The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

The Foreboding

Chapter 208 - The Foreboding


*Foreboding Force* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

Kagome was looking over the list of repairs needed to the various servants' quarters when she frowned, making Hana, the head servant, nervous. She knew it was a lot, and she feared that the new Lady would disapprove once she saw all the repairs that needed to be done.

"Is something wrong?" Hana asked nervously.

"Huh?" Kagome said, suddenly snapped out of her concentration.

"Is something wrong with the list, My Lady?"

"Oh! No, the list is fine. Do we have people capable of doing these tasks, or do we need to hire someone for the repairs?"

"We have servants who perform regular maintenance. They should be able to handle the jobs without issue," Hana replied. She was hesitant to continue but felt it was necessary. Something was clearly bothering the new Lady of the West. "Is everything all right?"

Kagome closed her eyes and was perfectly still for a long moment before opening her eyes and replying. "Can you feel that? The air feels dark, oppressive, like something is coming."

Hana closed her eyes and concentrated on her senses before nodding. "I do feel that something is off, My Lady, but it seems to be a good distance away still. It is dancing at the very edge of my senses." She was surprised that Kagome could feel it, but then she was a powerful miko. That had to explain it.

"I have to go see Sesshoumaru," the miko said. "Tell the maintenance workers to get started. Have them do the worst rooms first, okay?"

"Yes, My Lady," Hana said with a low bow, accepting the list back from the Western Lady.

Kagome hurried away in search of her mate. Something was coming in their direction, and she needed to find out if he could sense it as well.

- *A 90 Year-Old Girl* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

Kagome found Sesshoumaru in his study, speaking with Atsushi. He was still working with his new assistant to ensure he knew what was important and what he was to deal with on his own. Seeing the concerned expression on his mate's face, he stopped speaking mid-word, his focus now completely on the miko.

"Can you feel that?" she asked. "Something wicked is on its way."

Sesshoumaru scanned his surroundings, finally sensing what Kagome seemed to feel so easily. He nodded. "I do believe we will have company by this evening," he replied. "Perhaps the witch has located Naraku."

"That would be a relief," she said with a sigh. "Are you sure it's her?"

"Yes, I can recognize her aura."

Her hand wrapped around the chuck of the jewel that hung around her neck, and the seriousness that entered Kagome's eyes had Sesshoumaru realizing just how determined she was to defeat Naraku. She appeared much older in that moment, the playful innocence falling away to reveal the old soul underneath. She could seem so childlike at times, but in this moment, she was mature and dedicated to her task. The spider hanyou didn't stand a chance.

"I should warn the others. They'll need time to prepare. I assume we will be going as soon as we learn his location," she said, all lightness gone from her tone.

"Depending on where he is, we can leave at first light. That is assuming that Migotoyami has located him."

"Why else would she come? Certainly not to tell us she's failed. She has to have the information we seek, otherwise, she would never come here."

Sesshoumaru nodded his agreement and watched as Kagome left the room to find her companions. They had been enjoying their rest, taking advantage of living the pampered life, but now it was time for battle.