Breakpoint by UnknownRandomness


Prompt: Crisis

Word Count: 207

"Sesshoumaru, I am having a crisis here! The least you could do is be more supportive!"

The inuyoukai sighed inaudibly before stating monotonously, 

"Not being able to find a matching pair of socks is hardly a crisis, Kagome."

Said woman stopped moving to glare at the back of her mate's head. Not a crisis? Who was he to decide what was or was not a crisis in her life? She had a job interview! Matching socks were a must! How could one make a good impression about being organised if they couldn't even find a pair of socks?

"How about you help me look for them, then?" The miko asked exasperatedly. She was going to be late!  

"There is no need."

Kagome's head snapped up from looking in the wardrobe to look expectantly at the inu reclining face down on the bed. Did he know where her socks had gone? Was he going to be her saviour?

"The washing machine has clearly eaten the complimentary socks... This one warned you that that electronic contraption had bad intentions."

Resisting the urge to facepalm, Kagome continued to dig through the drawers, not deigning to give the demon a reply. She should have known better than to count on him.