The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

The Singularity

Chapter 32 - The Singularity *tree* (Riku Ryuu's Random Prompts)

Sesshoumaru had difficulty hiding his pleasure at the group being reunited once more. He felt rather like a puppy eager to greet his master, and though it would seem unlikely, he didn't really mind it all that much. Having accepted just how strongly he felt for her, he no longer saw a point in trying to deceive himself about it.

In the beginning, most of his confusion had been based on the fact that he could not believe that he was attracted to a human. Having acknowledged that fact now, it wasn't nearly as bad as he had once thought it to be. She was an amazing creature, human or not, and there wasn't a thing about her that he would wish to change, except, of course, her feelings for him. He would give anything to have her feel as strongly for him as he did for her.

He still had no idea how to go about getting what he wanted. He had never pursued a woman. Hell, he didn't have a lot of experience with the opposite sex at all. He didn't have time to play like his mother did. He had no need for concubines, and no desire to have a female clinging to him in hopes of elevating her position in life by becoming his mate. He was by no means a virgin, but he had been alive for centuries and most of his sexual experience was in his youth, back before his father's death. Once he became the Lord of the West, he became far too busy for such things.

If only he had someone to ask for advice, but the only one he went to with questions was Bokuseno, and he wasn't making a trip to the tree for this. He doubted the ancient youkai knew any more than he did about women, being a tree, and he didn't want to be away from Kagome for a moment, let alone how long such a trip would take.

No, he would have to figure things out by himself, and hope for the best. Her innocence was, he hoped, to his advantage. He could only hope that she was just as inexperienced with being courted as he was with doing the courting. That was really his only chance, unless she liked a bumbling fool trying to gain her attentions and affections. He had no desire to be one, but he didn't discount the possibility. It was difficult to be suave and debonair when one had no idea how to go about being so.