The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

The Reminder

Chapter 56 - The Reminder *Stitch* (Skye's Weekly Challenges)

Kagome and Sango sat waiting in the massage room, while Sesshoumaru leaned outside the door, happy to listen to their conversation. He rationalized that they knew he was there, so it wasn't eavesdropping. Whatever they chose to say, they knew he could hear. It was just nice to listen to Kagome's voice, talking so comfortably with someone. If only she could bring herself to talk with him like that. She had before, but something had changed this last day, and she was now obviously uncomfortable with him.

Sango sighed, catching the miko's attention.

"What's wrong, Sango?" Kagome asked.

"I... I'm not so sure I can do this," the slayer replied.

"Why not? Massages are great. So long as they don't crack any ribs or crush our spines with their added strength, you're going to love it," Kagome joked with a grin. "No, seriously. Why wouldn't you want a massage?"

"My... My back," Sango answered. When Kagome looked confused, she elaborated. "My scar."

"Oh," Kagome breathed. "Well, who cares about your scar? I'm sure they've seen worse. I wish I could have done a better job for you. I just didn't have a whole lot of experience stitching a person's skin together back then."

"You are much better now," the slayer agreed. "But it is not your fault. It was a rather large wound."

"Yeah, but the neater you stitch it, the smaller the scar. There is some stuff in my time that you can use that's supposed to reduce scars. I could get you some, and you could give it a shot. I don't know how well it would work, but it's worth a try, huh?"

"I don't know. It serves as a reminder, so that I can never forget what Naraku did to Kohaku," Sango said softly, her sadness obvious.

"You don't need a physical reminder. You're never going to forget your brother, just like you've never stopped fighting for him. If it makes you insecure, then we should try to do something about it."

"Yeah, I guess," the slayer replied hesitantly.

"And the first step to get more comfortable with yourself is to join me for a massage," Kagome said brightly. "You have nothing to be ashamed of."

Sango smiled. "Yeah, I guess so. I've never had a massage before."

"Trust me, it's worth it. You know how I am about people seeing me naked, but I'm willing to lay here with a towel over my butt and nothing else to get one. You'll feel like melted butter when you're done."

The slayer giggled and finally disrobed, taking her place on the table beside Kagome. She was just in time, too, as there was a knock on the door moments later.

Outside, Sesshoumaru had to fight to keep a smirk off his face. It was so like his angel to try and assure everyone that they were perfect just the way they were. He would not be put off by whatever scars the miko had, and he was certain she had to have at least a few from her time fighting demons and collecting jewel shards. They would just be proof of her strength. He was sure they would be as beautiful as the rest of her.