The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

The Lesson

Chapter 133 - The Lesson *Cold Bullet Blues* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

"You know," the miko started. "We're going to have to be careful. I can't get pregnant before we kill Naraku. It just wouldn't be safe."

"I told you, I can scent when you are fertile. I will not pup you until you are ready."

Kagome laughed. "But sperm can live inside a woman for three days! Who knows how long demon swimmers can last. I might not be fertile now, but they might survive until I am."

"Sperm?" he repeated questioningly.

"That's the things in your... stuff... that makes the baby."

"My stuff?" he said in an amused tone.

"You know what I mean. Your semen, ejaculate, whatever. What do you call it?"

"Seed," he replied as if that were the only logical answer.

"But that's not right. It's not a seed that you plant in my womb, and it grows. Your sperm swim until they find my egg, and then they combine to make a baby."

"Pup," he corrected. "Tell me of these sperm," he said while rolling the foreign word over his tongue. He shifted, and they both groaned as his now flaccid length slid out of her body.

"Ugh," Kagome groaned, feeling as their combined bodily fluids dripped down her thigh. "Now I'm going to be all sticky. Umm, sperm. Well, they're tiny, microscopic, which means you can't see them without magnification. They're, well, not like worms, but not like fish either. They swim. They have a big head and a long wiggly tail."

"The knowledge of your people is incredible."

"You know what? I'll have to show you the chapter in my heath book. It's got pictures. Maybe I should go on birth control." She could practically feel the question bubbling up inside him, so she continued. "It tricks the body into thinking it's already pregnant so it doesn't become fertile. Gods, I do not want to have to explain to my mother why I need birth control. But it would only last for so long, so I'd have to keep going back to my time."

"I have been thinking on this," Sesshoumaru interjected. "I believe you should continue to visit your time to collect supplies and see your family until Naraku has been defeated."

"Yeah, but once I complete the jewel, I don't know what will happen. I wouldn't risk going through the well again and ending up stuck in my time, so I'd have to tell everyone goodbye before then."

Just the thought of having to wait five hundred years to see her again was terrifying, and he held her closer to his body. "Once we have defeated Naraku, would you wish to carry my pup?"

Kagome smiled. "Of course I will. Until then, though, we have to do something. I guess the next time I go home, I'll have to bite the bullet and have Mama take me to the doctor. That is not going to be fun in the least."

"She will not approve?" he asked in concern, ignoring her strange phrase.

"Who knows? It's more just that it will be embarrassing to have to talk to my mother about sex." Kagome mentally shuddered at the thought of that uncomfortable conversation. "Until then, maybe we shouldn't, you know." Sesshoumaru sighed against her shoulder, and Kagome laughed softly. "Would it really be that bad?" she asked.

"It will be torture."