The Heroic and Super-Duper Trials of a Girl and a Demon by UnknownRandomness


Prompt: Ancient (Week 6)

Word Count: 372

Kagome blinked, not quite sure whether her calculations were correct. 'If they are, then today is a good day.' Slowly slipping out of her sleeping bag, the cheerful woman found her toiletries and headed towards a stream her small camp was near, careful not to step on anything that would wake the others. 

'With his sharp hearing, I bet he knows I've left.' Indeed, when she reached the slow-flowing water, Sesshoumaru was already there, standing on a boulder, face tilted to meet the rising sun. 

Ignoring his ethereal beauty, the miko knelt by the shore and splashed her face, before looking at the youkai. "Good morning Sesshoumaru-sama. I hope you slept well."

"You are happy."

Smiling, she met his amber eyes. "Yep, it's my birthday today! A day older than yesterday and a year older than this time 12 months ago." 

Squirting a tiny amount of moisturizer onto her hand, she proceeded to lightly coat her face as he watched her- which he did quite often in the morning.

"How many summers are you?" Kagome raised a brow at that question.

"If you mean how old, I am now 21." Hearing him snort, she raised her head from her toothbrush.

"That is not old. If you were youkai you would still be a pup." Frowning at his derisory tone, she stood and glared at the youkai who was swiftly spoiling her mood. "I'll have you know that I am considered an adult in most countries! I can drink, and purchase alcohol, drive, own property, marry and own a firearm amongst many other things! How old are you?" 

Stepping down from the rock, Sesshoumaru walked towards her leisurely. "This Sesshoumaru is in his seven-hundred and eighty-first year." 

Kagome stared at him, stunned. The words gradually seeped into her shocked brain and she started to laugh. 'Oh Kami! No wonder he thinks I'm young! HAHAHA!'

Hiccuping through her giggles she turned back to the stream. "Wow. You're ancient! Jeez... and I thought Gramps was old!" 

The young woman turned back just in time to be pushed into the cold water. Spluttering, Kagome clambered back onto dry land. "W... wh-what was tha-t for?!" Walking back to camp Sesshoumaru replied,

"This Sesshoumaru is not ancient... Happy Birthday."