The Matter of Age-The Awakening by Selena Ravo

Present, Past, and Future?

"Jaken." a males voice said, sounding bored.

"Yes, M'Lord?" the squeaky, squawky voice asked. 

 "How much longer 'til that girls era?"


"No days nor hours, Lord Sesshoumaru..." the second voice responded.

 Jaken, a Kappa, had learned to take human form.  Though in his  own temple for Royal Servants of Inu-Sesshoumaru, the Kappa's  thoughts had awakened at the hour of a certain childs birth.  The Inu and and Kappa were now encased in stone.  Their spirits did not rest for the last few Era's. 

There had been a terrible war among extradorinary creatures and to save themselves at the last moments of life, Sesshomaru  and his court went into Statues of the Japanese Gods that were laying in a nearby mortal village.   The war ravaged villages and killed many.  

So when the child was born, the court awakened but found themselves to be trapped in stone. In modern Japan.  But on with our story!

"Jaken, I have discovered  that we can release two of our court.    You and I will discover that Miko's 'Tokyo' " Sesshomaru  thought to his servant. Falling out of the statues in a burst of magenta light a human looking Jaken -brown hair greenish yellowy eyes and tan skin- and a regular Sess.  appeared. 


"Grandpa!  Did you see that light coming from the shrines?"  the priestess in trainin, Kagome Higurashi, said to the elder Higurashi.

 "Ahh! Kagome already has sensed The Awakening!" the man howled.

 As a priest, The Awakening, was a huge most, when a creature of the heavens came to Earth, they only sensed their own fear. 


The festival was quite odd to Sesshoumaru.   So much noise!  The smells-Ugh! Everyone was staring at him and Jaken.  "Are they Cosplayers?" a woman asked her mate.  Everyone was dressed so odd!  And whhat was a 'Cosplayer'?  Sesshoumaru and Jaken were approached by a lovely, familar scent.  "Kagome." Sesshoumaru thought. A child and elderly human man approached them.  The child had the scent in waves whilist the kimonoed man smelled dirty.  The man barked "Kagome! Bow to the figure of Lord Sesshomaru!  He has returned!"  the child bowed with her elder. 

Jaken gawked.  "M'Lord! That is not-?" he sqwauked. "Yes, Jaken. We are not there yet."  Sesshoumaru growled.


"Whats wrong, mister? Is you'r mind still fuzzy?" Kagome asked Sesshomaru.   "Impudence, girl!" Jaken yelled.   Kagome snapped "Quiet, Mr. Kappa!  I twasn't talking to you!"  

Sesshomaru let out a low rumble.  Feisty as ever.    Kagome stared and pulled on his mokomoko. "OW!" the great Inu of the Western Lands said. 

~What is wrong with me? Why am I so vocal with her?~

Grandpa Higurashi scolded Kagome "Do not touch the Great Inu!" The raven haired child started crying.

Sesshoumaru's eyes turned red, and stripes went jagged.  His beast rumbled inside to the sane part "He hurt our mate! Kill him!"  Kagome and Jaken fled to the corner of the kitchen.   The beast inside of Sess. whimpered to the more....human...part of Sesshoumaru "Why does mate run? " 

The Elder Higurashi was frozen in fear.  This could not be! His little angel was claimed by the Great Sesshoumaru?!!?! 

Sesshoumaru's eyes turned a brighter crimson as he neared his claimed.  Kagome let out a whimpering sound and it struck his icy heart with the strength of his own poisen whip.  Kagome was shaking and holding onto the pale faced Jaken.