The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

The Confrontation

Chapter 27 - The Confrontation *Imperial* (Skye's Weekly Challenges)

Shippo's eyes widened at the exact moment Inuyasha's head snapped up. Moments later, Sango and Miroku sensed it, too, and they all rushed to gather their weapons. They headed outside and stood in a tight semi-circle, hiding Kagome behind them where she sat on Kaede's small porch. She had cried herself out the day before, and now was just sitting out in the cold, staring off into the distance, as if she was awaiting Prince's return. All of her companions felt guilty. Inuyasha had even attempted to track the dog in the hopes of giving the distraught miko some kind of hope or at least closure.

Inuyasha grumbled loudly as his much-hated older half-brother approached, taking his good sweet time. He wasn't in the mood to screw around, not with Kagome in her current state, and he wanted to get the taiyoukai on his way as soon as possible. Finally, Sesshoumaru came to a stop directly in front of them.

"What the fuck do you want, you bastard?" the hanyou growled. "You can't have my sword!"

"That is exactly what I desire, little brother, or at least the use of it."

"No way in hell!"

Sesshoumaru seemed to ignore Inuyasha's abrasive attitude as he continued on. "I have come to request your assistance in the removal of a barrier. I thought that if anyone could bring it down, it would be you and the red Tetsusaiga."

The hanyou sputtered in shock at what seemed awfully close to a compliment from the inuyoukai who made it his life's work to make him miserable. After a moment, Inuyasha shook it off and glared at the taiyoukai.

"Why the fuck should I help you?"

"Because, Inuyasha, if you assist me, I will accept you as my brother." Sesshoumaru couldn't help but smirk as the hanyou's eyes nearly bulged out of his skull. "I will accept you as our father's son. You will no longer be considered a bastard, but as second heir to the West. You will be treated with the same respect as this Sesshoumaru receives. You and your companions will be welcome in the Western Lands and in the Western palace."

"No way. Your mother would never allow that," Inuyasha said slowly. He could sense no deception in Sesshoumaru's words, but he knew, just knew, that it simply wasn't possible.

"My mother no longer has any say. In fact, she will soon be vacating the palace completely. So, do you accept my offer, Inuyasha?" The taiyoukai had to fight not to look smug. What he was proposing would piss his mother off to no end. To officially accept her mate's bastard son would shame her. As it was, she could deny Inuyasha's paternity, but once Sesshoumaru acknowledged the hanyou, it would become official. Everyone would know that her mate chose to lay with a human woman, that he abandoned her bed for another.

That wasn't Sesshoumaru's only reasoning, however. He knew just how important Inuyasha was to Kagome. He had seen, over and over, her disapproval when they fought. She despised the way he treated the half-breed, and if he ever wanted to get on her good side, that would have to change. It wouldn't hurt him to acknowledge Inuyasha. Everyone knew he was the great Dog-General's son as it was. Yes, being in his presence would be irritating, but the miko came with the hanyou. It was a package deal, one he was willing to accept.

"Is this not what you've always wanted, Inuyasha?" Sango whispered to the hanyou.

"Yes, and think of the luxury of the palace. Servants to attend to your every need." The monk waggled his eyebrows at his friend, making Inuyasha huff.

"Like it fucking matters. Nothing would change. He's full of shit."

"I give you my word as Lord of the Western Lands, here, in front of witnesses, that if you assist me, you will be officially acknowledged as my blood. On my honor, everything will change."

"Where's this fucking barrier anyway, and why can't you bring it down yourself?" Inuyasha asked, trying to give himself time to think.

"Inuyasha, if you're going to interrogate your brother, at least invite him inside," Kagome said softly from behind her friends. Sesshoumaru had known she was close, because he could both smell and sense her, but he hadn't known her exact location until that moment. He stepped to the side slightly and finally saw her. Pain washed through him at the empty look in her eyes when they met with his. He watched as one single tear ran down her cheek before she wiped it away angrily.

She had been fine, had finally pulled herself together, when she caught sight of Sesshoumaru gazing down at her. His golden eyes and the markings on his cheeks, however, reminded her so much of Prince that she had been unable to hold back, though that one tear was it. She was not going to keep crying. She was stronger than that. Whatever had happened to Prince, she knew that he had cared about her, that he had been grateful for her help. That was all that really mattered, or that was what she was trying to convince herself.

The hanyou glanced behind him, knowing that he could trust her opinion more than anyone else's. She had a way of reading people, of knowing what was in someone's heart as if it were her own. Seeing her friend's imploring look, Kagome pulled herself to her feet and approached the taiyoukai.

"All you want is for Inuyasha to attempt to break a barrier with the Tetsusaiga?" she asked, her tone quiet and reserved.

"Yes," Sesshoumaru answered, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart as she gazed deeply into his eyes as if searching his soul.

"And if he does, you will acknowledge him as your blood? Everything that you said would happen will happen?"


"And if he does not succeed in bringing down the barrier?"

"All I ask is that he try. If he fails, he will still be acknowledged."

The miko nodded once and walked back towards her friends. Inuyasha looked at her questioningly and she smiled. "He means what he's saying. I'd do it."

"All this just because of a barrier? Where is this barrier that it's so important."

"It is not simply because of the barrier," Sesshoumaru said, though he had no intention of elaborating. "The barrier is over the Western border."

Inuyasha's eyes widened. "How the hell did that happen?"

"Sesshoumaru," Kagome said softly, her tone still empty of feeling. "Would you like to come inside and sit? There's no need to continue discussing this out here in the cold."

"Like you weren't out here already, wench," Inuyasha muttered.

Sesshoumaru nodded. "Yes, thank you, Kagome." The corners of his lips twitched upward minutely as her eyes widened in shock. Apparently, she had been under the impression that he did not know her name. Wouldn't she be surprised to learn just how much he knew about her?