The Heroic and Super-Duper Trials of a Girl and a Demon by UnknownRandomness

Purple Grape

Prompt: Innocent (Week 14)

Word Count: 281

"Should we be doing this?"

"I don't know, but you're having fun aren't you?"

"Yes! Rin thinks you look like a great warrior- will you go on an adventure?"

"I shall, and you can come too!"


Kagome woke slowly, reluctant to greet the new day. Sesshoumaru had worked them hard yesterday as the hot sun had bore down on them. Even the toad had wanted to stop! Eventually they had made camp, the inu putting Jaken in charge before continuing en route- where to, she had no idea.

Groaning, the time-traveller slowly moved , every muscle making itself known quite painfully- if she could walk it would be a miracle. 

Hushed whispers caught her attention and she raised her head to look at the children who were bent over something.

"Mmmm, morning you little tykes."

They turned towards her, and for a moment Kagome couldn't process what she was seeing. The two younglings had painted their faces with Shippo's crayons in what could only be described as war paint.

"I am Shippo! Ruler of all Edo!" Pulling a purple crayon from his hair he offered it to the tired woman.

"With this magic dye you will be a fearsome warrior like Shippo-san!"

They scampered towards her, smiles accompanying the colour adorning their faces. "How do we look?" Rin giggled.

Looking up into their innocent eyes, Kagome smiled. "Terrifying." Plopping her head back down, the young woman pondered how they had so much energy. Maybe she should try some of this 'magic dye'.

Hearing stifled giggles, she turned her head to look at the kids and had to stifle a giggle of her own.

'Bubblegum Pink' and 'Purple Grape' really didn't suit Jaken.