kagome tried fighting and thrashing, but it was not doing any good.

 The healer mixed her ingredients and when she was ready, she set golden eyes onto Sesshoumaru, “It’s ready. Now again, my lady, I am sorry. This will make you feel better, so drink up.”

 Sesshoumaru held the cup to her lips and she tried to fight him some more, realized she lost, and gave in.

 Kagome grimaced at the taste and smell, but soon she felt like the room was spinning just before she lost consciousness. ‘Inuyasha… Where are you?’

 Sesshoumaru and the healer tucked her back into bed. The healer checked Kagome for any head wounds.

 “Lady Kagome appears to not have any physical injuries, my Lord. Right now, I cannot figure out what is making her act this way.”

 “Ayame, thank you for your help, please make sure Kagome eats something while I entertain our guests.”

 “Of course, my lord, Sari and I will keep an eye on her. It is very strange why she has had these sudden delusions, but hopefully it is not long term.” Ayame bowed and left the room with her supplies, leaving Sesshoumaru to his thoughts.

 Maybe Kagome was having a temper tantrum because of all the time he spent in his office? Could she just be looking for attention or was this a more serious matter? He turned to look back at her before leaving the room, something about her seemed different or out of place. Something changed… He hoped she was not losing her mind for he enjoyed her company the most, besides his adopted daughter, Rin, of course.


Thanks for reading!