The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

The Advantage

Author's Note: It's about that time again. Christmas cards. I no longer live at the address listed in some of the older chapters of my fics, so if you want to send cards to me and the kids (who would be absolutely thrilled to receive mail, like any kid would be) send me a message and I'll send you my new address. I've decided I should be more responsible (ha!) and not post my address online for everyone to see, even though it would be a lot easier that way.

Chapter 166 - The Advantage *Leaf of Equilibrium*

Once everyone had begun to eat, Sesshoumaru decided it was time to inform them about what he learned during his visit with Migotoyami. It was important news, and he knew that everyone would be excited about what would come next.

"I learned something else while I was visiting the witch," the taiyoukai started. "She told me that darkness cannot hide from darkness."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Inuyasha asked, his frustration with not getting an answer out of Kagome about the injuries she mentioned obvious in his voice.

"She can find Naraku for us."

The sound of chopsticks being dropped was all that was heard for several moments as everyone tried to absorb the information.

"Really?" Kagome breathed in surprise. It couldn't really be that easy, could it?

"Tell me, when was the last time you had any contact with Naraku," Sesshoumaru inquired.

Everyone thought for a minute before Miroku answered. "It was in early November. I remember, because it snowed for the first time a week or so later."

"And there has been no hint of him since then?"

"No, but we can't travel as well in the winter, so that could be why," Inuyasha replied.

"And last winter? Did you encounter him at all once the weather turned cold?"

"No, I don't think we did," Sango said thoughtfully. "He didn't show his face until spring. Does that mean something?"

"It confirms what Migotoyami told me. The spider hanyou is weakened by the cold. He must hide himself during the winter months or risk defeat."

"He's cold blooded!" Kagome exclaimed. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that? He can't control his own body temperature so he has to use external sources to stay warm. During the summer he's fine, even spring and fall wouldn't be too much to keep him from warming up, but during the winter he would have to go to great lengths not to freeze. I wouldn't be surprised if he buries himself and hibernates the whole time."

"So we've been wandering around in the snow for nothing?" Inuyasha muttered.

"Well, not for nothing. We've found a few jewel shards during the winter, but now it makes sense that we never run into him when it's cold," Kagome replied.

"If he's so weak from the cold, and if we knew where he was, we could take him out easily!" the hanyou said, his frustration morphing into excitement.

"Exactly, though it is unlikely that he left himself unprotected. Still, if Migotoyami is able to narrow down his location for us like she believes, we would have a great advantage," Sesshoumaru agreed.

"And she said she could find him?" Shippo asked eagerly. Finally, the end was in sight. If they could kill the evil spider hanyou and take the portion of the jewel that he held, it wouldn't be long until they finished the Shikon!

"How long will it take her?" Kagome inquired. "The snow is almost melted. Spring is right around the corner, and then we lose our advantage."

"She said that narrowing down his location could take several weeks." When everyone groaned their disappointment, Sesshoumaru smirked. "It will not be a problem. More snow is coming. The winter is not over yet."

Inuyasha smirked. "I knew I smelled a storm last time I walked Lucky over there," he said while jerking his head towards the dog that was doing her best to ignore everyone.

"Indeed. The tides have turned in our favor. Your quest will soon come to an end."